Examples of the the word, cruel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cruel ), is the 6165 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. I feel that keeping gay people in the closet with our actions and attitudes is, cruel ,and tacky, and most of all,it's boring. I think we need to respect each other
  2. Started by AME no Azure, a shaman-like female deity. One day, fed up with her, cruel ,younger brother, the sun goddess, Amaterasu,hid herself in a cave. The world
  3. Is replaced by the Roman Mars, a romantic emblem of manly valor rather than the, cruel ,and bloodthirsty god of Greek mythology. Popular culture Ares figures in
  4. On the Celts had common themes, primarily primitivism, extreme ferocity, cruel ,sacrificial practices, and the strength and courage of their women. Under
  5. Charity, piety,restraint, meekness,and submission; evil seen as worldly, cruel , selfish, wealthy,and aggressive. Nietzsche sees slave-morality born out of
  6. Law. Later constitutions Athens In 621 BC a scribe named Draco codified the, cruel ,oral laws of the city-state of Athens; this code prescribed the death penalty
  7. An indirect statement (e.g. Digit me foods serum," He said that I had been, cruel ,;" in later Latin works, such as the Vulgate, such a construction is replaced
  8. Is unfairly applied to racial minorities and the poor, and considers it ", cruel ,and unusual" punishment. The organization often opposes executions on the
  9. A cruel person. Here it is also clear that since humans can choose to be either, cruel ,or good, they are, in fact, neither of these things essentially. Angst "
  10. A fictional plot to overthrow Domitian (Piero Lull),who has grown into a, cruel ,and murderous despot, which is in the end joined by the Praetorian guard. *
  11. Sometimes lunched with the plebeians. They also paint him as bloodthirsty and, cruel , overly fond of both gladiatorial combat and executions, and very quick to
  12. Can choose to act differently, and to be a good person instead of a, cruel ,person. Here it is also clear that since humans can choose to be either cruel
  13. We believe every savage to be in his heart covetous, treacherous,and, cruel , " Last year's On 9 June 1865,while returning from Paris with Terran, Dickens
  14. Then 12,000 Asiatic black bears are held in" bear farms ", where they suffer, cruel ,conditions while being held in tiny cages. The bile is extracted through a
  15. English lord. The Scots continue to live under the iron fist of Longshanks ', cruel ,laws. Wallace intends on living as a farmer and avoiding involvement in the
  16. Are wholly different in nature.: For one fosters evil war and battle, being, cruel , : her no man loves; but perforce, through the will of the deathless gods, men
  17. Rose replied," I indeed, dear Amaranth, flourish but for a brief season! If no, cruel ,hand pluck me from my stem, yet I must perish by an early doom. But thou art
  18. S parasite. Since Mahayana Buddhists recognize the consumption of meat to be, cruel ,and devoid of compassion, some Mahayana Buddhists are vegetarians. Numbers of
  19. Is gone from Casey's lip, his teeth are clenched in hate;: He pounds with, cruel ,violence his bat upon the plate.: And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now
  20. He didn't. Russell also disliked Alys's mother, finding her controlling and, cruel , It was to be a hollow shell of a marriage, and they finally divorced in 1921
  21. Younger and Suetonius published histories propagating the view of Domitian as a, cruel ,and paranoid tyrant. Modern history has rejected these views, instead
  22. Fascinated by the sport; he saw in it the brutality of war juxtaposed against a, cruel ,beauty. In June 1925,Hemingway and Hadley left Paris for their annual visit to
  23. An anthropomorphic panther who burned down Lucca's orphanage. A sadistic and, cruel ,agent of the supercomputer FATE, Lynx is bent on finding Serge, with and
  24. Particularly interested in research on identical twins, Mengele performed, cruel ,experiments on them, such as inducing diseases in one twin and killing the
  25. Hills. Many people at the time viewed horse-drawn transit as unnecessarily, cruel , however metal wheels on a metal track have much less friction than wooden
  26. Into an Oriental despot in his old age:" a hero ... degenerating into a, cruel ,and dissolute monarch ". Modern interpretations of Constantine's rule begin
  27. Publication, and Don Quixote's imaginings are the butt of outrageous and, cruel ,practical jokes in the novel. Even faithful and simple Sancho is
  28. In Japan, ushering in a new era of ultra-violent samurai films, known as ", cruel ,films" ( Bangkok age). The movie and its black comic tone were also widely
  29. An individual could be outwardly attractive but inwardly thoughtless and, cruel , It is also possible to be in an" ugly mood," which is a temporary, internal
  30. Of cruel ty such persons are themselves responsible for their new identity (a, cruel ,person). This is as opposed to their genes, or 'human nature ', bearing the
  31. One of his most controversial inventions, and was popularly mischaracterized as, cruel ,and experimental. It was designed to make the early childcare simpler (by
  32. Experience. The 10 pagers showcased Donald as every man, struggling against the, cruel ,bumps and bruises of everyday life with the nephews often acting as a Greek
  33. That was printed on January 29, 2007,Thackeray remarked, Hitler did very, cruel ,and ugly things. But he was an artist, I love him (for that). He had the
  34. Six shillings a week pasting labels on blacking. The strenuous – and often, cruel ,– work conditions made a deep impression on Dickens, and later influenced his
  35. Punishment, The Abbasid Caliphs in Baghdad, such as Al-Mu'ta did, were often, cruel ,in their punishments. However it should be noted mercy is considered preferable
  36. Fearing that the Baron has allowed himself to become obese. As ruthless and, cruel ,as he is intelligent and cunning, the Baron's greatest skill is his talent for
  37. It was charged that a nine-year-old boy had been bled to death, suffering, cruel , torture; thirty Jews confessed to the crime and were publicly burned. The true
  38. In February 2010. Human rights activists oppose the death penalty, calling it ", cruel , inhuman, and degrading punishment ". Amnesty International considers it to be
  39. Good publicity for Diocletian, and it aided in his portrayal of Carious as a, cruel ,and oppressive tyrant. Julia nus' forces were weak, however,and were handily
  40. God "," the Prince of Darkness "," the source of all evil "," a demon "," a, cruel , wrathful, warlike tyrant "," Satan "," the devil ", and " the first beast of
  41. Someone who acts cruel ly towards other people is, by that act, defined as a, cruel ,person. Furthermore, by this action of cruel ty such persons are themselves
  42. Merchant from London, whose name was Brook Watson: a man of malicious and, cruel ,disposition ". On arrival at Falmouth, England,after a crossing under filthy
  43. Gather to focus their energies into finding a way to strike back against the, cruel ,Emperor of the surface. Together, the party manages to assassinate Emperor
  44. Incident, in which his work is harshly rejected, portrays Eddington as rather, cruel ,and dogmatic, and is at variance with Eddington's character as described by
  45. Fights. Interrupted in the end by Daisy herself who accuses Donald of being, cruel ,to the two" innocent" chipmunks. The short ends with Donald having to forget
  46. Book of Obadiah is occupied with one subject – the punishment of Odom for its, cruel ,and brotherly love conduct towards Judah ...” One can link this idea of
  47. The Duke welcomed the French commander –" I am very sorry that such a, cruel ,misfortune should have fallen upon a soldier for whom I have the highest regard
  48. Other states for generations. From the view of the citizens, these vicars were, cruel ,and petty. When Cesare eventually took power, he was viewed by the citizens as
  49. With goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he, who is, cruel ,to living creatures, cannot be a good man. Nothing leads more definitely to a
  50. Firmness and zeal in the cause of his country, manifested during his long and, cruel ,captivity, as well as on former occasions," Vermont Republic Return home

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