Examples of the the word, consolidate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( consolidate ), is the 6164 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the genus 'rhombus '. In such a case, it is notationally convenient to, consolidate ,the definitions into one definition that is expressed with multiple genera (
  2. Many of the 275 municipalities after 1 April 1974 built large city halls to, consolidate ,the administration, thus,changing the cityscape of Denmark. It also
  3. Investment in other sectors. The question remains whether Chad will continue to, consolidate ,its economic reforms and invest its oil revenues wisely in order to encourage a
  4. Began in 2000. Under the terms of the agreement, HP and Coca-Cola FEMSA will, consolidate ,348 locations to a single data center in Mexico and migrate business-critical
  5. To return to Peru and this time take a definitive possession of Cuzco to, consolidate ,an inheritance for his son. Without wasting time and dismayed, Almagro
  6. William, the so-called" Great Elector ", who worked tirelessly to rebuild and, consolidate ,the nation. He moved the royal residence to Potsdam. Kingdom of Prussia and
  7. To have been motivated mostly from political considerations, and intended to, consolidate ,the migration's cohesion, distinguishing them from the Catholic Romans. It
  8. Forms on time. Additionally, in 1970,computer technology was introduced to, consolidate ,the individual-completed census forms and canvassers' followup forms, in lieu
  9. Systems. In 1960 the subsidiary GT&E International Incorporated was formed to, consolidate ,manufacturing and marketing activities of Sylvia, Automatic Electric, and
  10. Defense Staff. He served in this post for six years during which he was able to, consolidate ,the three service departments of the military branch into a single Ministry of
  11. Government with other parties of the National Front and moved quickly to, consolidate ,power. The decisive step took place in February 1948,during a series of events
  12. Particularly predominated from the 1940s through the 1960s,and helped to, consolidate ,a clichéd image of the region. In a very different vein, the province of
  13. Pizarro and Alvaro initially worked together in the founding of new cities to, consolidate ,their dominions. As such, Pizarro dispatched Alvaro to the Inca Empire's
  14. Of equal volume, with each layer being tamped with a steel rod in order to, consolidate ,the layer. When the cone is carefully lifted off, the enclosed material will
  15. The Cruel, Duke of Bohemia, and Minsk I of Poland was concluded. In order to, consolidate ,the agreement, in 965 Boles lav I's daughter Drama was married to Minsk I.
  16. Empire and returned to their home in the Hungarian Great Plain, perhaps to, consolidate ,and strengthen their empire. Theodosius used this opportunity to strengthen the
  17. Left the Museum of Natural History, he negotiated with Columbia University to, consolidate ,the various professors into one department, of which Boas would take charge.
  18. Small, yet growing body of evidence that supports the idea that REM sleep helps, consolidate ,highly emotional declarative memories. For instance Wagner, et al. compared
  19. Reign, Abd Brahman showed a firm resolve to quash the rebels of Landaus, consolidate ,centralized power, and reestablish internal order within the emirate. To
  20. Under one of the Crusader leaders. The Latin Empire was, however,unable to, consolidate ,control of the whole of the former territories of the Byzantine Empire. Driven
  21. Prophet who came in the shadow of the dispensation of Moses to develop and, consolidate ,the process he set in motion. David in the LDS Faith The Doctrine and Covenants
  22. 18th coup d'état since independence in 1975. Atari, however,failed to, consolidate ,power and reestablish control over the islands, which was the subject of
  23. Not as powerful on the whole as the sum total of consumers, have the ability to, consolidate ,their power in ways that make it much more attractive for governing bodies to
  24. Islamic state and in 1991 established the Abu SAAF. He then worked to, consolidate ,his leadership of the Abu SAAF, causing the group to appear inactive for a
  25. The allegiance of the Southern Dynasty, causing the Southern Court to briefly, consolidate ,control of the Imperial Line. However, this peace fell apart in 1352. On this
  26. Blocked by the Spanish Army of Galicia at San Martial, allowing the Allies to, consolidate ,their position and tighten the ring around the city, which fell in September
  27. That newly learned memories are reactivated during sleep and through this, help, consolidate , new memory traces. In addition, researchers have identified three types of
  28. In 1894,Oubangui-Chari became a French territory. However, the French did not, consolidate ,their control over the area until 1903,after having defeated the forces of
  29. A recon ciliary gesture with the factions of the Ancien Régime and to eventually, consolidate ,his own rule. *1803 thousand meteor fragments fall from the skies of
  30. Rulers in Afghanistan. Zaman's downfall was triggered by his attempts to, consolidate ,power. Although it had been through the support of the Banzai chief, Painda
  31. Of Kentucky while incurring the violence in the North. Lincoln's effort to, consolidate ,Kentucky paid off as Union enlistments increased by over 40,000 troops from
  32. Union of the Crowns, Acts of Union 1707 and Acts of Union 1800 attempted to, consolidate ,Britain and Ireland into a single political unit, the United Kingdom, with the
  33. Been restored to power with the support of the Soviet Union, he was unable to, consolidate ,his power and, in 1986,he was replaced by Dr. Mohammad Najibullah. He left
  34. The period of 1945–1950,the government adopted policies which were intended to, consolidate ,power. The Agrarian Reform Law was passed in August 1945. It confiscated land
  35. Of China in 1949,Deng worked in Tibet and other southwestern regions to, consolidate ,Communist control. He was also instrumental in China's economic reconstruction
  36. Interval. After the death of García Moreno, it took the Liberals 20 years to, consolidate ,their strength sufficiently to assume control of the government in Quito. The
  37. Ships of Queen Cleopatra of Ptolemaic Egypt. Octavian's victory enabled him to, consolidate ,his power over Rome and its dominions. To that end, he adopted the title of
  38. Allies fell back and regrouped, and the Germans lacked the reserves needed to, consolidate ,their gains. The war effort sparked civil unrest in Germany, while the troops
  39. Of Xerxes' army in 479 BC. Throughout the 5th century BC, Athens sought to, consolidate ,its control over Thrace, which was strategically important because of its
  40. With reforms opposed by the majority of the communist party, Gorbachev aimed to, consolidate ,power in a new position, President of the Soviet Union, which was independent
  41. Alliances in Europe, on one hand to contain France, and on the other hand to, consolidate ,Germany's influence in Europe. On the domestic front Bismarck tried to stem
  42. Safety) In recent years, the agency began undertaking a large-scale effort to, consolidate ,its operations in the Washington Metropolitan Area from its main headquarters
  43. Center, and sold it to CRG West in January 2008. This sale enabled AOL to, consolidate ,its Northern Virginia operations from three sites (Dulles, Manassas,Reston)
  44. Exile. According to a 55-page report by the UN, the Taliban, while trying to, consolidate ,control over northern and western Afghanistan, committed systematic massacres
  45. And the genus 'rhombus '. In such a case, it is notationally convenient to, consolidate ,the definitions into one definition that is expressed with multiple genera (
  46. To a 55-page report by the United Nations, the Taliban, while trying to, consolidate ,control over northern and western Afghanistan, committed systematic massacres
  47. Persia in little more than a decade. Alexander did not live long enough to, consolidate ,his realm, and in the half-century following his death (323 BC) it was carved
  48. Prime Minister of Hungary in 1932 and visited Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany to, consolidate ,good relations with the two regimes. He attempted to entrench his Party of
  49. And blamed him for the problems. Years later, when Karma’s inability to, consolidate ,his government had become obvious, Mikhail Gorbachev, then General Secretary of
  50. Absolute performance. This supports the hypothesis that sleep spindle helps to, consolidate ,recent memory traces but not memory performance in general. The relationship

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