Examples of the the word, bloody , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bloody ), is the 5116 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Confederate retreat The armies stared at one another in a heavy rain across the, bloody ,fields on July 4,the same day that the Vicksburg garrison surrendered to Maj.
  2. By Portugal and the Dutch Republic. *1777 – American Revolutionary War: The, bloody ,Battle of Brisbane prevents American relief of the Siege of Fort Steinway. *1787
  3. Want to side with the British against Germany so soon after they had had a long, bloody ,war with the British. Many Boers had German ancestry and many members of the
  4. The first day at Gettysburg, more significant than simply a prelude to the, bloody ,second and third days, ranks as the 23rd biggest battle of the war by number of
  5. In 62 BC and Aristobulus II who was high-priest from 66 to 62 BC and started a, bloody ,civil war with his brother, ending in his capture by Pompey the Great.
  6. My Downfall" ( Sept 24, 1943) the following exchange takes place: ... we are, bloody ,lost. Lt. Burden is looking studiously at his map, the wrong way up. "
  7. 1900 – The Eight-Nation Alliance occupies Beijing, in a campaign to end the, bloody ,Boxer Rebellion in China. *1901 – The first claimed powered flight, by Gustave
  8. The Void made by Kevin Macdonald. Simpson recalls:" I remember thinking, bloody ,hell,I'm going to die to Money M ". A musical based on the music of Money M.
  9. A sustained military assault on East Pakistan. Yahya's methods were extremely, bloody , and the violence of the war resulted in many civilian deaths. Chief targets
  10. Debris, and blood you could see fragments of clothing, epaulets,sabers, and, bloody , chunks of human flesh. " Later it was learned there was a third bomber in the
  11. RIF War in the 1920s saw numerous alicantinos drafted to fight in the long and, bloody ,campaigns in the former Spanish protectorate (Northern Morocco) against the
  12. Magnanimous, unconquered,boisterous Ares, in darts rejoicing, and in, bloody ,wars; fierce and untamed, whose mighty power can make the strongest walls from
  13. And was then the center of the civilization and commerce of the world, a ", bloody ,city all full of lies and robbery" ( Nahum 3:1),for it had robbed and
  14. In Schilling's right ankle bled throughout the game, making his sock appear, bloody ,red. Schilling only allowed one run over 7 innings to lead the Red Sox to
  15. Attempt to restore French rule. But France rejected their request, leading to, bloody ,confrontations between federal troops and rebels. In April 1999,Colonel Atari
  16. Parallel was ceded to Great Britain. Fur trade expanded in the north, but, bloody , battles occurred between the rival HBC and NWC, and in 1821 the British
  17. Remained between the bipartisan political forces, occasionally igniting very, bloody ,civil wars, the most significant being the Thousand Days' War (1899–1902).
  18. By troops sent to garrison forts in the new territory. The troops passed by the, bloody ,Kansas–Missouri war without intervening in it, as it was not open warfare and
  19. The Confederacy, giving the Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) a small, bloody ,civil war. Name" university"/> name" United States Volunteers —
  20. And the Warring States period - in its latter part was fraught with chaos and, bloody ,battles, it is also known as the Golden Age of Chinese philosophy because a
  21. Flair:" The coarse and distinguishing pencil of Minus has delineated his, bloody ,figures with tedious and disgusting accuracy. " Austrian historian praised
  22. In the hands of treacherous hypocrites and demagogues, can be transformed into, bloody ,dictatorship. Freedom of thought is the only guarantee of the feasibility of a
  23. Groups such as the AUC, which along with other minor factions have engaged in a, bloody ,internal armed conflict. President Andrés Pastrami and the FARC attempted to
  24. Eventually, two of these nobles, Lochlan and Moray, betray Wallace at the, bloody ,Battle of Selkirk the following year on July 22, 1298 as a new and larger
  25. Camp to hold the town and grassy hill, but after a ferocious and, bloody ,battle, inflicting enormous casualties on both sides, Schellenberg finally
  26. One could sleep while the other kept watch for infiltrators. One particularly, bloody ,battle on Bloody Nose came when the 1st Battalion,1st Marines—under the
  27. Reign, various insurgent groups of Sikhs engaged Mughal troops in increasingly, bloody ,battles. The ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tech Broader, like his predecessors was
  28. This country does not need a Talleyrand, but a Saint-Just. " The reality of the, bloody ,postwar tribunals soon changed his mind: Camus publicly reversed himself and
  29. Company gained control of Bengal following the Battle of Plasma in 1757. The, bloody ,rebellion of 1857 – known as the Sepoy Mutiny – resulted in transfer of
  30. And pro-French Algerians, and the French Army who, on the other, carried out a, bloody ,repression including the quasi-systematic use of torture on protesters of the
  31. Star in the sky., Historically,the star has received a strong association with, bloody ,violence across a wide variety of cultures. " Amazing Grace" is a Christian
  32. Flag captain, saying " Hatfield, there seems to be something wrong with our, bloody ,ships today. " (In popular legend, Beatty also immediately ordered his ships
  33. Their heels and captured the strategic hill-fort after the fourth day of a, bloody ,fight. Revolt of the army East of Ports' kingdom, near the Ganges River, was
  34. General, which no officer had held since George Washington. Grant waged his, bloody ,Overland Campaign in 1864. This is often characterized as a war of attrition
  35. To Gregory of Tours, the years following Gundobad's return to Burgundy saw a, bloody ,consolidation of power. Gregory states that Gunboat murdered his brother
  36. Position since the criticized 1998 election, one year after the CPP staged a, bloody ,coup in Phnom Penh to overthrow elected Prime Minister Prince Boredom Ranariddh
  37. Abu Obadiah in al-Jarrah rushed to the spot where the dispute almost turned, bloody , and delivered his famous speech to show the path of unity between the Muslims
  38. Achieved a relative degree of political stability, which was interrupted by a, bloody ,conflict that took place between the late 1940s and the early 1950s,a period
  39. French culture is a culture of enlightenment and has nothing to do with, bloody ,things like bullfighting," she wrote. Politics and legal issues Bar dot
  40. Was the unsuccessful Maryland Campaign of September 1862,which ended in the, bloody ,Battle of Antietam). Such a move would upset Federal plans for the summer
  41. Pro-French Algerians serving in the French Army). In the days preceding the, bloody ,conflict, a group of Algerian Rebels opened fire on a marketplace in Oran
  42. Banzai attacks with coordinated counterattacks, and draw the Americans into a, bloody ,war of attrition to wear them down and force them to commit ever more resources
  43. The label of the new Union Party. When Grant's spring campaigns turned into, bloody ,stalemates and Union casualties mounted, the lack of military success wore
  44. Replace ritual circumcision" with a symbolic act, as has been done for other, bloody ,practices, such as the sacrifices. " As a result, many European Jewish fathers
  45. Said. " We took too long on it, that album cost us a million dollars, which is, bloody ,ridiculous ". The resulting album, Dehumanizer was released on 22 June 1992. In
  46. Seized from the Germans by the Allies during Operation Torch. In 1962,after a, bloody ,independence struggle in which up hundreds of thousands (estimates range
  47. Highway 61 Revisited ", the second verse begins with" Georgia Sam he had a, bloody ,nose ", referring to one of Blind Willie McTell's many recording names; later
  48. The Bosnian Protectorate, however,and its relationship with Austria-Hungary. A, bloody ,coup occurred in Serbia, on June 10, 1903,which brought a radical
  49. And houses the Flood Museum. 1892: Homestead Strike The Homestead Strike was a, bloody ,labor confrontation lasting 143 days in 1892,one of the most serious in U. S.
  50. Empire which had similar degree of industrialization and economic level. The, bloody ,but indecisive fighting on the Italian Front would last for the next three and

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