Examples of the the word, informed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( informed ), is the 5121 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then that he would be gone for a few days to receive the Tablets of the Law. He, informed ,the Israelites that Aaron would be their leader in his absence. However, the
  2. S description of Anglican authority as being derived primarily from Scripture, informed ,by reason (the intellect and the experience of God) and tradition (the
  3. Of ancient civilizations through the disciplines of Classics and Egyptology, informed ,both archaeology and eventually social anthropology, as did the study of East
  4. An epistemological shift away from the positivist traditions that had largely, informed ,the discipline. During this shift, enduring questions about the nature and
  5. Destroy Abimelech and his entire household. () Early next morning, Abimelech, informed ,his servants of his dream and approached Abraham inquiring as to why he had
  6. He refused to fly them anywhere and after a 10-day standoff Richards was, informed ,that the revolution was successful, and he could go in return for giving one
  7. While no arms shipment to the government violated the protocol, no country, informed ,the U. N. Register on Conventional Weapons as required. Despite the increase in
  8. Day to pay living expenses. It was during his time in Japan that doctors first, informed ,Roussimoff that he suffered from acromial. However, promoters eventually ran
  9. Sultanate fleet in the Red Sea or return to Hormuz. However, he had been, informed ,by Timor (a privateer in the service of the Hindu Vijayanagar Empire) that
  10. Award talk, entitled " The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet" were, informed ,by his experiences with Sketchpad, Simula, Smalltalk, and the bloated code of
  11. His first book, On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason. She, informed ,him that the book was incomprehensible, and it was unlikely that anyone would
  12. Went on conspiring with some prelates against his brother, but King Emetic was, informed ,as to Andrew's plans, and he personally arrested Bishop Bolero of Vac, one of
  13. That was soon proven to be largely groundless, as the US had repeatedly, informed ,Russia about its plans. As of July 2007,a majority of Poles were opposed to
  14. Of the secular and the sacred in the make-up of the cosmos. Such theology is, informed ,by a traditional English spiritual ethos, rooted in Celtic Christianity and
  15. As the chief of his clan. On his return from a business trip to Yemen, he was, informed ,that in his absence Muhammad had openly declared his prophethood. Not long
  16. Traffic contract. When an ATM circuit is set up each switch on the circuit is, informed ,of the traffic class of the connection. ATM traffic contracts form part of the
  17. Maintenance Protocol RTMP was the protocol by which routers kept each other, informed ,about the topology of the network. This was the only part of Applejack that
  18. In a car accident. Barbara Baker, his first serious girlfriend, has said he, informed ,her of his father's death without emotion and that he never spoke of his
  19. With Asclepius, Coronis fell in love with Inches, son of Elates. A crow, informed ,Apollo of the affair. When first informed he disbelieved the crow and turned
  20. Location and she reported the plane was flying over a residential area. He then, informed ,her of the attacks on the World Trade Center. Soon afterward, the call cut off
  21. To clean LCD screens. One worker claimed that he and his coworkers had not been, informed ,of possible occupational illnesses. After a spate of suicides in a Foxconn
  22. 48 hours of an individual's arrest. During this arraignment the defendant is, informed ,of the pending legal charges and is informed of his or her right to retain
  23. This arraignment the defendant is informed of the pending legal charges and is, informed ,of his or her right to retain counsel. The presiding judge also decides at what
  24. About the journey, in which he met a man who reassured him of his purpose and, informed ,him of a prophet that he would meet, the abbot Ballard, who would instruct him
  25. Computer, or the team's fate was known. In the fall of 1984,Commodore, informed ,the team that the Lorraine project was active again, the chipset was to be
  26. This invocation that Rose, or as he now referred to her, Ouarda the Sears, informed ,him that" the Equinox of the Gods had come ". It was on 8 April, when the
  27. Without at the same time betraying one's values. His political activity is, informed ,by the same ethos, as suggested by his repudiation of communism after his 1936
  28. A vast work printed from 192 separate blocks, the symbolism of which is partly, informed ,by Pirckheimer's translation of Horapollo's Hieroglyphic. The design program
  29. Employees whose groups were due for phase-out as part of the restructuring were, informed ,on October 16, 2007 that they would be kept on until December 14, 2007 to
  30. Progress in overcoming the problems, the committee believes it should have been, informed ,of the situation. The committee does not object to the position of the
  31. The Faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation. This article has, informed ,Anglican biblical exegesis and hermeneutics since earliest times. Anglicans
  32. Memoranda revealed Monsanto Corporation (a manufacturer of 2,4,5-T) had, informed ,the U. S. government as early as 1952 that 2,4,5-T was contaminated with a
  33. News, often accompanied by exclusive videos and photos. * In 2006,AOL, informed ,its American customers that it would be increasing the price of its dial-up
  34. To discuss whom they would support as their new leader. When Abu Bakr was, informed ,of the meeting, he,Umar, Abu Obadiah in al-Jarrah and a few others rushed to
  35. Time calculated. When voice contact was regained, Lovell announced," Please be, informed , there is a Santa Claus ", to which Ken Mat tingly, the current CAP COM, replied
  36. Concentration camp commandant, Walter Seinfeld, to inspect the site. Plucks, informed ,SS- Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler that a camp would be built on the site on
  37. And beyond. Prior to the 1999 class action lawsuit, the community leaders were, informed ,of a change in compensation for duties performed by AOL. Community leaders
  38. Vivaldi's music and publishing new editions of his works. Historically, informed ,performances seem to have increased Vivaldi's fame further. Unlike many of his
  39. Of the 19th century contrasted with the younger activists who are" much more, informed , among other elements, by indigenous, feminist,ecological and
  40. Who developed voice loss during his performances. After doctors of the era, informed ,him they could find no physical cause, Alexander reasoned that he was doing
  41. Something more closely resembling the modern views of these disciplines and, informed ,the development of the social sciences, of which anthropology was a part.
  42. S assistance. Andrew left for his campaign in the summer 1213 when he was, informed ,that a group of conspirators had murdered his queen on 28 September, and he had
  43. The Temple of Athena Area. The teens was founded by Ales, Pausanias was, informed , Votive bronzes at the site from the Geometric and Archaic periods take the
  44. To teach it as though you are contributing to the fundamental knowledge of an, informed ,electorate is astonishing in this, the 21st century '. Education should be
  45. With Inches, son of Elates. A crow informed Apollo of the affair. When first, informed ,he disbelieved the crow and turned all crows black (where they were previously
  46. Patience with Australia's lack of success and dour strategy. Larry was not, informed ,of the decision privately and heard his fate over the radio. 1972 to 1987 The
  47. A long, disjointed conversation in which the dictator defended his actions and, informed ,Speer of his intent to commit suicide and have his body burned. In the
  48. Engaged in higher mathematics. As a 17-year-old grammar school student he, informed ,Bunyakovsky, Korkin and Regor Solitary about an apparently new method to solve
  49. Solzhenitsyn (one of them translated the poem Prussian Nights),keeping KGB, informed ,regarding all contacts by Solzhenitsyn. And the people around him" by feeding
  50. Acceptance of Islam On his return from a business trip from Yemen, he was, informed ,by friends that in his absence Muhammad had declared himself the Messenger of

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