Examples of the the word, therapeutic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( therapeutic ), is the 5134 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Arrow smith, Sinclair Lewis fictionalized the application of bacteriophages as a, therapeutic ,agent. A bactericide or bactericide, abbreviated Bridal, is a substance that
  2. Groups according to the organ or system on which they act and/or their, therapeutic ,and chemical characteristics. Each bottom-level ATC code stands for a
  3. Of current drugs have entered clinical trials and are available to be used in, therapeutic ,regimes. Applications Antibiotic resistance is an important tool for genetic
  4. As a quasi-religious organization. Meetings AA meetings are" quasi-ritualized, therapeutic ,sessions run by and for, alcoholics ". They are usually informal and often
  5. Falls into a legal gray area. Research has only rarely been conducted into the, therapeutic ,potential of opioid derivatives for depression in the past sixty years, whereas
  6. Before fetal viability. Forty percent of the world's women are able to access, therapeutic ,and elective abortions within gestational limits. Induced abortion has a long
  7. Therapy for panic disorder; benzodiazepine use has been found to interfere with, therapeutic ,gains from these therapies. According to National Institute for Health and
  8. Been the subject of active scientific research both in regard to its basis and, therapeutic ,effectiveness since the late 20th century, but it remains controversial among
  9. Such as MRIs and EEG's, regenerative tissue growth, pharmaceutical drugs and, therapeutic ,biological. Subdisciplines within biomedical engineering Sometimes
  10. Anxiety disorder, while producing fewer side effects. Pregabalin Pregabalin's, therapeutic ,effect appears after 1 week of use and is similar in effectiveness to lorazepam
  11. Are 14 main groups: Second level The second level of the code indicates the, therapeutic ,main group and consists of two digits. Example: C03 Diuretics Third level The
  12. Much in common with Stoicism inasmuch as both philosophies sought to fulfill a, therapeutic ,role by instructing people how to attain happiness. However, Spinoza differed
  13. Of leishmaniasis in domestic animals. Unfortunately, as well as having low, therapeutic ,indices, the drugs are poor at penetrating the bone marrow, where some of the
  14. That appropriate clinical trials have not been conducted and that the, therapeutic ,value of the treatment is unknown. However, many alternative cancer treatments
  15. Have been exploring its therapeutic potential are unable to do so openly. The, therapeutic ,use of ayahuasca is not protected by covenants on religious freedom. History In
  16. Therapy, Chinese medicine, dance therapy, music therapy, massage,herbalism, therapeutic ,touch, yoga,osteopathy, chiropractic,naturopathy, and homeopathy. " In
  17. Therapy, an approach that has been extensively researched and utilized as a, therapeutic ,agent for over 60 years, especially in the Soviet Union, is an alternative that
  18. And share many metabolic pathways with their animal hosts. This fact makes, therapeutic ,target development extremely difficult – a drug that harms an apicomplexan
  19. some adverse effects. Most pharmacologists by the 1960s thought the main, therapeutic ,action of tricyclics was to inhibit norepinephrine reuptake, but it was
  20. As either therapeutic or elective. An abortion is medically referred to as a, therapeutic ,abortion when it is performed to save the life of the pregnant woman; prevent
  21. That assist people to sit comfortably and safely (seating systems, cushions, therapeutic , seats ). * Standing products to support people with disabilities in the
  22. Vasodilator incoming; the anti-arrhythmic compound quinidine; the anti-asthma, therapeutic ,ephedrine; and the antimalarial drug quinine. Although alkaloids act on a
  23. Emphasize the need to talk with individuals experiencing mania, to develop a, therapeutic ,alliance in support of recovery. Medication The mainstay of treatment is a mood
  24. The conductance of this inhibitory channel; this results in the various, therapeutic ,effects as well as adverse effects of benzodiazepines. Under Heinrich–Kidman
  25. Reasons for procuring induced abortions are typically characterized as either, therapeutic ,or elective. An abortion is medically referred to as a therapeutic abortion
  26. Gout) rarely develop the disease. Moreover, the administration of UA is, therapeutic ,in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE),an animal model of MS. "
  27. The genetic makeup of the animal for selected purposes, including producing, therapeutic ,proteins in cows and goats. There is a genetically altered salmon with an
  28. Diagnosed with schizophrenia found that less than half (41 %) showed any, therapeutic ,response to an antipsychotic, compared to 24 % on placebo, and that there was a
  29. History Alkaloid-containing plants were used by humans since ancient times for, therapeutic ,and recreational purposes. For example, medicinal plants have been known in the
  30. To be studied for myriad applications. Both opioids and amphetamines induce a, therapeutic ,response very quickly, showing results within twenty-four to forty-eight hours;
  31. If discontinued within the first week of treatment. Mechanisms of action The, therapeutic ,effects of antidepressants are believed to be caused by their effects on
  32. Mayor &*Geodes (2005) people with a depressive illness will experience a, therapeutic ,effect to their mood; however, this will not be experienced in healthy
  33. Lacking in regard to contemporary board games. Additionally, board games can be, therapeutic , Bruce Halfpenny, a games' inventor said when interviewed about his game,“ With
  34. Methods. Plasma salicylate levels generally range from 30 to 100 mg/L after usual, therapeutic ,doses,50–300 mg/L in patients taking high doses and 700–1400 mg/L following
  35. To be related to the duration of prior treatment, however,and gradual loss of, therapeutic ,benefit during the course also occurs. A strategy involving the use of
  36. In order to counteract the initial anxiety caused by the drugs until the, therapeutic ,delay of the SSRI/SARI is finished, and the drug becomes effective. Older
  37. The relative efficacy or adverse effects of this strategy. Long-term use The, therapeutic ,effects of antidepressants typically do not continue once the course of
  38. Efficacy There is a large amount of research evaluating the potential, therapeutic ,effects of antidepressants, whether through efficacy studies under experimental
  39. Sales in the US reached $14.6 billion, the biggest selling drugs in the US by, therapeutic ,class. The number of prescriptions for children and adolescents doubled to 4.4
  40. Bacterial metabolism and cause the bacterium to lose. Phage therapy is the, therapeutic ,use of lytic bacteriophages to treat pathogenic bacterial infections.
  41. Available globally. Forty percent of the world's women are able to access, therapeutic ,and elective abortions within gestational limits. Secondary infertility caused
  42. Which is immediately released once the train is robbed. Release of tension is, therapeutic ,and useful in our society, because most jobs are boring and repetitive. ”
  43. Very quickly, showing results within twenty-four to forty-eight hours; the, therapeutic ,ratios for both opioids and amphetamines are greater than those of the
  44. The 1980s and 1990s. Action Against Hunger’s Scientific Committee pioneered the, therapeutic ,milk formula (F100),now used by all major humanitarian aid organizations to
  45. AOS). Due to the legal status of ayahuasca, those who have been exploring its, therapeutic ,potential are unable to do so openly. The therapeutic use of ayahuasca is not
  46. Era of multidrug resistant pathogens. A review of studies that dealt with the, therapeutic ,use of phages from 1966 to 1996 and few latest ongoing phage therapy projects via
  47. Study of childhood depression (ages 6–12) suggested that omega 3 may have, therapeutic ,benefits for treating childhood depression. A 2005 review of the scientific
  48. In individual patients, to prescribe the minimal amount needed to achieve the, therapeutic ,goal and to consider the addition of nonpharmacological approaches that may
  49. But pregabalin has demonstrated superiority by producing more consistent, therapeutic ,effects for psychic and somatic anxiety symptoms. Long-term trials have shown
  50. Include the development of biocompatible prostheses, various diagnostic and, therapeutic ,medical devices ranging from clinical equipment to micro-implants, common

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