Examples of the the word, envelope , in a Sentence Context

The word ( envelope ), is the 5131 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Can be 'reshaped' – by alterations made to timbre or the overall amplitude, envelope , for example. A harmonic sound could be restructured to sound in harmonic, and
  2. Meaning that the capsid is coated with a lipid membrane known as the viral, envelope , The envelope is acquired by the capsid from an intracellular membrane in the
  3. Did not show the pledge to his cabinet, but asked them to sign the sealed, envelope , While the Democratic platform followed the Peace wing of the party and called
  4. It. It is because one or another of the elements doth from their bodies' outer, envelope , Each soul, accordingly,while it is in its body is weighted and constricted by
  5. Heat produced) allowed AMD to increase performance within a reasonable power, envelope , Palomino's design also allowed AMD to continue using the same 180 nm
  6. 3 dimensions. Under this projection, the cuboctahedron forms the projection, envelope , which can be decomposed into 6 square faces, a regular octahedron, and 8
  7. Partial. In general, each harmonic generator has its own customizable amplitude, envelope ,and instantaneous frequency function, creating a realistic, dynamic sound that
  8. And cooling costs. While insulation reduces energy loss through the building, envelope , thermal mass uses walls to store and release energy. Modern concrete wall
  9. The nuclear lamina is reassembled by dephosphorylation the lamina. The nuclear, envelope ,acts as a barrier that prevents both DNA and RNA viruses from entering the
  10. Tubes, putting the envelope under relatively high stress. If the outer glass, envelope ,is damaged, the glass will break and pieces will fly out at high speed. While
  11. Time n, : AKN = run cos (AKN): BKN = run sin (AKN): run is the amplitude, envelope ,of the kith harmonic at discrete time n, : AKN is the instantaneous phase
  12. The presence of asymmetrical flagellated cells, the breakdown of the nuclear, envelope ,at mitosis, and the presence of cytochromes, flavonoids,and the chemical
  13. Though some bacteria also have a further covering layer called a capsule. The, envelope ,gives rigidity to the cell and separates the interior of the cell from its
  14. General,5 km in diameter and 2.3 km thick. The chloroplast is contained by an, envelope ,that consists of an inner and an outer phospholipid membrane. Between these two
  15. The breast is made of superficial fascia; the suspensory ligaments and the skin, envelope ,can change the fibrous frame with age and the force of Earthly gravity. The
  16. Grid separates the flame into an array of smaller flames with a common external, envelope , and also prevents flashback to the bottom of the tube, which is a risk at high
  17. Not available. Sound The SID chip has three channels, each with its own ADS, envelope ,generator, ring modulation and filter capabilities. Bob Cannes developed the
  18. Of genetic transfer including minimal disruption of the target's cellular, envelope ,and the ability to transfer relatively large amounts of genetic material (see
  19. Have epoxy-bonded faceplates or other measures to prevent shattering of the, envelope , CRTs removed from equipment must be handled carefully to avoid personal injury
  20. Options for answering the questionnaire include postal mail (using a pre-paid, envelope ,) and telephone (using an 800 number). In the Province of Alberta, Section 57
  21. Project delivery methods. Some architects specialize as building code, building, envelope , sustainable design, historic preservation (US) or conservation (UK)
  22. Form of AM demodulator consists of a diode which is configured to act as, envelope ,detector. Another type of demodulator, the product detector, can provide better
  23. The nucleus. It appears as a dense, roughly spherical organelle. Nuclear, envelope ,and pores The outer envelope otherwise known as nuclear membrane consists of
  24. To his successor, John Denver. As he read Denver's name, Rich set fire to the, envelope ,with a cigarette lighter. The action was taken as a protest against the
  25. As Oil, M. I. A. and the Roots as socially conscious artists who push the, envelope ,creatively. " A lot of cats are out there doing it, on the Web and all over.
  26. Molecules, nuclear pores are required to allow movement of molecules across the, envelope , These pores cross both of the membranes, providing a channel that allows free
  27. Center of the cell. The main structures making up the nucleus are the nuclear, envelope , a triple cell membrane and membrane that encloses the entire organelle and
  28. The capsid is coated with a lipid membrane known as the viral envelope . The, envelope ,is acquired by the capsid from an intracellular membrane in the virus' host;
  29. Chromatin undergoes condensation into compact patches against the nuclear, envelope ,(also known as the pronuclear envelope ) in a process known as hypnosis, a
  30. To one another and separated by 10 to 50 nanometers (nm). The nuclear, envelope ,completely encloses the nucleus and separates the cell's genetic material from
  31. Compact patches against the nuclear envelope (also known as the pronuclear, envelope ,) in a process known as hypnosis, a hallmark of apoptosis. #The nuclear
  32. Palma's gangster films, most notably Scarface and Carlito's Way, pushed the, envelope ,of violence and depravity, and yet greatly vary from one another in both style
  33. For instance by diving it at high speeds, it is said to be flown" outside the, envelope ,", something considered unsafe. Range The maximal total range is the distance
  34. His career and he, along with several other skaters, helped push the technical, envelope ,of men's skating. It was not until his failure to defend his World title in
  35. As a dense, roughly spherical organelle. Nuclear envelope and pores The outer, envelope ,otherwise known as nuclear membrane consists of two cellular membranes, an
  36. May cryptically represent the stored data). The CRT uses an evacuated glass, envelope ,which is large, deep (i.e. long from front screen face to rear end),fairly
  37. Already-extended range AIM-120C-7) and better guidance over its entire flight, envelope ,yielding an improved kill probability (Pk). Raytheon began testing the D
  38. G2/M transition. Cycling B-cdc2 complex activation causes breakdown of nuclear, envelope ,and initiation of prophase, and subsequently, its deactivation causes the cell
  39. That is not available to prokaryotes. Cell compartmentalization The nuclear, envelope ,allows the nucleus to control its contents, and separate them from the rest of
  40. FM style synthesis. One can think of it as a much more flexible algorithm, envelope ,(for frequency and amplitude for each oscillator) and filter equalization DX7
  41. Adipose tissue),superficial fascia, the suspensory ligaments, and the skin, envelope , The structural support system of the breast is made of superficial fascia; the
  42. In a process known as hypnosis, a hallmark of apoptosis. #The nuclear, envelope ,becomes discontinuous and the DNA inside it is fragmented in a process referred
  43. But each (amplitudes) of harmonics couldn't be changed in real time by, envelope ,generators or sliders. The Bell Labs Digital Synthesizer (Allies Machine)
  44. Implosion A high vacuum exists within all cathode ray tubes, putting the, envelope ,under relatively high stress. If the outer glass envelope is damaged, the glass
  45. Species. For example, animals undergo an" open" mitosis, where the nuclear, envelope ,breaks down before the chromosomes separate, while fungi such as Aspergillus
  46. Movement and communication between cells; * Enclosing the cell is the cell, envelope ,– generally consisting of a cell wall covering a plasma membrane though some
  47. 12×21 in multicolor mode) **3-channel synthesizer with programmable ADS, envelope ,**4 waveforms per audio channel: triangle, sawtooth, variable pulse, noise
  48. Outer membrane 2. Intermembrane space 3. Inner membrane (1+2+3:, envelope ,) 4. Stroma (aqueous fluid) 5. Thylakoid lumen (inside of
  49. With the RER lumen. Nuclear pores, which provide aqueous channels through the, envelope , are composed of multiple proteins, collectively referred to as nucleoporins.
  50. Up to 60 %, by modulating the supply voltage to the amplifier in line with the, envelope ,of the signal. Linearity An ideal amplifier would be a totally linear device

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