Examples of the the word, vi , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Vi- vi - vi being 6-6-6 in Roman numerals),it does not oppose the use of, vi ,; rather, it calls proprietary software an anathema. (" Using a free version of
  2. Use in some shell scripts. For interactive use, ed was subsumed by the Sam, vi ,and Emacs editors in the 1980s. Ed can be found on vi rtually every version of
  3. Slave-labour. It is impossible, indeed,to accept Aristotle's (cf. Athens, vi , 272) estimate of 470,000 as the number of the slave-population; it is clear
  4. The legendary history of these relations, as recorded by Herodotus (v. 79-89;, vi , 49-51,73,85-94),involves critical problems of some difficulty and interest
  5. And Gait poems In the standard version of the Epic of Gilgamesh (tablet, vi ,) there is a parallel, in the series of examples Gilgamesh gives Ishtar of her
  6. Default (Emacs) key bindings. Vi-bindings can be enabled by running set -o, vi , *: Moves the cursor to the line start (equivalent to the key). *: Sends the
  7. Rather, it calls proprietary software an anathema. (" Using a free version of, vi ,is not a sin but a, alt. Religion. Emacs, that has posts purporting to support
  8. One of his tasks, an Exile would perform the task instead. According to Livy (, vi , 42),after the passing of the Sicilian rotations in 367 BC, an extra day was
  9. Displays Editor war is the common name for the rivalry between users of the, vi ,and Emacs text editors. The rivalry has become a lasting part of hacker culture
  10. Emacs, that has posts purporting to support this parody religion. Supporters of, vi ,have created an opposing Cult of vi , argued by the more hardliner Emacs users to
  11. Evaluations; (v) validate self-evaluations to shorten the learning cycle; (, vi ,) conduct more rigorous impact evaluations; ( vi i) develop evaluation capacity
  12. Her maidens when Odysseus first saw her in the land of the Phaeacians (OD., vi , 100). And Helios and Adams performed before Albinos and Odysseus with
  13. Compared to large IDEs such as Eclipse, which tend to draw derision from both, vi ,and Emacs users alike. Tim O'Reilly said, in 1999,that O'Reilly Media's
  14. From this initial rational point, one can then compute an infinite number of, vi , Substituting v1 into the identity and remo vi ng common factors gives the
  15. Interleaf; when vi siting labs outside Sun, he used plain old ed. Although, vi ,was almost ubiquitous, he could not count on the local version working the way
  16. For electroplating and may be the first known chemical battery. Publications De, vi ,attractive GNIS electric (1769) (On the attractive force of electric fire
  17. Vi sells twice as many copies as that on Emacs (which could mean either that, vi ,is more popular or harder to learn). Many advanced programmers use either
  18. A computer programmer is legendary, with an oft-told anecdote that he wrote the, vi ,editor in a weekend. Joy denies this assertion. Joy's accomplishments have
  19. Poe is to be found in his Oeuvres completes (Complete works) (vols. v. and, vi , ). Eugène Delacroix A strong supporter of the Romantic painter Delacroix
  20. Ape their betters ". Regarding vi 's modal nature, some Emacs users joke that, vi ,has two modes –" beep repeatedly" and" break everything ". Vi users enjoy
  21. Vi-alikes, Vim in particular, have grown in size and code complexity. These, vi ,variants of today, as with the old light Emacs variants, tend to have many of
  22. Joke that vi has two modes –" beep repeatedly" and" break everything "., vi ,users enjoy joking that Emacs's key-sequences induce carpal tunnel syndrome
  23. Is the, choice of editor usually only affects oneself. Differences between, vi ,and Emacs The most important differences between vi and Emacs are presented in
  24. Of the editor war In the past, many small editors modeled after or derived from, vi ,flourished. This was due to the importance of conser vi ng memory with the
  25. More hardliner Emacs users to be an attempt to" ape their betters ". Regarding, vi ,'s modal nature, some Emacs users joke that vi has two modes –" beep
  26. In early modern times, as e vi denced by Shakespeare's King Lear, Act IV, Scene, vi , LN.124–125:" Down from the waist they're centaurs, / Though women all above
  27. Person or number. Thus, kanti means" to sing ", mi Kansas means" I sing ", vi ,Kansas means" you sing ", and ill Kansas means" they sing ". Word order is
  28. To edit. * Ubiquitous. Essentially all Unix and Unix-like systems come with, vi ,(or a variant) built-in. Benefits of Emacs * One of the most ported
  29. The Church of Emacs, formed by Richard Stallman, is a joke. While it refers to, vi ,as the" editor of the beast" ( vi - vi - vi being 6-6-6 in Roman numerals),it
  30. v) Program of Cooperation in Science and Technology for 2005-08 (2005). (, vi ,) Educational Exchange Program (2006). ( vi i) Program of Cooperation in
  31. Number of characters written to the file. Q will end an ed session. Bill Joy, vi , and ed In the editor wars, Emacs proponents used to say," even Bill Joy does
  32. Ser vi ces on the BSD technology. Some of his most notable contributions were the, vi ,editor, and CSH. Joy's prowess as a computer programmer is legendary, with an
  33. Example, Vim without any extensions requires about ten times the disk space as, vi , and recent versions of Vim can have more extensions and run slower than past
  34. In timber, those made for King Solomon's temple being in olive wood (I Kings, vi , 31-35),which were carved and overlaid with gold. The doors dwelt upon in
  35. Loss of word-final (originally intervocalic): 'bread' → pa,'wine' →, vi ,(cf. French pain, vi n; Spanish pan, vi no; some Occitan dialects – e.g.
  36. It into the clipboard. *: Edits the current line in the EDITOR program, or, vi , if undefined. *: Read in the contents of the input file, and incorporate any
  37. In 491 BC and the invasion of Dates and Artaxerxes in 490 BC (cf. Herod., vi , 49 with 94). There are difficulties in this story, of which the following are
  38. The implementation in QED. Ed went on to influence ex, which in turn spawned, vi , The non-interactive Unix command grep was inspired by a common special uses of
  39. Support this parody religion. Supporters of vi have created an opposing Cult of, vi , argued by the more hardliner Emacs users to be an attempt to" ape their
  40. Creator and the Soul—all this is taken over from the Times. (Ended 2.9., vi ,; emphasis added from A. H. Armstrong's introduction to Ended 2.9) Of note
  41. Cause storm and earthquake" ( Tag. Yer. To Deuteronomy xxxii. 24 and Numbers, vi , 24; Tag. To Can't. iii. 8,iv. 6; Eccl. ii. 5; PS. xci. 5,6. ) Christian
  42. Users alike. Tim O'Reilly said, in 1999,that O'Reilly Media's tutorial on, vi ,sells twice as many copies as that on Emacs (which could mean either that vi
  43. If we define RI as the displacement of particle i from the center of mass, and, vi , as the velocity of particle i with respect to the center of mass, then we have:
  44. Of Emacs. Moreover, with the large amounts of RAM in modern computers, both, vi , and Emacs are lightweight compared to large IDEs such as Eclipse, which tend to
  45. As an out-of-band character used to terminate an operation, as in the TECH and, vi ,text editors. In graphical user interface (GUI) and windowing systems, ESC
  46. Differences between vi and Emacs The most important differences between, vi ,and Emacs are presented in the following table: Benefits of vi -like editors *
  47. A modifier key (such as Control or Alt) and typed their own name. World War, vi ,is a humorous Defender-like shoot 'em up based on the editor war. Current state
  48. Ministry of External Affairs (2000). (v) Air Ser vi ces Agreement (2000). (, vi ,) Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement (2001). ( vi i) Agreement on
  49. S high system resource requirements. As a poke at Emacs' creeping features, vi ,advocates will describe Emacs as" a great operating system, lacking only a
  50. In the editor wars, Emacs proponents used to say," even Bill Joy doesn't use, vi ,anymore. " In a 1984 inter vi ew Bill Joy explained that, at Sun, he used an

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