Examples of the the word, bare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bare ), is the 5118 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Exist, the degree of integration between the two departments may range from the, bare ,minimum to very close collaboration. In general, the difference between a
  2. That carry the virus usually breed on animal dung and moist soils, either, bare , or covered in short grass. Identifying breeding grounds and breaking the
  3. As Toshiba and Kilauea (both Cuba),Ubuntu and Imbued (both Mound). The, bare ,(prefixless) form typically does not occur in the language itself, but is the
  4. Of mountaintops in 1999. This left some high peaks and scenic hills, bare , with only primary growth shrubs and young fir trees. The main industry is
  5. Every theory could be axiomatized in this way and formalized down to the, bare ,language of logical formulas. Non-logical axioms are often simply referred to
  6. Many cultures associate breasts primarily with sexuality and tend to regard, bare ,breasts in terms of modesty and decency. Other cultures view female hopelessness
  7. Market. Sharing the plus range's hardware characteristics, it represents the, bare ,minimum variant of the range without a keyboard or support for mass storage
  8. In Riley are over 2,600 meters. The highest peaks are characterized by sparse, bare ,rocks and remote lakes above the tree line. The lower peaks, however,are
  9. Advancement over its predecessor, the Apple I, a limited-production, bare ,circuit board computer for electronics hobbyists that pioneered many features
  10. Take/take a bath, but the bath was full of children. ) Similarly, to come plus, bare ,infinitive is acceptable to speakers of AME, where speakers of BRE would
  11. Availability is much lower than its critical mass, which is about 75.7 kg for a, bare ,sphere,41.2 kg with a water reflector and 35.2 kg with a steel reflector (30
  12. To go off. During the" cry stir" procedure, fan power passed through the, bare ,wires which apparently shorted, producing sparks and igniting the Teflon. This
  13. Note that separators can be regular expressions. After that, we get to a, bare ,action, which performs the action on every input line. In this case, for every
  14. Heavy tropical rains soon washed away the soil, and has left a vast expanse of, bare ,rock or sterile clay. This irreparable destruction was caused, in the first
  15. Ruled that the state's indecent exposure laws do not ban women from being, bare ,breasted. A similar movement succeeded in most parts of Canada in the 1990s. In
  16. To speakers of AME, where speakers of BRE would instead use to come and plus, bare ,infinitive. Thus, where a speaker of AME may say come see what I bought, BrE
  17. That the author of Acts most likely created the speeches accordingly and they, bare ,his literary and theological marks. Conversely, Howard Marshall writes that the
  18. Banjo, which is either played with a thumb pick and two finger picks, or with, bare ,fingers. The plectrum banjo evolved out of the five-string banjo, to cater to
  19. Alpha of Pusher, Kachora of Faridabad, Til padi of Bear, and Markham, bare ,from pah aria in Kishangarh are the best of all. Ajmer also has all fast food
  20. Tops of the Colorado canyons gradually discloses the quiet anatomy,the, bare ,skeletons of the huge iron signs that trellis the sky, now denuded of the
  21. Flocks of budgerigars, cockatoos,corollas and galas are often sighted. On, bare ,ground or roads during the winter, various species of snakes and lizards bask
  22. A nonconcatenative" root-and-pattern" morphology: A root consists of a set of, bare ,consonants (usually three),which are fitted into a discontinuous pattern in
  23. Buddhist phase of worship. The round stop has the images of the Buddha to its, bare ,girth. Cave Sixteen The porch doorway of cave 16 set a pattern for the later
  24. Critical mass for a sustained nuclear chain reaction. The critical mass for a, bare ,242m1Am sphere is about 9–14 kg (the uncertainty results from insufficient
  25. Two separate activities, it is acceptable for speakers of AME to use to go plus, bare ,infinitive. Speakers of BRE would instead use to go and plus bare infinitive.
  26. One central pillar in their lower story. The simple octagonal pillars are, bare , unlike the pillars of other caves, which have capitals and bases. There
  27. Away to escape the blast. Nuclear strike aircraft were generally finished in, bare ,metal or anti-flash white to avoid any flash damage. The need to drop
  28. From center outward. Before nesting, the females of most bird species gain a, bare ,brood patch by losing feathers close to the belly. The skin there is well
  29. Its properties imply, this argument maintains, that one cannot conceive of a, bare ,particular (a substance without properties),an implication that directly
  30. It was never built due to financial constraints. As a result, the tower has a, bare ,west side, with no windows. Other examples of Art Deco buildings in Kansas City
  31. Based water softer inline),and replaced if 15 cm (6 inches) or more of, bare ,wire is showing. This will greatly extend the life of the tank. Related antonym
  32. Victory. In contrast with amateur boxing, professional male boxers have to be, bare ,chested. Boxing styles Definition of Style" Style" is often defined as the
  33. There is also a diacritic to suppress the inherent vowel, yielding the, bare ,consonant. In Devanagari, क् is k, and ल् is l. This is called the drama in
  34. To 100,000 antibodies bound to its surface. In humans, the cell surface is, bare ,around the B cell receptors for several thousand angstroms, which further
  35. Substancehood empirically by the togetherness of properties rather than by a, bare ,particular or by any other non-empirical underlying strata. The bundle theory
  36. Make an image of the beast, breathing life into it, and enforcing all people to, bare ," the mark of the Beast ". (13:11-18) ## Events leading into the Third Woe
  37. To go plus bare infinitive. Speakers of BRE would instead use to go and plus, bare ,infinitive. Thus, where a speaker of AME may say I'll go take a bath, BrE
  38. Common occurrences. Still, throughout this period, there arose some notable, bare ,knuckle champions who developed fairly sophisticated fighting tactics. The
  39. That directly opposes substance theory. The conceptual difficulty of, bare ,particulars was illustrated by John Locke when he described a substance by
  40. Needs and some exports. In sharp contrast to a bleak picture of devastation and, bare ,subsistence is expanding oil production, now almost half of GDP and 90 % of
  41. The work at Hissarlik in 1892 after the first explorer's death. But by laying, bare ,in 1884 the upper stratum of remains on the rock of Turns, Schliemann made a
  42. Hall, Heorot, is plagued by the monster Grendel. Beowulf kills Grendel with his, bare ,hands and Grendel's mother with her own sword. Later in his life, Beowulf is
  43. Ground more often than not from late December into early March, but periods of, bare ,ground are not uncommon. Over half of the annual snowfall comes from the lake
  44. Would often use the income of the monastery as his own and leave the monks a, bare ,minimum for the necessary expenses of the foundation. Gilbert, in contrast
  45. The gloves, the classical forearms outwards, torso leaning back stance of the, bare ,knuckle boxer was modified to more modern stance in which the torso is tilted
  46. Kandinsky leaves for a short while, returning with straw to put over the, bare ,wires of the beds. Later, to feed the hungry men, Kat brings bread, a bag of
  47. As acceptable, and in some countries the social norm is for women to be, bare ,breasted, such as the Simba in northern Namibia. In some African cultures, for
  48. Surfaced fields),teams are free to decide what areas will be grassed or, bare , Some fields—including several in MLB—use an artificial surface, such as
  49. Encouraging him to lead the way in raising black troops, Lincoln wrote," The, bare ,sight of 50,000 armed and drilled black soldiers on the banks of the
  50. An argument. However, the argument concludes that the conceptual challenge of, bare ,particulars leaves a bundle of properties and nothing more as the only possible

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