Examples of the the word, sellers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sellers ), is the 5120 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Novels were republished in Britain beginning in the 1830s and remained steady, sellers , they were not best sellers . Juvenile – Volume the Second Juvenile – Volume
  2. Tulip mania collapses in the United Provinces (now the Netherlands) as, sellers ,could no longer find buyers for their bulb contracts. *1690 – The colony of
  3. The program transcripts as reference. The book was on the United States' best, sellers ,list for 5 weeks. PBS telecast the series, beginning in January 1980; the
  4. Propel the single to number 13 on the UK charts, becoming one of their biggest, sellers ,to date; in the US, it was their first gold single and their first Top 40 hit
  5. Sometimes referred to as" the Big Board" ) provides a means for buyers and, sellers ,to trade shares of stock in companies registered for public trading. The NYSE
  6. In this model, the perceived risk of holding currency rises dramatically, and, sellers , demand increasingly high premiums to accept the currency. This in turn leads to
  7. Editing techniques. Both records, especially Bitches Brew, proved to be big, sellers , Starting with Bitches Brew, Davis ' albums began to often feature cover art
  8. Real-life transactions, the assumption fails because some individual buyers or, sellers ,have the ability to influence prices. Quite often, a sophisticated analysis is
  9. Buyers achieve higher results than American buyers, but compared with American, sellers ,($4,350),Japanese sellers also get more of the commercial pie ($4,430) as
  10. The market structure is that of a" pure monopoly ". Sometimes, there are many, sellers ,in an industry and/or there exist many close substitutes for the goods being
  11. Solely by the mutual consent of sellers and buyers. By definition, buyers and, sellers ,do not coerce each other, in the sense that they obtain each other's property
  12. Various cuts for the gemstone. Indian Kings bought gemstones privately from the, sellers , Maharajah and other royal family members value gem as Hindu God. They exchanged
  13. The web was a new killer app—it could bring together unrelated buyers and, sellers ,in seamless and low-cost ways. Visionaries around the world developed new
  14. Of competitors: PC markets are populated by an infinite number of buyers and, sellers , Monopoly involves a single seller. A monopoly can preserve excess profits
  15. Of course disseminate information to the crowd that helps to bring buyers and, sellers ,together. The auction process moved toward automation in 1995 through the use
  16. Dragonets are often mis-categorized as bodies or pennies by fish, sellers , They are bottom-dwelling fish that constantly hunt tiny invertebrates for food
  17. Are voluntarily exchanged at a price arranged solely by the mutual consent of, sellers ,and buyers. By definition, buyers and sellers do not coerce each other, in the
  18. And the north. The square bustles with acrobats, story-tellers,water, sellers , dancers and musicians. By night food stalls open in the square turning it into
  19. With daily turnover of about thirty million dollars and about ten thousand, sellers ,from different countries (including China, Turkey,Azerbaijan and India). It
  20. Rapid increase in prices. For example, once inflation has become established, sellers ,try to hedge against it by increasing prices. This leads to further waves of
  21. And wishes of buyers. That is not the way things work in America. American, sellers ,tend to treat American buyers more than equals, and the egalitarian values of
  22. Transaction costs decrease. This then attracts a larger number of buyers and, sellers ,to the exchange. See, for example, the work of Steve Lunch (1999). The
  23. Prefer the American seller's role. In other words, even though the American, sellers ,make lower profits than the Japanese, many American managers apparently prefer
  24. Aid provisions will require certain types of food be purchased from certain, sellers , and food aid can be misused to enhance the markets of donor countries.
  25. Wherein buyers (employers) have significantly more market power than do, sellers ,(workers). This monopoly could be a result of intentional collusion between
  26. And book markets. Marrakech, Morocco,had a street named Kutubiyyin or book, sellers ,which contained more than 100 bookshops in the 12th century; the famous
  27. In its supply chain that the company operates as a monopoly (one buyer, many, sellers , ),in that it can dictate terms to its suppliers. Briefly in July 2011,due to
  28. Can quickly make dirt roads impassable. In the remotest parts of Australia fuel, sellers ,are located hundreds of kilometers apart, so spare fuel must be carried or
  29. People trying to buy it. They will" bid" money for the item, while in return, sellers ,offer the item for money. When the bid matches the offer, a transaction can
  30. Designs were applied by automakers and continued to be popular in the, sellers ,' market after World War 2. These" streamlined" forms began to be used for
  31. Having emerged in the 1980s as a response to the need for buyers and, sellers ,to agree on common measures of a coin's value. Official grading is an effort
  32. Crisis of confidence" model of hyperinflation, where the risk premium that, sellers ,demand for the paper currency over the nominal value grows rapidly. The second
  33. Usually a UPC) and quantities. Another example is the set of messages between, sellers ,and buyers, such as request for quotation (RFQ),bid in response to RFQ
  34. At which the sale of the same security can be done. As the number of buyers and, sellers ,on an exchange increases, liquidity increases, and transaction costs decrease.
  35. Stench of Redemption album received rave reviews, and is one of their biggest, sellers ,yet. On May 24, 2007,it was announced Ralph Mantilla had left Decide.
  36. And later moved to Rome to work as a cofactor (a middleman between buyers and, sellers ,at auctions, receiving 1 % of the purchase price from each for his services).
  37. In 1995 at the age of 47. Competition In the 1980s,Intel was among the top ten, sellers ,of semiconductors (10th in 1987) in the world. In 1991,Intel became the
  38. Of any commodity rises or falls by the proportion of the number of buyer and, sellers , ” and“ that which regulates the price ... of goods is nothing else but their
  39. Then American buyers, but compared with American sellers ($4,350),Japanese, sellers ,also get more of the commercial pie ($4,430) as well. Interestingly, when
  40. An auctioneer in an open outcry auction market environment to bring buyers and, sellers ,together and to manage the actual auction. They do on occasion (approximately
  41. Of a probability distribution *Price dispersion, a variation in prices across, sellers ,of the same item *Wage dispersion, the amount of variation in wages encountered
  42. To the allied genus Hippeastrum, despite being labeled as 'Amaryllis' by, sellers ,and nurseries. Adding to the name confusion, some bulbs of other species with a
  43. It was the first web-based transaction system that allowed buyers and, sellers ,to buy, sell,and trade commodity products globally. It allowed users to do
  44. Of bids on items. This makes it more worthwhile to sell on eBay and brings more, sellers ,onto eBay, which drives prices down again as this increases supply, while
  45. 86 hours adrift in lifeboats. Through the years, Mobil was among the largest, sellers ,of gasoline and motor oils in the United States and even held the top spot
  46. Merely a computer bulletin board system and did not actually connect buyers and, sellers , The NASDAQ helped lower the spread (the difference between the bid price and
  47. On lodging and prepared food and 10 % on short-term auto rentals. Commercial, sellers ,of blueberries, a Maine staple, must keep records of their transactions and pay
  48. Markets are perfectly competitive. This implies that there are many buyers and, sellers ,in the market and none of them have the capacity to significantly influence
  49. The return (yield) on other bonds began to increase because there were many, sellers ,(i.e. the price of those bonds fell). This caused the difference between the
  50. The price of the good or product to be sold. *High Barriers to Entry: Other, sellers ,are unable to enter the market of the monopoly. *Single seller: In a monopoly

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