Examples of the the word, dedicated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dedicated ), is the 5122 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. I am not, as a matter of fact, a member of the Communist party, nor am I, dedicated ,to the overthrow of the U. S. government or any government by violence. ... I
  2. Propaganda, holding a position similar to that of Molotov. Benjamin is a very, dedicated ,friend to Boxer, and does nothing to warn the other animals of the pigs '
  3. And Demos, date from the 8th century BCE. The Demos sanctuary was primarily, dedicated ,to Artemis,Apollo's twin sister. At Delphi, Apollo was venerated as the
  4. As a young child unable to see, hear,or speak. She was later to say that Bell, dedicated ,his life to the penetration of that" inhuman silence which separates and
  5. Apple Messaged 2000 to an iPhone, and the Newton was still declared better. A, dedicated ,Newton store existed in the mid-1990's in Westwood Village, California,near
  6. 1893 – Salt Lake Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is, dedicated ,by Wilford Woodruff. *1895 – Oscar Wilde is arrested in the Ladoga Hotel
  7. Dead father. Afterward, his mother retired to Weimar, and Arthur Schopenhauer, dedicated ,himself wholly to studies in the gymnasium of Gotha. After he left it in
  8. The very rich gold deposits at Las Medullas for example. The poet Horace, dedicated ,an ode to the victory, while the monument Trophy of Augustus near Monaco was
  9. SLA). To avoid confusion, the annual scientific research conference, dedicated ,to the study of MND is called the International ALS/MND Symposium. ALS/AND
  10. In culture and tradition lends it a tourism value; Alana Amber Museum is, dedicated ,to the mineral. Historic medicinal uses Amber has long been used in folk
  11. MacKenzie Housing Co-Operative Inc. in Narnia, Ontario. * A monument is, dedicated ,to his tomb in Lake view Cemetery, Sarnia, Ontario Supreme Court appointments
  12. Ю); Coptic has a letter for. Devanagari is typically an abused augmented with, dedicated ,letters for initial vowels, though some traditions use अ as a zero consonant as
  13. All of which were imaged by the Galileo probe en route to Jupiter. The first, dedicated ,asteroid probe was NEAR Shoemaker, which photographed 253 Mathilde in 1997
  14. Use was taught in the" Kalmyk" to the" temalpouhkeh ", who were students, dedicated ,to take the accounts of skies, from childhood. Unfortunately the
  15. Buildings such as an auditorium, R&D facilities, a fitness center and a, dedicated ,generating plant as primary source of electricity (powered by natural gas and
  16. His The Last Supper-series (1986). Dedicated museums Two museums are, dedicated ,to Warhol. The Andy Warhol Museum, one of the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh
  17. May recite the rosary and Angeles, be involved in a devotional society, dedicated ,to" Our Lady" ( the Blessed Virgin Mary) and seek the intercession of the
  18. And Modena, Italy. Additionally, Phage Press published 12 volumes of a, dedicated ,Amber DRPG magazine called Amber zine. Some Amber zine issues are still available
  19. Interface to some remote system. If needed, an applet can leave the, dedicated ,area and run as a separate window. However, applets have very little control
  20. Were among the six musicians who founded the Paris Bach Society, a choir, dedicated ,to performing J. S. Bach's music, for whose concerts Schweitzer took the organ
  21. Of a few modest legacies to family members – would go to create a foundation, dedicated ,to the" advancement of the visual arts ". Warhol had so many possessions that
  22. Extensively in the contemporary Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, which was, dedicated ,in 2002 by the Los Angeles, California Archdiocese. The cathedral incorporates
  23. College for medical staff has been named for him. On the grounds is a museum, dedicated ,to his life, times and work. In March 2008,it was announced that Avicenna’s
  24. Inner sources (archetypes). Jung saw alchemy as a Western proto-psychology, dedicated ,to the achievement of individuation. A concept also followed by others such as
  25. 3's online community-based service, Audi has supported Home by releasing a, dedicated ,Home space in the European version of Home. Audi is the first carmaker to
  26. Haiti, Hittite,Phrygia, Urartian, and Roman works as well as a major section, dedicated ,to Lydian treasures. * State Art and Sculpture Museum (Resim-Heykel Mules):
  27. Street in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is the largest American art museum, dedicated ,to a single artist, holding more than 12,000 works by the artist. The other
  28. Equanimity). His body was placed in Hadrian's mausoleum, a column was, dedicated ,to him on the Campus Marius, Historiography The only account of his life
  29. Leonard Payoff established the Ayn Rand Institute, a nonprofit organization, dedicated ,to spreading Rand's ideas and promoting her works. In 1990,philosopher David
  30. For example, the World University Service of Canada is a volunteer organization, dedicated ,to bringing educational, health and other services to nations that need them
  31. But were disappointing to Christie herself; nevertheless, Agatha Christie, dedicated ,the novel The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side to Rutherford. Murder, She Said
  32. 523-50. *De virtuous et cities, also De cities et virtuous (moral treatise, dedicated ,to Count Wide of Brittany,799 x 800),ed. J. P. Mine. PL 101. Paris,1851.
  33. 2006,Apple scored 2.7/10. In 2010,Climate Counts, a nonprofit organization, dedicated ,to directing consumers toward the greenest companies, gave Apple a score of 52
  34. Applets have very little control over web page content outside the applet, dedicated ,area, so they are less useful for improving the site appearance in general (
  35. Symphony No. 6 (" The Tragic" ) and in Alan Berg's poignant Violin Concerto, dedicated ," To the memory of an angel ". In popular music Angst, in contemporary
  36. Pressure The ADA (1990) is unusual because more than a hundred groups, dedicated ,to disability rights, civil rights, and social justice worked together to
  37. Or alabaster proper, occurs in England. The early use of alabaster for vessels, dedicated ,for use in the cult of the deity Bast in the culture of the Ancient Egyptians
  38. As Medics (; literally" physician" in Latin) in this respect. A temple was, dedicated ,to Apollo Medics at Rome, probably next to the temple of Belong. As a
  39. The nation was born, not in 1789,but in 1776," conceived in Liberty, and, dedicated , to the proposition that all men are created equal. " He defined the war as an
  40. Or 2013. Van Gogh lived in Amsterdam for a short while and there is a museum, dedicated ,to his work. The museum is housed in one of the few modern buildings in this
  41. S pedal piano was still in use at Nazarene in 1946. Sir Donald Today, dedicated ,his conjectural completion of Bach's Die Must her Huge (Art of the Fugue)
  42. Poem is one of the classic poems of the Beat Generation. The poem, which was, dedicated ,to writer Carl Solomon, opens: I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed
  43. Sailors went out of their way to offer sacrifice. To Achilles of Luce were, dedicated ,a number of important commercial port cities of the Greek waters: McMillan in
  44. Delete began editing and publishing a magazine called Hawk and Whippoorwill, dedicated ,to poems of man and nature. Delete died of a massive and sudden heart attack
  45. III.19.11). Ruins of a square temple 30 meters to a side, possibly that, dedicated ,to Achilles, were discovered by Captain Kritzikly in 1823,but there has been
  46. The city that day. In the trauma of the earthquake,Vivaldi's mother may have, dedicated ,him to the priesthood. Vivaldi's official church baptism (the rites that
  47. Proposition that all men are created equal. " He defined the war as an effort, dedicated ,to these principles of liberty and equality for all. The emancipation of slaves
  48. Are usually stowed in a roller at the bow. Owing to the use of lead or other, dedicated ,tip-weight, the plow is heavier than average for the amount of resistance
  49. Music Schweitzer rapidly gained prominence as a musical scholar and organist, dedicated ,also to the rescue, restoration and study of historic pipe organs. With
  50. Co-edits the Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, a nonpartisan peer-reviewed journal, dedicated ,to the study of Rand's philosophical and literary work. In 1987 Gotten

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