Examples of the the word, conform , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conform ), is the 5119 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With a creative license; which meant that the rest of the players had to, conform ,to a very rigid tactical scheme that required discipline rather than creativity
  2. Management System),an early form of digital rights management (DRM),to, conform ,to the AURA (Audio Home Recording Act). The Recordable Audio CD is typically
  3. To change laws. The cooperative movement seeks to build new institutions which, conform ,to cooperative principles, and generally does not lobby or protest politically.
  4. Thing for the right reason. Just as action according to LI should be adapted to, conform ,to the aspiration of adhering to Yi, so Yi is linked to the core value of men (
  5. To conform to codes and can opt to punish or attempt to reform those who do not, conform , Authorities employ various mechanisms to regulate (encouraging or
  6. Laws) rather than keynotes/κανόνες (rules),but almost all Orthodox, conform ,to them. The dogmatic decisions of the Councils, though,are to be obeyed
  7. S wife or bride. Malachi's discussion of divorce may also be understood to, conform ,to this metaphor. Malachi could very well be urging his audience not to break
  8. Number ten had the creative license but as a result center midfielders had to, conform ,to a very rigid tactical scheme; Valderrama never quite functioned in the
  9. He took were ultimately discredited and the malcontents whom he pressed to, conform ,emerged victorious," writes the historian A. H. M. Jones. " The great councils
  10. Plague. A few days after the sermon, Paneloux is taken ill. His symptoms do not, conform ,to those of the plague, but the disease still proves fatal. Narrow and Lambert
  11. Of Public Worship. Despite this, about one quarter of English clergy refused to, conform ,to this form of State Presbyterianism. With the Restoration of Charles II
  12. By bishops of the Eastern churches, so long as those receiving the ordination, conform ,to other canonical requirements (for example, is an adult male) and an
  13. Out by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not, conform ,to minimal medical standards, or both. " They may be performed by the woman
  14. Finally, Thierry and his party went to Luxury and ordered the abbot to, conform ,to the usages of the country. Columbus refused, whereupon he was taken
  15. Europe *Recreation: Carabiners sold for use in climbing in Europe must, conform ,to standard EN 12275:1998" Mountaineering equipment - Connectors - Safety
  16. By those communities. Consequently, the work is viewed as a warning not to, conform ,to contemporary Greco-Roman society which John" unveils" as beastly, demonic
  17. Two or three bishops participate, either to ensure sacramental validity or to, conform ,with church law. Roman Catholic doctrine holds that one bishop can validly
  18. Simeon II. Bulgaria did not decriminalize homosexuality until 2002,doing so to, conform ,to European Union norms as it pressed for membership. Nevertheless, polls from
  19. The C programming language. Software developers writing in C are encouraged to, conform ,to the standards, as doing so aids portability between compilers. History and
  20. However, some biological substances commonly called" monosaccharides" do not, conform ,to this formula (e.g., uronic acids and deoxy-sugars such as fuse),and
  21. The relation between secular art and the demands placed on the secular world to, conform ,to religious precepts. Islamic art frequently adopts secular elements and
  22. The desired change in values has been brought about, the victim is expected to, conform ,spontaneously, without any need for further coercion. Whether and under what
  23. A cardiac arrest),although they may also include numbers, and may not, conform ,to a uniform standard. Examples Systems incorporating color coding include:
  24. Machinery at their disposal, agents of the State can compel populations to, conform ,to codes and can opt to punish or attempt to reform those who do not conform .
  25. System (SCMS),an early form of digital rights management (DRM),to, conform ,to the United States' Audio Home Recording Act (AURA). The ReWritable Audio
  26. Orthography). Consequently, the majority of Arabic Unicode fonts do not, conform ,with the specification and have a glyph without the AIF at this position (e.
  27. Civil War ", in which the superhero community is split over whether to, conform ,to the federal government's new Superhuman Registration Act. This knowledge
  28. Thus, to be valid, any law must conform to natural law and coercing people to, conform ,to that law is morally acceptable. In the 1760s William Blackstone (1979: 41)
  29. Needless to say, these reasons are only to be trusted to the extent that they, conform ,to experience. (Hume 1974:389) And there are a number of reasons to be
  30. Although others disagree. It is clear, however,that the LDS church does not, conform ,to the same young-Earth creationist creed as many other faiths. The church has
  31. A way that conform s to their rational nature. Thus, to be valid, any law must, conform ,to natural law and coercing people to conform to that law is morally acceptable
  32. Bolshevik" and" Emily Dickinson in trousers. " Translation Reluctant to, conform ,to Socialist Realism, Pasternak turned to translation. He soon produced
  33. Acids and deoxy-sugars such as fuse),and there are many chemicals that do, conform ,to this formula but are not considered to be monosaccharides (e.g.
  34. Forms comes from the Maria period, where figures were radically altered to, conform ,to Akhenaten's revolutionary religious ideas. This style, known as Maria art
  35. Committee reviews Sharia law, and decides whether particular courses of action, conform ,to the law. * The Islamic Study/Fatah Committee issues religious edicts, such
  36. And later the Soviet Bloc countries, were highly shaped by the requirement to, conform ,to Marxist theories of social evolution. Countries Britain E. B. Taylor (2
  37. Chinese art, literature,and performing arts like Peking opera, were altered to, conform ,to government policies and propaganda at the time. Today, the Chinese
  38. Role of the center midfielder has evolved throughout the years, from having to, conform ,to a rigid tactical scheme to players like Xavi Hernandez who enjoy plenty of
  39. Variations or ligatures found in manuscript sources unless they can be shown to, conform ,to the Unicode definition of a character. The Unicode 5.1 standard, released on
  40. Primarily on social issues. Conservatives tend to reject behavior that does not, conform ,to some social norm. For many years, conservative parties fought to stop
  41. Identifies the legitimate goals of enforcement and punishment. Legislation must, conform ,to a theory of legitimacy, which describes the circumstances under which a
  42. Algorithms. Second, there are types of computations which do not, conform ,to the Turing machine model on which P and NP are defined, such as quantum
  43. The fundamental law of Brazil. All other legislation and court decisions must, conform ,to its rules., there have been 53 amendments. States have their own
  44. Human is seen to have a duty to recognize God through His messengers, and to, conform ,to their teachings. Through recognition and obedience, service to humanity and
  45. As the official language of the country, the standard of English tends to, conform ,to the vocabulary, pronunciations,spellings, and conventions akin to, but not
  46. Using a special pair of pliers, the reed maker presses down the cane, making it, conform ,to the shape of the mandrel. (The steam generated by the heated mandrel causes
  47. Set up orthoepy academies (正音书院/正音書院; Penguin Human) to make pronunciation, conform ,to the standard of the capital Beijing. For the general population, however
  48. Special proprietary encoding. Photo CD discs are defined in the Beige Book and, conform ,to the CD-ROM A and CD-i Bridge specifications as well. They are intended to
  49. Take one joystick, or two joysticks by use of a splitter cable. In order to, conform ,with stricter German EMC regulations, the complete Schneider CPC line-up is
  50. Roads and paths The city is belted by three. The streets in downtown Ann Arbor, conform ,to a grid pattern, though this pattern is less common in the surrounding areas.

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