Examples of the the word, greet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( greet ), is the 5135 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Do not need to convert to Judaism. * In the author says that those from Italy, greet ,the readers. This could mean that the author is writing from Italy or that the
  2. Works by Homer, Euripides,and Aristotle. In October 1350,he was delegated to, greet ,Francesco Petrarch as he entered Florence and also to have the great man as a
  3. Relations by insisting that henceforward all German diplomats were to, greet ,heads of state with the" German greet ing ", who were in turn to return the
  4. He found the USSR free of racism and racial segregation; Russians ran up to, greet ,him in the streets. He spoke of the" joy and happiness and friendliness, this
  5. Czech keen). Austrians, in particular, will say" GRU Got" ( literally ", greet ,God! ", meaning " May God bless you" ) when greet ing someone, rather than the
  6. Left alive who can give a full account of the story. When Fortinbras arrives to, greet ,King Claudius, he encounters the deadly scene: Gertrude, Claudius,Laertes, and
  7. Sugar),and he also recounted being chastised by his father after failing to, greet ,a local priest with proper respect. Salary responded to the reprimand by
  8. Of two episodic depictions in a single panel of the hermit Anthony's travel to, greet ,the hermit Paul, one is his encounter along the pathway with the demonic figure
  9. To his account, some three thousand villagers had traveled to Manzanillo to, greet ,the Spanish with loaves, fishes and other foodstuffs and were" without
  10. Tai sent An Buoyant (Nanai-Banda, a Gordian from Bukhara) to KOK Turks to, greet ,its chieftain Lumen to try to establish commercial relationship. In 546,Lumen
  11. Pandora emerges from the ground, her arms upraised in the epiphany gesture, to, greet , Epimetheus. A winged KER with a fillet hovers overhead:" Pandora rises from
  12. Letter, Cortés describes his first with Moctezuma thus:" Montezuma sic came to, greet ,us and with him some two hundred lords, all barefoot and dressed in a different
  13. They made another appearance at Disneyland Paris this year for meet and, greet ,at the Disneyland Hotel on April 2,2011, the day of the Press Event for the
  14. As they wander onto a heath, the Three Witches enter, who have waited to, greet ,them with prophecies. Even though Ban quo challenges them first, they address
  15. In negotiations with Israel for the building of the Extraterrestrial Embassy to, greet ,the anticipated Elohim space vessels, although the country continued to deny
  16. This period of time, it is customary for the males in the family to personally, greet ,all who come to show respect to the deceased. African funerals West African
  17. Role. Thus, in diplomatic affairs, heads of state are often the first person to, greet ,an important foreign visitor. They may also assume a sort of informal host role
  18. Of honor form a receiving line in order of precedence near the entrance. They, greet ,each guest in turn as he or she arrives. Each guest greet s the first person in
  19. Played. When Band visited a city, a contingent of women is expected to, greet ,him at the airport and dance for him. A special cloth, bearing the president's
  20. When Trotsky arrived in New York in January 1917,Bukharin was the first to, greet ,him (as Trotsky's wife recalled," with a bear hug and immediately began to
  21. Bars of the National Anthem (" Advance Australia Fair")—is the salute used to, greet ,the governor upon arrival at, and mark his or her departure from most official
  22. Eric Blood and his host, and bids the heroes Sigmund and Sinfjötli rise to, greet ,him. Bragg is then mentioned, questioning how Odin knows that it is Eric and
  23. Unlike the Uzbeks. Towns and villages are said to have emptied in order to, greet ,him, and aid and feed his army. At this point, Babur dismissed his Persian aide
  24. From Ixtapaluca. Although Montezuma came out from the center of Tenochtitlan to, greet ,them and exchange gifts, the camaraderie did not last long. Cortés put
  25. The well-known balcony on which the Royal Family traditionally congregate to, greet ,crowds outside. However, the palace chapel was destroyed by a German bomb in
  26. His campaign, Vespasian decided to await further orders and send Titus to, greet ,the new Emperor. Before reaching Italy however, Titus learned that Gala had
  27. Of an" unwritten" law of custom (for example, the manner in which people, greet ,each other, such as by shaking each other's hands). In physical sciences
  28. Is that it derives from Johnson's word skavoovie, with which he was known to, greet ,his friends. Jackie Motto insisted that the musicians themselves called the
  29. By Hindus, is an elaborate set of hand gestures and body movements, designed to, greet ,and revere the Sun. The sun god in Hinduism is an ancient and revered deity. In
  30. Through Canada's scenery, forests,small towns and enabled people to see and, greet ,them. Their trains were elegantly decorated; some had amenities such as a post
  31. Dead will be resurrected, and dealt with prior to those still living, who will, greet ,the Lord in the air. Thus, he assures, there is no reason to mourn the death of
  32. 1822) states that in Yorkshire at eight o'clock on Christmas Eve the bells, greet ," Old Father Christmas" with a merry peal, the children parade the streets
  33. Of Harding's death. Coolidge dressed, said a prayer, and came downstairs to, greet ,the reporters who had assembled. Finishing Harding's term The nation did not
  34. Is taken to Valhalla by the Valkyrie Consul and Odin sends Hermosa and Bragg to, greet ,him. In these poems Bragg could be either a god or a dead hero in Valhalla.
  35. Also plays a key role in many social interactions. Familiar elephants will, greet ,each other by entwining their trunks, much like a handshake. They also use them
  36. S victory, that an estimated 750,000 people gathered in central London to, greet ,the team, making the day the largest sporting celebration of its kind ever in
  37. From the overwhelming joy with which long parted lovers and family members, greet ,each other. For some citizens, exile was a feeling more difficult to pin down.
  38. Was held at the Melbourne Town Hall and ABBA appeared on the balcony to, greet ,an enthusiastic crowd of 6,000 people. In Melbourne, ABBA played three concerts
  39. From another church in the last verse" The children of thy elect sister, greet ,thee ". The elect is a fairly common term for those who believe in the gospel
  40. Which means he has to move on to make a living and that he will not be there to, greet ,Jennifer when she returns.; Act II A year later in October, the miners
  41. Absence. Bazaars were draped in gold, and again villages and towns emptied to, greet ,the liberator. Conquest of the Lodi Empire Writing in retrospect, Babur
  42. Their natural inclinations thwarted. With nothing but hunger and inhumanity to, greet ,them, these victims soon sink back into crime as the only possibility of
  43. Palestine in November 1947. Neighboring Arab states declared that they would, greet ,any attempt to create a Jewish state with war, but they made very little effort
  44. Useful and customary that a man of great eloquence and versed in poetry should, greet ,those entering a hall. Scalds named Bragi Addison In the Prose Edda
  45. S plan for the Iraq War in 2003. The song has occasionally been revived to ", greet ," Thatcher's public outings following her resignation as Prime Minister, but
  46. Territories. Between these territories are neutral areas where cats watch and, greet ,one another without territorial conflicts. Outside these neutral areas
  47. Conclude with his paracentesis and wish them peace by including a prayer request, greet ,them with his name and his friends with a holy kiss, and offer final grace and
  48. Her children,” and closes with the words,“ The children of thy elect sister, greet ,thee. ” However, some translators prefer to transliterate the Greek word for "
  49. For it. When Lois is in custody and awakens, her father Sam Lane is there to, greet ,her in an interview room in an unnamed facility. Although Lois is happy to see
  50. Mickey regularly appears at the various Disneyland theme parks to, greet ,guests who visit the parks. Video games Like many popular characters, Mickey

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