Examples of the the word, thereof , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thereof ), is the 5124 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To help them, confident that she would rather have her body (or at least part, thereof ,) in Saint. When they opened the bag to show the guards, it appeared no longer
  2. Products which use" biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives, thereof , " Even some complex" medical devices" ( see below) can reasonably be deemed
  3. The alibi. The Hebrew Bible occasionally refers to Ara vi peoples (or variants, thereof ,), translated as" Arab" or" Arabian. " The scope of the term at that early
  4. Was not well received, so that in general" Algol" means Algol 60 and dialects, thereof , Important implementations The International Algorithmic Language (ILL) was
  5. To affirm the appointment of the trustee or substitute another in place, thereof ,* To give such directions to the trustee as the creditors may see fit with
  6. Taranto Warpaths, through this island to Costello Point, the South extreme, thereof , across to Cape Plaza (East extremity of Crete),through Crete to Aria
  7. And 7 truncation thereof ; * the alternated cubic honeycomb and 4 truncation, thereof ,; * 10 prismatic forms based on the uniform plane filings (11 if including the
  8. The Island of Rhodes, through the island to Cape Prisons, the Southwest point, thereof , on to Fronts Point (35°33'N) in Taranto Warpaths, through this island to
  9. Of different humans. An object may be characterized by the intentions, or lack, thereof , of its creator, regardless of its apparent purpose. A cup, which ostensibly
  10. And WAS),ground-based systems (such as VOR or LOAN),or any combination, thereof , Older avionics required a pilot or navigator to plot the intersection of
  11. Home of the Brave, to help freedom ring across the globe, unto all the peoples, thereof , That is our solemn obligation, and we will not fail. " *The Coat of Arms of
  12. Copyright for a term of" fourteen years from the time of recording the title, thereof ," with a right of renewal for another fourteen years if the author survived to
  13. Family is the literal image and likeness of the Godhead. The feminine aspects, thereof ,being understood to be the Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost. Vernon Howell's (David
  14. Cost model, also called logarithmic-cost measurement (and variations, thereof ,), assigns a cost to every machine operation proportional to the number of bits
  15. Is a Korean double-byte character encoding standard * Unicode (and subsets, thereof , such as the 16-bit 'Basic Multilingual Plane' ). See UTF-8 Character encoding
  16. God's love, and the play can be said to be about God-given talent. Or the lack, thereof ,: Salary is hospitalized in a mental institution, where he announces himself as
  17. The depth of water. A cable or rode is the rope, chain,or combination, thereof ,used to connect the anchor to the vessel. Neither rope nor chain is
  18. The earth to break apart because of how parched it is, or of overabundance, thereof , which also causes cracks in the earth because of the excess of water. In
  19. For their plentiful" pluck" and berated the Englishmen for their lack, thereof , A celebrated poem appeared in Punch on Saturday,9 September. The first verse
  20. Consisted of an aggregate of the following general ideas, or some combination, thereof ,: *" Condoms are too heavy ", i. e., their material significantly decreases
  21. Form America refers to the continent, and America are the inhabitants, thereof , Likewise, the Esperanto word Amerigo refers only to the continent. For the
  22. Called also isopropanol and 2-propanol,called isopropanol and mixtures, thereof ,; further,2-phenoxyethanol and 1- and 2-phenoxypropanols are used),*phenolic
  23. And/or bailiff does not execute a writ forthwith or does not make a return, thereof ,Federal Courts in Canada This section applies only to Federal Court of Appeal
  24. Cats can have as their primary (non-white) color black, red,any dilution, thereof , and tortoiseshell (see below for definition).; Tabby: Striped, with a
  25. Universe is not fine-tuned, but given enough universes, a small fraction, thereof ,will be capable of supporting intelligent life. Ours must be one of these, and
  26. Divisions of land area were typically based on the square mile, and fractions, thereof , If the square mile is divided into quarters, each quarter has a side length of
  27. Lowenbrau, discoverer of Cosmos' writings, published a Latin translation, thereof ,in 1576. In its preface, he argued that Cosmos' picture of Constantine was
  28. Or defect customs union, common market and currency union (or combinations, thereof ,) with the mainland and in regard to third countries through the trade pacts
  29. Rubric of 1559,'that such Ornaments of the Church, and of the Ministers, thereof , at all Times of their Ministration, shall be retained, and be in use, as were
  30. Be born again. / The wind blower where it listed, and thou nearest the sound, thereof , but canst not tell whence it comet, and whither it Goethe: so is every one
  31. The translations, rotations,scaling, reflections,and arbitrary compositions, thereof , The result (x ', y ') of applying a Euclidean transformation to a point (x
  32. Of his men; (2) the performance of his subordinates, and his management, thereof ,; (3) health issues, and; (4) the performance of his opponent, George G.
  33. Some temperate, and put therein much of that" chili "; yea, they make paste, thereof , the which they say is good for the stomach and against the catarrh. The first
  34. Extremity of Crete),through Crete to Aria Grabs, the Northwest extreme, thereof , thence to Cape Politics in Antikithera Island, through the island to Sir
  35. Wu Wei (action through inaction). Harmony with the Universe, or the source, thereof ,(Tao),is the intended result of many Taoist rules and practices. *Mohism
  36. Of the BAC in the United States). While a variety of units (or sometimes lack, thereof ,) is used throughout the world, many countries use the g/L unit, which do not
  37. Are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results, thereof , " Accounting is thousands of years old; the earliest accounting records, which
  38. Such honeycombs exist: * the familiar cubic honeycomb and 7 truncation, thereof ,; * the alternated cubic honeycomb and 4 truncation thereof ; * 10 prismatic
  39. Then the ghost of the deceased Roman Empire sitting crowned upon the grave, thereof ,", he was promulgating an enormously important truth. Authority in the Roman
  40. Century teleprinter equipment used Western Union's code,ITA2,or variants, thereof , Radio amateurs casually call ITA2 and variants" Ballot" incorrectly, and
  41. Players of similar interests, skill levels, age,or gender, or combinations, thereof , The most common game variants are rubber bridge and duplicate bridge. In
  42. Include function calls, variable assignments, calculations,or any combination, thereof , AWK contains built-in support for many functions; many more are provided by
  43. e.g. 5 percent of sales up to 50,000 units,2.5 percent of sales in excess, thereof , The trigger for royalty payments may be sales, or other factors, such as the
  44. Is a bronze star 1½ inches (38 mm) in circumscribing diameter. In the center, thereof ,is a 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) diameter superimposed bronze star, the center line of
  45. Smell; when being so rotten they cast on the land, as they do their muck, and, thereof , springeth good corn, especially barley ... After spring-tydes or great rigs of
  46. Of the church's property must be appointed to said positions by the president, thereof , and Forest had made no such appointments, nor did they even have a president
  47. The fancier names such as" Intervals "," Camel Case" and variations, thereof ,are relatively recent and seem more common in computer-related communities. The
  48. Whom I have excluded from pardon by my proclamation, and divide the proceeds, thereof ,among the families of the wool hat boys, the Confederate soldiers, whom these
  49. All the statements listed below which require choice or some weaker version, thereof ,for their proof are unprovable in ZF, but since each is provable in ZF plus the
  50. Trichlorophenol, tribromophenol, pentachlorophenol, Dibromol and salts, thereof ,), *cationic surfactants, such as some quaternary ammonium cations (such as

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