Examples of the the word, admire , in a Sentence Context

The word ( admire ), is the 5136 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Playing Indian" that dates back to at least the 18th century. Many individuals, admire ,the heroism and romanticism evoked by the classic Native American warrior image
  2. Played by Minute. Although he resists Red Beard initially, Yasumoto comes to, admire ,his wisdom and courage, and to perceive the patients at the clinic, whom he at
  3. Important Yet those who did not appreciate it as model of history could still, admire ,the style of writing - thus Dionysus of Halicarnassus praises its sweetness
  4. He proposed to show us at once" dragging the tired Trotsky's across town" to, admire ,his great discovery" ). The February 1917 Revolution to 1923 At the news of
  5. Suicide turned Waning into a cult figure, and someone Wittgenstein came to, admire , Monk writes that Wittgenstein was ashamed that he had not also killed himself
  6. Grand staircase, now lost. From the great hall, visitors could look out to, admire ,the Great Mere or the inner court through huge windows. The under croft to the
  7. When faced with a beautiful philosophical concept you should just sit back and, admire ,it. You should not question it. " In The Mask of Enlightenment (1995) Stanley
  8. The modern writer who has influenced me most is Somerset Maugham, whom I, admire ,immensely for his power of telling a story straightforwardly and without frills
  9. Be governed by the morality of Christianity ... I am thankful I can see much to, admire ,in all religions. To the mass of mankind religion of some kind is a necessity.
  10. In search of confirmation from Luther for his own views. Zwingli did, however, admire , Luther greatly for the stand he took against the pope. This, more than Luther
  11. In his teens, and claims to have liked them personally even though he does not, admire ,them on artistic grounds. In Fantasy: The Hundred Best Books (July 1991),he
  12. Beaumont, a Royal Flying Corps pilot. " It was part of Goering's creed to, admire ,a good enemy, and he did his best to keep Captain Beaumont from being taken
  13. In the Star Talk show on channel Star Plus, he claimed himself not to, admire ,Hitler. Thackeray's supporters, such as columnist Marsha Those, have defended
  14. De Atacama, in the north, is very popular with foreign tourists who arrive to, admire ,the Indie architecture, the Altiplano lakes, and the Valley of the Moon. In
  15. Weeks of preparation, she is ready. All the ladies and gentlemen at the ball, admire ,her, and the Queen of Transylvania invites her to dance with her son, the
  16. Study with Pace),and mathematics (taught by J. J. Sylvester, who came to, admire ,Peirce's work on mathematics and logic). ID GS>1883 saw publication of
  17. Poet Robert Browning and his wife Elizabeth Barrett Browning could study and, admire ,the Schlemiels while still appreciating Euripides as" our Euripides the human "
  18. He is said to have remained for thirty years. Pericles learned to love and, admire ,him, and the poet Euripides derived from him an enthusiasm for science and
  19. World and masters it... this extraordinary man, whom it is impossible not to, admire , Although Napoleon chose not to close down Jena as he had other universities
  20. In public exercise — so in Aristophanes' Lysistrata the Athenian women, admire ,the tanned, muscular bodies of their Spartan counterparts — and women could own
  21. Aloud, was wonderful. It was not until years later that critics began to openly, admire ,the poem. Background In September 1797,Coleridge lived in Stowed in the south
  22. French disease, which has made too much progress even in this happy country. I, admire ,his eloquence, I approve his politics, I adore his chivalry, and I can even
  23. Use of his right side and leaving him bereft of his memory; while still able to, admire ,his own writings, he could not recognize himself as their author. In December
  24. Kid on the block. But we made a good movie. " Ford said of Scott in 2000:" I, admire ,his work. We had a bad patch there, and I'm over it. " In 2006 Ford reflected
  25. When I was young, I admire d clever people. Now that I am old, I, admire , kind people. " *"Awareness of symbolic meaning is awareness of a specific idea;
  26. Friends Monica sings karaoke at Mike's piano bar. She mistakenly thinks they, admire ,her singing skills, but in fact, they are staring at her very see-through shirt
  27. Aphrodisiac I deplore. " Asked for a response, Presley said," I, admire ,the man. He has a right to say what he wants to say. He is a great success and
  28. Endymion's beauty, caused him to sleep with his eyes open, so he could fully, admire ,his face. In art, Hypnos was portrayed as a naked youthful man, sometimes with
  29. Room reflects on the epidemic and reaches the conclusion that there is more to, admire ,than to despise in humans. Characters in" The Plague" *The Narrator: presents
  30. Human Barbara and his ancestor, princess Gather Shad, thus he was able to, admire ,the work of his relatives and ancestors at first hand. He was introduced to the
  31. With large numbers of Muslims revealed that Muslim students often" praise or, admire ,Adolf Hitler for his killing of Jews ", that " Jew-hate is legitimate within
  32. And that is tantamount to saying,'I have no will in the matter. ' You cannot, admire ,will in general, because the essence of will is that it is particular. " This
  33. Revolution) against tyrannical regimes. Many anarcho-capitalists, admire ,the American Revolution as the legitimate act of individuals working together
  34. Coming from all conjugations are: :1st Conjugation: minor, mīrātus sum — to, admire , wonder :2nd Conjugation: police, pollicitus sum — to promise, offer :3rd
  35. Varese in the 1930s. He became friends with Zappa in the 1980s,and said" I, admire ,everything Frank does, because he practically created the new musical
  36. It is hard for many modern readers to accept that one could seriously so, admire ,the style of those works currently available to us. The surviving texts of
  37. In human aesthetics: #Expertise or virtuosity. Humans cultivate, recognize,and, admire ,technical artistic skills. #Nonutilitarian pleasure. People enjoy art for art
  38. To take risks with his career, and his life, is one reason why people still, admire ,him today. " Whilst for music historians Irish and Bailey,Lennon's most
  39. At the range here, and reflect that these movies contain treasure for those who, admire ,the craft as well as the story, who sense the glee with which De Palma
  40. July),caused Prince Eugene to lament" … since the Donauwörth action I cannot, admire ,their performances ", and later to conclude" If he has to go home without
  41. Poetry is proven by the quote" For the authors of those great poems which we, admire , do not attain to excellence through the rules of any art; but they utter their
  42. Something in it paradoxical and Mysterious. The spirit it is impossible not to, admire ,; but the old Parisian ferocity has broken out in a shocking manner ". The
  43. Of troubles throughout practically his entire reign. But for my part, I, admire , him all the more for this very reason, that amid unusual and extraordinary
  44. 1793) but by the early 19th century he had changed his mind and came to, admire ,Burke. In his Two Addresses to the Freeholders of Westmoreland Wordsworth called
  45. Most people would associate with a male rock star ... one thing you have to, admire ,her for is that she refuses — just refuses — to be overlooked in any way. " In
  46. Built a major career on these contradictions. But people care about him, even, admire , him,because he did it both so shamelessly and so skillfully. How can you
  47. Composers such as Debussy and Ravel, whose piano music he was known greatly to, admire , along with a knowledge of more recent composers in his own German-speaking
  48. S thoughts of suicide, which receded to some extent only when Russell began to, admire ,his work in 1912,suggest he had embraced Weininger's bleak outlook. He
  49. Code, his experience at the mills transforms him, and he comes to respect and, admire ,the producers. He is shot attempting to inform Hank Rear den about a government
  50. This army than a well-drilled European army, and I can only marvel at and, admire ,the skill of its leaders and chiefs, of whom it is no shortage. " However

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