Examples of the the word, puppy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( puppy ), is the 5137 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And cult at only a few sites. At Sparta, however,youths each sacrificed a, puppy ,to Entails before engaging in ritual fighting at the Phoebe. The Catholic
  2. Puppy while touring Europe in 1937 for his then girlfriend Olivia. The, puppy , named Bunker, never left Germany after Kennedy started to get terrible
  3. Air heads ". Frank Muir wrote a series of children's books about an Afghan, puppy ,called" What-a-mess ". The Arawak is a sight hound dog breed from Africa.
  4. Of replying to. Pet scams Another such scam is based on the adoption of a, puppy ,or an exotic pet such as parrots or reptiles. A scammer first posts an
  5. In the Lewis Milestone film where Curley is threatening Slim over giving May a, puppy , when many of the itinerant worker men are standing around or working on
  6. For those living with type 1 diabetes. She also adopted a Golden Retriever, puppy ,from Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue in Hudson, Massachusetts. She is an animal
  7. At all. They constantly bully Ginny and Johnny. When Ginny gives Johnny a, puppy , her brothers want to drown it. A rivalry breaks out among the three boys.
  8. America and Japan. Notable dogs and owners * John F. Kennedy bought a dachshund, puppy ,while touring Europe in 1937 for his then girlfriend Olivia. The puppy , named
  9. At Cornell University. As with any breed, it is important when buying a, puppy ,to make sure that the parents have been tested and certified free from
  10. Include Firefly, Starblaze, and Heatwave. * Ms. Lion was actually Firestar's, puppy , as Angelica introduced Peter to the dog before she and Bobby knew Peter's
  11. We call a young dog "; never from left to right as an answer to" What is a, puppy , " Metaphysical essentialism, in its broadest sense, is any
  12. Eldritch" Ellie" Cob urn visits her pet, an alien, semi-intelligent " spider, puppy ," that Max has befriended, she learns that he can play three-dimensional chess
  13. Kicks him in the groin, causing him to collapse on the ground in agony. The, puppy ,goes up to the fallen man and urinates on his face. Main cast *Steven Sea gal
  14. And take the credit for Richie's death. Shortly after, Gino,his wife, and the, puppy ,are walking along the pier when they encounter the" tough guy" who threw the
  15. The local population is usually the sire. Unless it is a wet year, only one, puppy ,from a litter might be selected to live. Females are usually culled unless the
  16. Two conditions in particular are unique to the breed: Funny Puppy, in which the, puppy ,is slow to develop and eventually develops weak legs, a crooked back and
  17. And rattlesnakes inhabit the zone. In addition, amphibians such as the water, puppy ,and redwood salamander are common too. Birds such as the kingfisher, chickadee
  18. Are typically set by eight weeks, but the black areas may fade to brown as the, puppy ,matures. (The brown may take between one and two years to fully develop. )
  19. And the Luncheon on the Grass, sits before an iron fence holding a sleeping, puppy ,and an open book in her lap. Next to her is a little girl with her back to the
  20. Behavior is appropriate. Therefore, consistent corrections even with a young, puppy ,are necessary to ensure a well-adjusted adult. Socialization is also extremely
  21. Absence. He acquired goats, a rooster he called" Henry Ford ", and a poodle, puppy ,he called" Marx" and settled down to animal husbandry and writing Homage to
  22. Which would have been impractical on television, such as Hancock buying a, puppy ,that grows to be as tall as himself. Sidney James featured heavily in both the
  23. Of description. " During this battle, Crane encountered" a fat waddling, puppy ," that he immediately claimed, dubbing it" Valentino, the Journal dog ". An
  24. Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden as if observed by the basset hound, puppy , This prestige is often seen as the event which made the Basset Hound a popular
  25. Seen skipping along and singing" Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" while Johnny's returned, puppy ,runs alongside them. Uncle Remus is also in the vicinity, and he is shocked
  26. A boy whose puppy is hungry (Kevin McDonald) by suggesting he feed it, puppy ,food, and a gunman surrounded by" ten thousand angry Indians on all sides" by
  27. Aids various people while running through the wilderness, including a boy whose, puppy ,is hungry (Kevin McDonald) by suggesting he feed it puppy food, and a gunman
  28. A" formal written apology" from Sea gal to his children for the death of their, puppy ," a beloved family pet. " Lover says his 11-month-old puppy was shot and
  29. Books, using a typewriter, and participating in sports. He also grew from a, puppy ,to a full-grown dog. One recurring theme in the strip is Charlie Brown's
  30. Such a word is monosyllabic),while a word consisting of two syllables (like, puppy ,) is called a syllable (such a word is disyllabic). A word consisting of
  31. Death of their puppy ," a beloved family pet. " Lover says his 11-month-old, puppy , was shot and killed during the raid and that police also killed more than 100
  32. In all weather conditions or locked up in chain-link pens and wire cages in, puppy ,mills, and that even in good homes animals are often not well cared for. They
  33. To 12 000 BP, the remains of an elderly human and a four-to-five-month-old, puppy ,were found buried together. Within this group, Christopher Egret, who like
  34. S surprise, the normally very self-centered Clark contracts a severe case of, puppy ,love. The liner makes a stop at Venus, which is depicted as a latter-day la
  35. Was not recognized by the AKC. Consequently, Carl had to register each, puppy ,with his club in Germany. Despite this, Carl joined the Maryland KC and
  36. Among the three boys. Heartbroken because his mother won't let him keep the, puppy , Johnny takes the dog to Uncle Remus and tells him of his troubles. Uncle Remus
  37. The Komodo should be exposed to new situations, people and other dogs as a, puppy , Because it is a natural guard dog, a Komodo that is not properly socialized
  38. Times. A rolling object appeals not only to a human baby but to a kitten and a, puppy , Some form of game with a ball is found portrayed on Egyptian monuments, and is
  39. A question which is immediately answered; Andy's new gift, it turns out, is a, puppy , and the two share a worried smile. Cast; Main cast; Additional voices * Jeff
  40. S car. Seeing that the bag is moving, Gino stops, and finds that it contains a, puppy , which he decides to keep. Gino starts the hunt for Richie at a bar run by
  41. An old bloodhound that Jed had bought for four bits (50 cents) when he was a, puppy , In early episodes, Jethro tries to teach Duke to fetch sticks, though to Jed
  42. Owners should take care to provide proper nutrition to their Lukasz, puppy ,and avoid subjecting the puppy to rough play. As with many large breeds, hip
  43. Harsh towards Crooks because of his race. Lennie accidentally kills his, puppy ,while stroking it. Curley's wife enters and tries to speak to Lennie
  44. And Linus both in diapers and pre-verbal. Snoopy, who began as a typical, puppy , soon started to verbalize his thoughts via thought bubbles. Eventually he
  45. So after 19 days. Because wolf milk contains more arginine than can be found in, puppy ,milk substitutes, an arginine supplement is needed when feeding pups below the
  46. Nominalist as opposed to an essentialist. For example, statements like" a, puppy ,is a young dog" should be read from right to left, as an answer to" What
  47. Care to provide proper nutrition to their Lukasz puppy and avoid subjecting the, puppy ,to rough play. As with many large breeds, hip dysplasia, a painful and
  48. Its intention to sell this engine, called the" Cuckoo" ( Italian for ", puppy ," in reference to the distinctive exhaust sound) to the public. The first
  49. The victim was faking, so they repeated the experiment with a real victim: a, puppy ,who was given real electric shocks. They found that 20 out of the 26
  50. I forgot about everything. " The dog died, but Malaya gave her a replacement, puppy , Tatiana took it with her to Yekaterinburg, where it died with the rest of the

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