Examples of the the word, gesture , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gesture ), is the 5132 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Time. The flag was believed to have been sewn by Anastasia Hayes. As a, gesture ,of defiance, it deliberately excluded the British Union Flag, which is included
  2. The matter of American annexation, Carnegie had always thought it is an unwise, gesture ,for the United States. He did not oppose the annexation of the Hawaiian islands
  3. Were held in the temple and where the treasury stood until, in a symbolic, gesture , Pericles moved it to Athens in 454 BC. Shortly after its inception, Athens
  4. Is an example—the whole composition is derived from the work's opening quarter, gesture ,and its opening phrase. Innovation Berg was a part of Vienna's cultural elite
  5. Village of Appomattox Court House. In an traditional, gesture ,and as a sign of Grant's respect and anticipation of peacefully restoring
  6. By the full muster of 1,000 hollies from the small city of Plataea; a, gesture ,which did much to steady the nerves of the Athenians, Since every day brought
  7. Of the revelation of her crime, and more importantly to pre-empt any gallant, gesture ,on his part to save her reputation. Act three Kristine tells Krogstad that she
  8. The match. Beckham responded by raising his middle finger and, while the, gesture ,attracted some criticism, many of the newspapers that had previously encouraged
  9. Is, for instance, in One Fish Two Fish when he creates fish (who perform the, gesture ,themselves with their fins),in the introduction of the various acts of If I
  10. Rumored that he offered Larger and other members of the Hell's Angels LSD as a, gesture ,of friendship and goodwill. In the end, Barger and the other Hell's Angels
  11. Émigrés of the French Revolution to return to France, as part of a recon ciliary, gesture ,with the factions of the Ancien Régime and to eventually consolidate his own
  12. GIANT STATUE: There is a Giant Statue of Buddha in the abhayamudra, or teaching, gesture , in the inner shrine. DYING PRINCESS: One of the finest paintings in the world
  13. Ideology, Clodius has often been taken as a more" plebeian" spelling and a, gesture ,of political solidarity. Clodius's two elder brothers, the Prius Claudius
  14. Meaning that a stylized motion of the mouse cursor itself, called a ", gesture ,", can issue a command or map to a specific action. For example, in a drawing
  15. In the Bogeyman. His hands are held in the Dharmachakra Audra, or teaching, gesture , There are Bodhisattva attendants holding fly whisks. The dwarfs bring garlands.
  16. Against the country's government. On August 23, 1968,Castro made a public, gesture ,to the USSR that caused the Soviet leadership to reaffirm their support for him
  17. Sign is largely gestural),a sign language is fundamentally different from, gesture ,in what it conveys and how it conveys it. Tonicity A common misconception is
  18. To this context. Derrida states that deconstruction is an" antistructuralist, gesture ," and structure," systems, or complexes, or static configurations. " An
  19. Officer, Orestes. Orestes was powerless, but nonetheless rejected Cyril's, gesture ,of offering him a Bible, which would mean that the religious authority of Cyril
  20. Geisel's images often convey motion vividly. He was fond of a sort of voilà, gesture , in which the hand flips outward, spreading the fingers slightly backward with
  21. Of Kubrick's black leather gloves for the uncontrollable hand that makes the, gesture , Dr. Strange love apparently suffers from diagnostic Arabia, or alien hand
  22. Opponents in a Capoeira game. An attack can be disguised even as a friendly, gesture , Such trickery amongst a collection of others are all a form of Alicia which
  23. And the ruling was changed. Young later said, that,despite his teammate's, gesture , he considered the game to be a one-hitter. Shift to St. Louis Prior to the
  24. Asian youth culture centered on an experiential sense of self, e. g., language, gesture , bodily signification, desires,etc., in a situation in which tensions with
  25. Not unusual on modern greens, the first player meanwhile making a repressive, gesture ,with his hand, as if to urge the bowl to stop short of his own; the third
  26. Government dated 8 June 2009 stated that while Cuba welcomed the Assembly's, gesture , in light of the Organization's historical record" Cuba will not return to
  27. Rustic in the 50s BC, and the use of Claudius would have been either a whimsical, gesture ,of pastoral fantasy, or a trendy assertion of antiquarian authenticity. Other
  28. Σκατοϕάγος). In one dialogue, Rabelais speaks of coprophagia as a Christian, gesture , saying that monks swallow the shit of the world, that is the sins, and for
  29. Charles' head was exhibited, the words were not used. In an unprecedented, gesture , one of the revolutionary leaders, Oliver Cromwell, allowed the King's head to
  30. That Cummings signed his name in all lowercase, he may have intended it as a, gesture ,of humility, not as an indication that it was the preferred orthography for
  31. Decided to name him 'Democrats ', a name which may have been manufactured as a, gesture ,of democratic loyalty; the name can also be found in Eolian Genus, not a
  32. Wary and suspicious, but not automatically hostile ". In an early" good-will ", gesture ,that was later heavily criticized, the Attlee government allowed the Soviets
  33. To allow Sigmund Freud and others to prove that our every thought, speech,and, gesture , conscious or unconscious, is an indirect reference! " Spiritual and
  34. Known then) turned fourteen that he formally adopted the surname Clinton as a, gesture ,toward his stepfather. In Hot Springs, Clinton attended St. John's Catholic
  35. On writing. " Dio's term in Black Sabbath has also brought the" metal horns ", gesture ,to popularity in heavy metal subculture. Did adopted it, originally a
  36. A few gestural conventions have become widespread, including the drag-and-drop, gesture , in which: #The user presses the mouse button while the mouse cursor hovers
  37. Sign languages are commonly misunderstood as being gestural, but while, gesture ,is used in sign languages just as it is in spoken languages (and indeed home
  38. The Trail of Tears, and they had faced starvation ... It was an amazing, gesture , By today's standards, it might be a million dollars" according to Judy Allen
  39. Out. The will has greatly puzzled historians, who have read it as a bizarre, gesture ,of extreme piety uncharacteristic of Alfonso's character, one that effectively
  40. Clicking the button two times in quick succession counts as a different, gesture ,than two separate single clicks. ** (left) Triple-click: clicking the button
  41. Technology. An independent microchip inside her artificial brain handles, gesture ,expression, body coordination, and emotion expression. Her whole body is made
  42. In an open-top Mercedes convertible, the singer waved to the crowd in a, gesture ,that some alleged was a Nazi salute, which was captured on camera and published
  43. Symbol, and by extension many saw Beckham's decision to publicly put it on as, gesture ,of support. However, when asked about it later Beckham responded that protests
  44. Offered Rodin a part-time position as a designer. The offer was in part a, gesture ,of reconciliation, and Rodin accepted. That part of Rodin which appreciated
  45. Buy their independence from the United States. However, nothing came of this, gesture ,and the Philippine-American War ensued. Carnegie opposed the annexation of Cuba
  46. For converting a piece of information (for example, a letter, word,phrase, or, gesture , ) into another form or representation (one sign in to another sign),not
  47. Only in the knowledge that the United States would certainly be outraged by the, gesture , Even so, armed Japanese troops remained in China well into 1947,with some
  48. Clothes, allowing easy changes between the two personae — and the dramatic, gesture ,of ripping open his shirt to reveal the familiar" S" emblem when called into
  49. To ward off the" evil eye ", as a greeting to the audience. Since then,the, gesture ,became widely copied by fans and other musicians alike. Geezer Butler
  50. Hominem, but refers to the gendered nature of the rhetorical and dismissive, gesture , *" Ahmad's characteristic method here of reductive ad hominem and ad feminism

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