Examples of the the word, medicare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( medicare ), is the 3762 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Medicare and Medicaid, which still exist today. Medicare and Medicaid The, medicare ,program was established on July 30, 1965,to offer cheaper medical services to
  2. Are represented in contemporary programs such as social assistance and, medicare , which are deemed to be fundamentally important in Canadian society today.
  3. Of rust. He also was instrumental in developing in Saskatchewan a comprehensive, medicare ,program. His popularity and qualities of administrator and teacher served the U
  4. Outlawing private medical and hospital services. ” -" The great myths of, medicare ,", by Michael Bliss in the National Post, September 7,2004. “ Recently, for
  5. Political issues in the minds of Canadian voters. Along with peacekeeping, medicare ,was found, based on a CBC poll, to be among the foremost defining
  6. That direct funds to individuals are included in that cost; programs such as, medicare ,and public education are additional costs. Generally speaking, before the Great
  7. Again turned to Justice Emmett Hall and asked him to report on the future of, medicare , His 1979 report,'Canada's National-Provincial Health Program for the 1980s '
  8. Socialist government in North America in Saskatchewan. Introduced universal, medicare , former Baptist Minister. *Desmond McGrath, priest,trade union organizer and
  9. Speech to a much greater degree; for instance, protesting one's objection to, medicare ,reform will not be tolerated in the gallery of the United States Senate. This
  10. As spendthrift, Strom announced Social Credit's barely cheaper alternative:, medicare ,to Albertans older than 65 for one dollar per month. Though Social Credit's
  11. With the crisis that extra-billing by physicians and user fees were causing for, medicare , In her memoirs, Bégin wrote that Blackie waged" guerilla warfare" in the
  12. Public financing, but is not a nationalized system such as the UK's NHS; most, medicare ,services are provided privately. An additional complexity is that, because
  13. Be withheld from paychecks: the PAY (or pay-as-you-go) tax, which includes, medicare ,levies. Croatia In Croatia, the payroll tax is composed of several items: *
  14. Through a by-election in British Columbia. Despite the initial problems, medicare ,proved popular, spread throughout the country, and is considered the NDP's (
  15. To adopt a Tommy Douglas-style program in 1950,a precursor to the modern, medicare ,system. Alberta's health care budget is currently $13.2 billion during the
  16. Majority. In the campaign, Wintermeyer promoted policies such as universal, medicare , improvements to general welfare assistance, amalgamation of the various
  17. Vote in that province). Party platforms Liberal Party: * implement a national, medicare ,program by July 1,1967; * $500 million for medical and dental research over 15
  18. Especially after Sir Run Shaw for his generous contributions to charity and, medicare , The Shaw Organization remains a major distribution network in Singapore today.
  19. Modernization act, an American Congressional act that enabled the creation of, medicare ,plans and health savings accounts Science and technology * Manual metal arc
  20. Refinancing must return a major share of profits to a new social security and, medicare ,lock box. " Kaptur's opposition to the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of
  21. To argue in favor of" two tier" health care and privatization within, medicare , Process The Ontario Progressive Conservatives use a system similar to that
  22. Provincial areas. For instance in order to receive healthcare funding under, medicare , provinces must agree to meet certain federal mandates, such as universal
  23. Market solutions for public policy problems" is a frequent critic of, medicare , It publishes yearly reports about wait times which are then used to argue that
  24. Incentives to potential new candidates. After criticizing the Conservatives ', medicare ,platform, which promised free medicare to Albertans older than 65,as
  25. They have practiced in small solo or group practices and billed the, medicare ,system on a fee for service basis. Unlike the practice in some other countries
  26. Enrollment in Part D. It only provides no more than a $40.00 relief for monthly, medicare ,part D premiums. Operations To ensure consistent and efficient treatment of
  27. Agreement for a new Constitution of Canada. Roberts initially opposed Canadian, medicare ,when it was proposed, but later endorsed it fully. He led the party towards a
  28. island's legislative assembly raises money through an import duty, fuel levy, medicare ,levy, GST and local/international phone calls. Loading jetties are located at
  29. Social charter ", to establish national standards for social programs such as, medicare , Early in his term, Rae indicated that his government would continue a
  30. By unanimity, which would potentially threaten growth of labor legislation, medicare ,and other social services. Legacy Though the formula
  31. Must pay an annual health care premium ranging from $300–$900. Funding for, medicare ,in Ontario also comes in part from a dedicated Employer Health Tax (EAT) that
  32. Of the constituency. As a Member of Parliament, Rose proposed the first, medicare ,legislation and the first anti-hate legislation. Fred Rose was caught up in the
  33. As a whole range of social security measures, including a government financed, medicare ,system. Although many Conservatives rejected the charter, the charter still
  34. Family allowances and student loans. They promised to implement a national, medicare ,program by 1967,and the Canada Pension Plan system of public pensions. They
  35. Opinions on Medicare Polling data in the last few years have consistently cited, medicare ,as among the most important political issues in the minds of Canadian voters.
  36. After criticizing the Conservatives' medicare platform, which promised free, medicare ,to Albertans older than 65,as spendthrift, Strom announced Social Credit's
  37. Party of Canada is reduced to a minority government *July 1 – First, medicare ,plan is launched in Saskatchewan to great protest by doctors *August 6 – A
  38. This group, led by Tommy Douglas, a Baptist minister, introduced universal, medicare , family allowance and old age pensions. This political party has since largely
  39. S public health insurance was the precursor for Canada's national, medicare ,system, as well as reforms to the current issues involving education, court
  40. For 12.5 % ($452 billion) of the total expenditures. For the decade 2010-2019, medicare , is projected to cost 6.4 trillion dollars or 14.8 % of the federal budget for
  41. Urban estates already handed over to MCA. Amritsar lately has become hub for, medicare ,for North India with two Medical colleges and two Dental colleges and other big
  42. Of hospital insurance in Canada, and is sometimes recognized as a father of, medicare , Martin served as Secretary of State for External Affairs in the Pearson
  43. Charge premiums collected outside the tax system for the provincial, medicare ,systems. These are usually reduced or eliminated for low-income people. Alberta
  44. Budget without tax increases in 1968. Weir was skeptical toward the concept of, medicare , and his government did not sign on to the program until 1969,one year after
  45. In some provinces emergency visits to optometrists are partly covered by, medicare , In 2005,Canada spent 9.8 % of GDP on health care, or US$3,463 per capita. Of
  46. Cards to former President Harry S. Truman and his wife Bess after signing the, medicare ,bill at the Truman Library. Lower income groups receive government-sponsored
  47. Under the federal Medical Care Insurance Act for establishment of a national, medicare ,plan. In 1972 the plan name was shortened to simply SHIP. Garnet Hercules
  48. For low-income people. Alberta does not levy a premium for its provincial, medicare , Estate tax Since the government of Pierre Trudeau repealed Canada's
  49. b. 1895) ** February 24 – Tommy Douglas, Canadian politician and" Father of, medicare ," in Canada (b. 1904) * February 27 – Jacques Plant, Canadian hockey player
  50. Which would be expanded by his successors to become the modern SHIP system of, medicare , His government oversaw substantial expansion in public services. The number of

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