Examples of the the word, barracks , in a Sentence Context
The word ( barracks ), is the 12175 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Constantine I who disbanded them in the early 4th century and destroyed their, barracks , the Castro Pretoria. Although the most powerful individual in the Roman
- The history of the regiment from 1702,plus a military library. The original, barracks ,house the regimental museum, and it was founded in 1925. There is a fine
- some southern brick-built barracks survive; but of the almost 300 wooden, barracks , only 19 have been reconstructed from authentic materials: 18 near the entrance
- 1972 – The Official Irish Republican Army detonates a car bomb at Alder shot, barracks , killing seven and injuring nineteen others. *1973 – Cold War: Following
- Last 300 years. Britain In the late 3rd century, by the end of the epoch of the, barracks ,emperors in Rome, there were two Britannic Emperors, reigning for about a
- The camp (16 one-story buildings) had earlier served as Polish army artillery, barracks , It was first suggested as a site for a concentration camp for Polish prisoners
- Until the following Sunday. The made a brief and unsuccessful attack on the RIC, barracks , but unable to take it, resolved to blockade it instead. During their
- The Guardian Civil also provide housing for their families, thus,attacks on the, barracks ,have also resulted in deaths of relatives, including children. As the regional
- Of the Firth of Forth. There are extensive remains of gun emplacements, barracks , etc. from these periods. The island is notable for its wildlife, especially
- Residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the, barracks , creating an empty area of 40 km2,which the Germans called the" interest area
- Sanchez-Sabarots' Amphibious Commandos Group, the attack on Moody Brook, barracks , the engagement between the troops of Hugo Antillean and Bill Trollope at
- The Marine Barracks,Washington’D. C., where they provide protection for the, barracks , the Commandant of the Marine Corps and the Chief of Naval Operations. Assuming
- But two aces count as a blackjack. It is mostly played in private circles and, barracks , A British variation is called" Pontoon ", the name being probably a
- Now. The police are not in sufficient strength to do anything to hold their, barracks , This is not enough for as long as we remain on the defensive, so long will
- President. *1991 – Gulf War: An Iraqi scud missile hits an American military, barracks ,in Chairman, Saudi Arabia killing 28 U. S. Army Reservists from Pennsylvania.
- Unit. The CCC camp was a temporary community in itself, structured to have, barracks ,(initially Army tents) for 50 enrolled each, officer/technical staff
- Promptly oversaw construction of a governor's house, the Adelaide Jail, police, barracks , a hospital, a customs house and a wharf at Port Adelaide. In addition, houses
- Of free modern Greece (1776–1831) had a large building erected intended for a, barracks , which was subsequently used as a museum, a library and a school. The museum
- Same in the nearby villages of Don abate and Garrison before attacking the RIC, barracks ,at Ash town During the attack on the barracks , an RIC patrol from Plane happened
- To Croatia (the SCETA Era area). However, an old Yugoslav People's Army, barracks ,building on the Croatian part of the border is still occupied by a small number
- Of buildings, ranging from spacious headquarters and large officers' houses to, barracks , stables and a military jail. Among the legions stationed in Bonn, the " 1st "
- Constable to die in the conflict. He was killed during an IRA attack on the RIC, barracks ,in Rushmore, County Kerry, on 11 July 1920. The Black and Tans were not subject
- Prison rock quarry was operated on the Hidalgo Island side of the pass. Nearby, barracks ,housed some 40 prisoners, members of an honors program out of Wall Wall State
- And" assistant leader" who were accountable for the men at work and in the, barracks , General classifications The CCC performed 300 possible types of work projects
- Upon the rebel position and four were killed before they reached Beggars Bush, barracks , The only substantial combat of the first day of the Rising took place at the
- 6 miles north of Cambridge, is a former RAF base, now used as an army, barracks , RAF Falconry,3 miles north of Huntington, is being reorganized after a
- Following: * Spanish military and police personnel, active duty or retired. The, barracks ,of the Guardian Civil also provide housing for their families, thus,attacks on
- Commanded several Blockbuster who oversaw order within individual prisoner, barracks , Assisting the SS with this task was a large collection of Capos, who were
- A road has been cut through the center of the building, the mosque turned into, barracks , and the hall of audience allowed to fall into ruin. There still remain a
- NP"> Era"/> The sign was made by Polish workers on Nazi orders after the Auschwitz, barracks ,were converted into a labor camp to house captured Polish resistance fighters
- Mid-west. The temporary tent camps had also transitioned from tents to wooden, barracks , An education program had been established emphasizing job training and
- Before attacking the RIC barracks at Ash town During the attack on the, barracks , an RIC patrol from Plane happened upon the firefight — leading to a five-hour
- Which the prisoner would then smuggle back into the camp. When back in the, barracks , the other prisoners would suspend him upside down until all the spirit had
- As one of their pre-invasion assembly point. Today the foundations of their, barracks ,can still be seen, as well as the remains of pillboxes. In the 1960s large
- The French Pyrenees) – 1 week. *Technical and practical training (alternating, barracks ,and field training) – 2 weeks. *Examinations and obtaining of the elementary
- Thereafter the War Department established a twenty-gun battery, magazine,and, barracks , From 1808 until 1814 it was a federal arsenal. At the end of the War of 1812
- Esperanto is the native language of the fictional country of Shadow, and in a, barracks ,scene, the soldiers of villain M. Bison sing a rousing Russian Army-style
- Today, at Birkenau the entrance building and some southern brick-built, barracks ,survive; but of the almost 300 wooden barracks , only 19 have been reconstructed
- Into work detail units called" sections" of 25 men each, according to the, barracks ,they resided in. Each section had an enrolled" senior leader" and" assistant
- Army was one of the earliest known professional armies. Boys were sent to a, barracks ,at the age of seven to train for being a soldier. At the age of thirty they
- Center, and three of the five principal Combat Arms schools. Further, barracks ,include Steele Barracks in Sydney, Keswick Barracks in Adelaide, and Irwin
- After which no noise can be made. Most weekends conscripts can leave the, barracks ,on Friday and are expected to return by midnight on Sunday. A small force of
- To train for being a soldier. At the age of thirty they were released from the, barracks ,and allowed to marry and have a family. After that, men devoted their lives to
- Must take the offensive and beat Sinn Féin at its own tactics ... If a police, barracks ,is burned or if the barracks already occupied is not suitable, then the best
- The construction of the world's the longest corridor, a half-mile long, linking, barracks , messes and recreational and the welfare areas of the base. The base is
- Parts of Ireland, but,except for the attack on the Royal Irish Constabulary, barracks ,at Ashburn, County Death, they were minor. The Rising was suppressed after
- Beat Sinn Féin at its own tactics ... If a police barracks is burned or if the, barracks ,already occupied is not suitable, then the best house in the locality is to be
- 3 days to complete. *Technical and practical training (alternating with, barracks ,and field training) – 3 weeks. *Mountain training (Chalet at Formiguière in
- Nagorno-Karabakh War. *1989 – An IRA bomb destroys a section of a British Army, barracks ,in Tern hill, England *1991 – A gigantic statue of Albania's long-time leader
- To many political prisoners, including the ones that assaulted the Montana, barracks , Castro subsequently went into exile in Mexico where he met Ernesto" Che "
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