Examples of the the word, unidentified , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unidentified ), is the 12176 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Territory. On September 17, 1948,Count Bernadette was assassinated by three, unidentified ,men, possibly members of the Stern Gang. By mid-September the truce was being
  2. Fernández de Avellaneda, of Tordesillas, was published in Tarragona by an, unidentified ,Aragonite who was an admirer of Lope de Vega, rival of Cervantes. Avellaneda's
  3. Were some sightings that have been argued by cryptologists to involve some, unidentified ,dinosaur-like creature. Additionally, there have been several specifics
  4. Ice! (lines 31-36) The narrator turns prophetic, referring to a vision of an, unidentified ," Abyssinian maid" who sings of" Mount Abort ". Harold Bloom suggests that
  5. Made it the frequent subject of conspiracy theories and a central component to, unidentified ,flying object (UFO) folklore. Perimeter security is provided by uniformed
  6. Only female former Prime Minister of Pakistan, had her PPP Office stormed by, unidentified ,gunmen. Three supporters are killed. *2009 – Bombings in Baghdad, Iraq kill 127
  7. KeV. Peary thought this decay activity might have been caused by a previously, unidentified ,decay product, one that was separated during purification, but emerged again
  8. Probably to be identified with North Lawton, Devon ) and Durocornavium (, unidentified , but possibly Vintage or Can Area). The name Durocornavium implies the
  9. Been ordered by Boeing Business Jet for conversion to VIP transport for several, unidentified ,customers. * C-33 – This aircraft was a proposed U. S. military version of the
  10. Timothy Mahan Brando (born January 6,1994). He had three more children by, unidentified ,women, Stefano Brando (born 1967),Dylan Brando (born 1968),and Angelique
  11. In September 2009,CNN aired a report showing closeup video footage of an, unidentified ,dead animal. The same CNN report stated that locals have begun speculating the
  12. Was a region with limited biodiversity, Linnaeus described about 100 previously, unidentified ,plants. These became the basis of his book. In Linnaeus' ideas about
  13. 73 Gaza men accused of" collaborating" had their arms and legs broken by ", unidentified ,perpetrators" and 18 Palestinians accused of collaborating with Israel, who
  14. 2002,141). In an interview published in March 1968,however, he says of an, unidentified ,person, I have been listening all week to the piano music of a composer now
  15. Or for the Prayer of Manasseh, and Scrivener found that they here used an, unidentified ,Latin manuscript. Sources The translators appear to have otherwise made no
  16. For an unspecified condition. Hopper,73,was reportedly brought into an, unidentified ,Manhattan hospital by an ambulance on September 28 wearing an oxygen mask and “
  17. They did further document local legends and Nu gent took two photographs of, unidentified ,objects in the water, one of which he claimed was the creature's head.
  18. Were prepared and sent to Scottsdale where they waited in storage for an, unidentified ,amount of time before being interred in the memorial area. Today, the small
  19. Also increases ". Departures from the expected pattern may occur because of, unidentified ,social or political situations or because of geographic barriers. In the
  20. 200 to 300 line poems, but he was interrupted by a man from Pollock. When the, unidentified ,individual left, Coleridge was unable to continue Kublai Khan except for only a
  21. Took the cadaver under an act of parliament which prohibits the removal of ", unidentified ,creatures" from Loch Ness. But it was later revealed that Flamingo Park's
  22. He has stated that the following film scenes are unrealistic: *In the film,an, unidentified ,member of the crew throws an oil-stained towel into Lt. Werner's face. As a
  23. And that he may simply be referring to Plato's own claims. Marcellus remains, unidentified , Other ancient historians and philosophers believing in the existence of
  24. Availability of services, age at diagnosis, and public awareness, though, unidentified , environmental risk factors cannot be ruled out. The available evidence does not
  25. Tens of thousands are left homeless. *1958 – Memorial Day: the remains of two, unidentified ,American servicemen, killed in action during World War II and the Korean War
  26. East, the other two being Balk and Mary. The Phthalates from Heart and some, unidentified ,Turks opposed the Arab forces in a battle of Johnston in 651-52 AD, trying to
  27. Discovered many asteroids; he also called for serious scientific research of, unidentified ,flying objects. Biography Tombaugh was born in Creator, Illinois. After his
  28. Separase. The two centrioles in the centrosome are connected to each other by, unidentified ,proteins. The mother centriole has radiating appendages at the distal end of
  29. Claims have been made for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Beliefs that some, unidentified ,flying objects are of extraterrestrial origin (see Extraterrestrial hypothesis
  30. And another in Naples in 1609,possibly a deliberate attempt on his life by, unidentified ,enemies. This encounter left him severely injured. A year later, at the age of
  31. Action right for certain consumer associations to claim damages on behalf of, unidentified ,classes of consumers. The rules require consumer associations to represent an
  32. BBC News reported that the scientists had made sonar contact with a large, unidentified ,object of unusual size and strength. The researchers decided to return to the
  33. Death toll made it necessary to bury the dead in mass graves. Most bodies were, unidentified ,and few pictures were taken, making it impossible for families to identify
  34. S album Waiting for Cousteau, musicians have attached Atari ST machines with, unidentified ,MIDI software to their keyboards, as could be seen in the TV live show and
  35. Profits. Complication occurs for terms such as UFO, which literally means ", unidentified ,flying object" but connotes alien spacecraft, a concept also associated with
  36. May be part of the West Saxon royal line. The location of the battle itself is, unidentified , It has been suggested that it was Bedford, but what is known of the early
  37. The area of modern Plymouth),Ella (perhaps on the River Axe) and Molina (, unidentified ,). The Ravenna Tomography adds the names of two more settlements: Nemetostatio
  38. Control of Sussex and Kent. Simeon of Durham records a battle fought at an, unidentified ,location near Hastings in 771,at which Off defeated the Hastings tribe
  39. Memorable to history. He was slain in the civets of Purim. " Purim is, unidentified , The Annals of Ulster say that in 878:" AED mac Canada, king of the Pict's
  40. Scientific community in general has given little serious attention to claims of, unidentified ,flying objects. ) Given that UFO investigators argue compelling evidence
  41. Notable system accidents In 1994,over a hundred intrusions were made by, unidentified ,crackers into the Rome Laboratory, the US Air Force's main command and
  42. Of a boy of unknown religious and ethnic background who wanders around, unidentified ,areas of Eastern Europe during World War II and taking refuge among a series of
  43. Investigations on behalf of the Air Force on the green fireballs and other, unidentified ,aerial phenomena over New Mexico. LaPaz vehemently denied his involvement in
  44. Disturbances during campaigning"—including attacks on government offices by, unidentified ,gunmen—foreign election monitors labelled the election as" calm and organized
  45. Hopper),inflict his bizarre sexual proclivities — which include inhaling an, unidentified ,gas, dry humping, and sadomasochism — upon Dorothy. Frank is an extremely
  46. Cuban exiles mounted sea borne raids against Cuba from US territory and that, unidentified ,planes attacked economic targets on the island, leading the US to warn
  47. Likely choice. * Tokamak" Mustard ", Rallidae? Gen. Et SP. index. 'Tokamak ': An, unidentified ,terrestrial bird is mentioned in an early report from Tokamak in the Marshall
  48. The governor was able to call on almost ten thousand men. He took a stand at an, unidentified ,location, probably in the West Midlands somewhere along the Roman road now
  49. In the mid 980s. D. B. Cooper is the name popularly used to refer to an, unidentified ,man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in the airspace between Portland, Oregon
  50. Of Durocornovium),'a fort or walled settlement of the Cornelia ', (, unidentified , but possibly Vintage or Can Area). During the 6th and 7th centuries, the

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