Examples of the the word, rhetoric , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rhetoric ), is the 5140 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom four times and the powerful flow of his, rhetoric ,dominated British politics even when he was out of office. His rivalry with the
  2. De schematics et tropics sacra scripture, which discusses the Bible's use of, rhetoric , Similarly, his text on poetic meter uses only Christian poetry for examples.
  3. A mainstream religion, the church began to moderate its earlier anti-Catholic, rhetoric , In Elder Bruce R. McConkie's 1958 edition of Mormon Doctrine, he had stated
  4. At Taste. The following year he moved to Carthage to conduct a school of, rhetoric , and would remain there for the next nine years. Augustine's mother had
  5. Owe to him, too,manuals used in his educational work - a grammar and works on, rhetoric ,and dialectics. They are written in the form of dialogues and in two of them
  6. Personal crisis, leading him to convert to Christianity, abandon his career in, rhetoric , quit his teaching position in Milan, give up any ideas of marriage, and devote
  7. Leon, as well as other African countries. Some slaves understood Revolutionary, rhetoric ,as promising freedom and equality. Both British and American governments made
  8. Solely from oral dictation. Men such as Benjamin Thorpe saw many errors in, rhetoric ,and diction, implying that the transcribing made little to no sense. Most
  9. Defends her positions not only with reasoned argument but also with ardent, rhetoric , In her efforts to vividly describe the condition of women within society
  10. The West that examine the art of acting (, hypokrisis) discuss it as part of, rhetoric , Definition and history One of the first actors is believed to be an ancient
  11. Or symbolic representation. Allegory is generally treated as a figure of, rhetoric , but an allegory does not have to be expressed in language: briefly, an
  12. His lover for over thirteen years and gave birth to his son Advocates. Teaching, rhetoric ,During the years 373 and 374,Augustine taught grammar at Taste. The
  13. It is better to allow those who preach racial hatred to expend their venom in, rhetoric ,rather than to be panicked into embarking on the dangerous course of permitting
  14. Death in the jungles and the slow strangulation of freedom. " Goldwater's own, rhetoric ,on nuclear war was viewed by many as quite uncompromising, a view buttressed by
  15. Including political philosophy, ethics,metaphysics, ontology,logic, biology, rhetoric , and aesthetics. Many philosophers today concede that Greek philosophy has
  16. And the rhetoric was often anti-Semitic—not just anti-Israel. But such public, rhetoric ,is not branded hateful and denounced. Charles Small, director of the Yale
  17. Vikings by Asset and the chronicler as a Christian holy war was more than mere, rhetoric ,or 'propaganda '. It reflected Alfred's own belief in a doctrine of divine
  18. Benson would become the President of the Church and backed off of his political, rhetoric , Toward the end of his presidency, the Church even began to discipline Church
  19. And secretary. He had been well-educated, and was versed in grammar and, rhetoric , and had already, while still a young man, and before reaching the episcopate
  20. Of republican values. As early as the 1850s,a time when most political, rhetoric ,focused on the sanctity of the Constitution, Lincoln redirected emphasis to the
  21. S. Not" first but, first and, first if, but first period. " Despite Kennedy's, rhetoric , he did not immediately come to a decision on the status of the Apollo program
  22. Principles ". Although Wollstonecraft argues against excessive sensibility,the, rhetoric ,of the Rights of Woman is at times heated and attempts to provoke the reader.
  23. The wide extent of human sufferings; a Techno or instruction-book in the art of, rhetoric ,; and a Physios logos. Lastly, his Mouseion (a word invoking the Muses) seems
  24. He sees the ambiguity of life as the basis of creativity. In literature and, rhetoric , ambiguity can be a useful tool. Grouchy Marx’s classic joke depends on a
  25. Flag was burned while the flags of Hamas and Hezbollah were waved, and the, rhetoric ,was often anti-Semitic—not just anti-Israel. But such public rhetoric is not
  26. Of principle and determination, which did not allow him to be content with mere, rhetoric , Goldwater fought in 1971 to stop U. S. funding of the United Nations after the
  27. Many subjects, including physics, metaphysics,poetry, theater,music, logic, rhetoric , linguistics, politics,government, ethics,biology, and zoology. Together with
  28. While Stanley Corking complains that Griffith" masks his idea of fact in the, rhetoric ,of high art and free expression" and creates film which" erodes the very
  29. Other laws. The expansion of copyright and copyright term are mirrored in the, rhetoric ,that has been employed in referring to copyright. Courts, when strengthening
  30. To Hollywood and to the visual arts generally. Although the" self-important, rhetoric ,and whines of persecution" on the part of cyberpunk fans were irritating at
  31. Spinoza also asserted that sense perception, though practical and useful for, rhetoric , is inadequate for discovering universal truth; Spinoza's mathematical and
  32. Of rights, based on ancient law and custom. Of Cicero's books, six on, rhetoric ,have survived, as well as parts of eight on philosophy. Of his speeches,88
  33. Part, it can be attributed to the traditional separation between official, rhetoric ,and actual practice in Brazil. It is also related to general problems of
  34. And sciences, and bestowed honors and financial rewards upon the teachers of, rhetoric ,and philosophy. Antoninus made few initial changes when he became emperor
  35. Fiorella wrote Revelation: Vision of a just world from the viewpoint of, rhetoric , Accordingly,Revelation's meaning is partially determined by the way John
  36. Not recognized as an independent field of study; it was a branch of grammar or, rhetoric , and historian (defined as ‘ story’ ) summed up the approach of the learned
  37. The former's constant disadvantage; like all ancient writers he was skilled in, rhetoric , and this shows in his work. Critique Edward Gibbon judged Minus" an
  38. In January 1983. The internal political struggle and Sankara's leftist, rhetoric ,led to his arrest and subsequent efforts to bring about his release, directed
  39. Up of a set of basic elements. The Buddha, however,eliminated mythological, rhetoric , systematized world components into five groups, and used this approach not to
  40. To describe the Irish. Once the children have been commodified, Swift’s, rhetoric ,can easily turn" people into animals, then meat, and from meat, logically
  41. An argument of a function, also known as an independent variable Language and, rhetoric ,*Argument (literature),a brief summary, often in prose, of a poem or section
  42. His father's career. He was educated in Rome, studying literature, law,and, rhetoric , Praetor Animus Probes first gave him a place in the council and then in about
  43. Living as ministers of the Church of England. His lecture topics included, rhetoric ,and belles-lettres, and later the subject of" the progress of opulence ". On
  44. Is anti-Israeli, not anti-Semitic. However, Hezbollah has directed strong, rhetoric ,both against Israel and Jews, and it has cooperated in publishing and
  45. A furious enemy. Ptolemy, advised by his regent, the eunuch Nothings, and his, rhetoric ,tutor Herodotus of Chaos, did not take into account that Caesar was granting
  46. Among the Pro-Boers was David Lloyd George, a relatively new MP and a master of, rhetoric , who took advantage of having a national stage to speak out on a controversial
  47. Against Nero * Public Claudius Quirinal is, from Relate in Gaul, teacher of, rhetoric ,in time of Nero * Decides Claudius Septimius Albinos, commonly known as Claudius
  48. Once observed that" ... if you removed the meter you would find political, rhetoric , " * Drinking songs: According to the grammarian Athens, Alcaeus made every
  49. It also adopts a hybrid tone that combines rational argument with the fervent, rhetoric ,of sensibility. In the 18th century, sensibility was a physical phenomenon that
  50. Enmity between different groups. Asia Times further reported on Thackeray’s, rhetoric ,: 'to take the Muslims head on '. 'Trouble-making Muslims should be wiped out

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