Examples of the the word, ballistic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ballistic ), is the 9011 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Times in the chest without penetration. Dragon Skin body armor is another, ballistic ,vest which is currently in testing with mixed results. Despite advances in the
  2. Ballistic missiles. Combat effectiveness of newer systems against tactical, ballistic ,missiles seems very high, as the Patriot Advanced Capability 3 (PAC-3) had a
  3. Of the Benjamin Franklin class: (Submarines marked with * indicate Trident C-4, ballistic , missile conversions. ) The Bastard Operator From Hell (BOTH),a fictional
  4. Successfully tested an interceptor missile, bringing down an incoming target, ballistic ,missile (a modified Prithee) with 2,000 km range, at an altitude of 15 km
  5. During the late 1990s SM-2 block IVA missiles were tested in a theater, ballistic ,missile defense function. Standard Missile 3 (SM-3) systems have also been
  6. From the Sary-Shagan test range, destroyed a dummy warhead released by an R-12, ballistic , missile launched from the Austin YAR commodore. The dummy warhead was
  7. Anti- ballistic missile" describes any antimissile system designed to counter, ballistic ,missiles. However, the term is used more commonly for systems designed to
  8. Launcher, partially upgraded to BM-21A" Belgrade" *OTR-21 Topeka Tactical, ballistic ,missile (SS-21 Scarab) (one brigade) Air Defense *9K33 OSA (SA-8 Gecko) (
  9. Vehicle. China is the second country after US that demonstrated intercepting, ballistic ,missile with kinetic kill vehicle, the interceptor missile was SC-19. The
  10. Also, France is developing another version, Aster 30 block II which can destroy, ballistic ,missiles with a maximum range of 3000 km. It will have a Kill Vehicle warhead.
  11. Designed to counter ballistic missiles (a missile for missile defense). A, ballistic ,missile is used to deliver nuclear, chemical,biological or conventional
  12. Present Today, ballistic vests, euphemistically known as a flak jacket, made of, ballistic ,cloth (e.g. Kevlar, dyneema, twaron, spectra etc.) and ceramic or metal
  13. An indigenous built interceptor missile, bringing down an incoming target, ballistic ,missile from Wheeler Island off the Odessa coast. The interceptor, developed
  14. Outside the atmosphere) interceptor system intercepted a Prithvi-II, ballistic ,missile. The PAD missile has the secondary stage of the Prithee missile and can
  15. Early 1980s,selected units were further modified to carry Trident-I (C-4), ballistic , missiles. Two submarines of this class were converted for delivery of special
  16. Of using airborne optical sensors to detect and track hostile intercontinental, ballistic ,missiles, the modified aircraft first flew on August 21, 1987. And a pair of
  17. An acoustic homing torpedo or a Nuclear Depth Bomb (NDB) onto an unguided, ballistic ,trajectory toward the target. At a pre-determined point on the missile's
  18. Military have demonstrated the feasibility of destroying long and short range, ballistic ,missiles. Combat effectiveness of newer systems against tactical ballistic
  19. Franklin class of submarine was an evolutionary development from the of fleet, ballistic ,missile submarine. Having quieter machinery and other improvements, they are
  20. Specify their number and dates of delivery. Surface to Surface Missiles *Scud, ballistic ,missiles (SCUD-B with improved striking range of 300 Kilometers) Military of
  21. Is used to deliver nuclear, chemical,biological or conventional warheads in a, ballistic ,flight trajectory. The term" anti- ballistic missile" describes any
  22. In testing with mixed results. Despite advances in the protection offered by, ballistic ,armor against projectiles, as the name implies, modern ballistic body armor
  23. Guns *Model III: Ballistic Computer, June 1944,for calculations of, ballistic ,trajectories *Model IV: Bell Laboratories Relay Calculator, March 1945,a
  24. A symposium was held by western European nations to discuss potential future, ballistic ,missile defense programs. In the end, the council recommended deployment of
  25. Within the limits set by the SALT II strategic arms limitation treaty,the, ballistic ,missile tubes of and were disabled. Those boats were redesignated special
  26. The given direction. More tightly confined directions have bigger widths in the, ballistic ,velocity distribution. This anisotropy of the peak on the right is a purely
  27. Treaty The Treaty limited only ABMs capable of defending against" strategic, ballistic ,missiles ", without attempting to define" strategic ". It was understood that
  28. Cold War because of spiraling costs and the development of the Intercontinental, ballistic ,missile (ICBM) – which was felt to have equal deterrent value while being
  29. The US Air Force * Anti- ballistic missile, missile systems designed to counter, ballistic ,missiles * Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, a treaty between the USA and USSR *
  30. Induction of the system into services is expected to be in 2010. Two new anti, ballistic ,missiles that can intercept IBM/ICBMs are being developed. These high speed
  31. Such as MiG-29 fighters,SA-10 Grumble SAM's and SS-21 Scarab short-range, ballistic ,missiles. Military spending in 2009 cost $1.19 billion. Administrative
  32. Initially to counter single warheads launched from large Intercontinental, ballistic ,missiles (ICBMs). The economics seemed simple enough; since rocket costs
  33. William Cohen proposed spending an additional $6.6 billion on intercontinental, ballistic ,missile defense programs to build a system to protect against attacks from
  34. His honor. * USS Andrew Jackson (SSBN-619),a Lafayette-class nuclear-powered, ballistic ,missile submarine, which served from 1963 to 1989. * Jackson Park, the
  35. Of special warfare units ashore. In the early 1990s,to make room for the, ballistic ,missile submarines within the limits set by the SALT II strategic arms
  36. The foot soldiers, who at least had a trench to protect them. Present Today, ballistic ,vests, euphemistically known as a flak jacket, made of ballistic cloth (e.g.
  37. To 6,000 kilometers (3,728 mi),and was designed to detect intercontinental, ballistic ,missile launches as far as from the Indian Ocean. Whether the Russian
  38. These high speed missiles (AD-1 and AD-2) are being developed to intercept, ballistic ,missiles with the range of. On March 6,2009, India successfully tested an
  39. Notes An anti- ballistic missile (ABM) is a missile designed to counter, ballistic ,missiles (a missile for missile defense). A ballistic missile is used to
  40. Until 1957,when the Soviet Union demonstrated its advances in intercontinental, ballistic ,missile technology with the launch of Sputnik, the Earth's first artificial
  41. Of heavy anti-aircraft artillery had greater success. The V-2,the first true, ballistic ,missile, was impossible to destroy using aircraft or artillery. Instead, the
  42. East. President Bush referenced the 9/11 attacks and the proliferation of, ballistic ,missiles as reasons for missile defense. The current GMD system has the more
  43. ABM capabilities. The Standard missile system was also enhanced and tested for, ballistic ,missile interception. During the late 1990s SM-2 block IVA missiles were tested
  44. Required 'closing' distance of the target co-ordinates. NATO has a standard, ballistic ,model for computer calculations and has expanded the scope of this into the
  45. The term is used more commonly for systems designed to counter intercontinental, ballistic ,missiles (ICBMs). Current counter-ICBM systems There are only two systems in
  46. Missiles at the Russian 102nd Military Base. There are also 24 Scud, ballistic ,missiles with eight launchers. Numerical strength is estimated at about 3,000
  47. The Benjamin Franklin-class submarines were built with the Polaris A-3, ballistic , missile,and later converted to carry the Poseidon C-3. During the late 1970s
  48. And back. All B-2s,nuclear-capable B-52s,and nuclear intercontinental, ballistic ,missiles have shifted to the nuclear-focused Air Force Global Strike Command
  49. Had a significant missile arsenal, including 67 SCUD-B,50 FROG-7 and 24 SS-23, ballistic , missiles. In 2002,Bulgaria disbanded the Rocket Forces despite nationwide
  50. Offered by ballistic armor against projectiles, as the name implies, modern, ballistic , body armor is much less impervious to stabbing weapons unless they are

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