Examples of the the word, boring , in a Sentence Context

The word ( boring ), is the 4846 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As Yesterday Is, their first American release, proved that Humble Pie could be, boring ,in lots of different ways. Here they were a noisy, unmelodic, heavy
  2. As an infection pathway for pathogens or other pests. The effects of adult, boring ,may be more severe on younger palms where spears are narrower. Mortality of
  3. Place you tried, hours and hours ago now, and there's nothing there but that, boring ,old book. You pick it up anyway, bored as you are. Many text adventures
  4. Free access to all parts of the theater, even having his mail sent there. By, boring ,a spy hole into the door of the presidential box earlier that day, the assassin
  5. Album was widely panned by critics; Allmusic's Bradley Torrent said" with, boring ,songs, awful production, and uninspired performances, this is easily avoidable
  6. Virtues of descriptive psychology, and condemning experimental psychology as, boring , claiming that the mind was too complex, and that introspection was the desired
  7. Insult, mainly when used in the second or third person. For example '"he's a, boring ,old fart! " However the word may be used as a colloquial term of endearment or
  8. With no prominent logo. Reds players decried what they considered to be the, boring ,color choice as well as the denial of the opportunity to earn more money
  9. As a slang word generally meaning" not living up to expectations" or ", boring , " The connotation of a euphemism can also be subject-specific. In the early
  10. President Kennedy, however,told his aides that he never wanted" to see the, boring ,son of a bitch again ". The Ottawa visit also began badly: at the welcome at
  11. Of whiskey, dollars and pretty boys. Scene 3 In the big cities, where men lead, boring , purposeless lives, Fatty and Moses spread the gospel of Mahagonny, city of
  12. Tightly fitting piston was solved by John Wilkinson who had developed precision, boring ,techniques for cannon making at Bertha, near Wrexham, North Wales. Watt and
  13. On the leg stump is considered by many cricket fans and commentators to lead to, boring ,play, as it stifles run scoring and encourages batsmen to play conservatively.
  14. Depending on the person's age. This may convey the sense that a person is, boring ,or overly fussy and be intended as an insult, mainly when used in the second or
  15. Party Senator Sandy Macdonald said in 2001 that Advance Australia Fair is so, boring ,that the nation risks singing itself to sleep, with boring music and words
  16. A Swede exclaiming" It'll be fun! " Will have a Dane thinking" How, boring ,". Homo glyphs For example, Latin P came to be written like Greek rho (written
  17. Australia Fair is so boring that the nation risks singing itself to sleep, with, boring , music and words impossible to understand. His Parliamentary colleague Peter
  18. From both the English side and the French side of the Channel, eleven tunnel, boring ,machines cut through chalk marl to construct two rail tunnels and a service
  19. He found court functions and diplomatic duties disagreeable;" frivolous and, boring ," was his description. A few weeks later, still in England as the king's guest
  20. On both sides of the Channel. On the English side a diameter Beaumont-English, boring ,machine dug a pilot tunnel from Shakespeare Cliff. On the French side, a
  21. With our actions and attitudes is cruel and tacky, and most of all,it's, boring , I think we need to respect each other and ourselves, and who we are, and what
  22. Of tension is therapeutic and useful in our society, because most jobs are, boring ,and repetitive. ” Linearly arranged board games have been shown to improve
  23. French access came from a shaft at Senate. The French side used five tunnel, boring ,machines (BMS); the English side used six. The service tunnel uses Service
  24. Which theory one employs. Are different art forms beautiful, disgusting,or, boring ,in the same way? A third major topic in the study of aesthetic judgments is how
  25. Man where he would have seen the large horse-driven wooden machines for cannon, boring ,made and worked by the Verbruggans. He later worked for Joseph Branch on the
  26. Significant source of erosion, particularly on carbonate coastlines, is the, boring , scraping and grinding of organisms, a process termed bioerosion. Sediment is
  27. Lathes used by craftsmen, the first large machine tool was the cylinder, boring ,machine used for boring the large-diameter cylinders on early steam engines.
  28. S smoking),while" I don't care" often means," The matter is trivial or, boring ,". However, in answering a question such as" Tea or coffee? ", if either
  29. During construction between 1987 and 1993,most in the first few months of, boring , Completion A small, two-inch (50-mm) diameter pilot hole allowed the service
  30. 2006 FIFA World Cup that soccer can be interesting to watch but is still a ", boring ,game. " When he formed his exploratory committee, he signed Ed Rollins, Reagan
  31. And piston relief ducts. The service tunnel was used as a pilot tunnel, boring ,ahead of the main tunnels to determine the conditions. English access was
  32. Concluded that children were not learning to read because their books were, boring , Accordingly, William Ellsworth Spaulding, the director of the education
  33. The first large machine tool was the cylinder boring machine used for, boring ,the large-diameter cylinders on early steam engines. The planing machine, the
  34. He discovered the thrill of the corrido. He missed Paris, considered Toronto, boring , and wanted to return to the life of a writer, rather than live the life of a
  35. And the national economy was troubled. By this time the British Priestly tunnel, boring ,machine was ready and the Ministry of Transport was able to do an experimental
  36. To describe something as sharp or piercing, and also to describe the twisting, boring ,motion of using a gimlet. The term gimlet-eyed can mean sharp-eyed or
  37. A talent that she didn't know she had. Day said:" During this long, boring ,period, I used to while away a lot of time listening to the radio, sometimes
  38. People who obsessively pursue a particular hobby that is otherwise considered, boring , such as train spotting or stamp collecting. Development into other ventures
  39. Shortly thereafter, Mototsune approached Yoga and remarked that it must be, boring ,to be so often alone, and then Monotone suggested that the emperor might be
  40. For an unexciting game. The 1990 Brier was considered by many curling fans as, boring ,to watch because of the near-constant peeling, and the quick adoption of the
  41. For the developers, Freeciv 1.0 was a successful proof of concept, but a rather, boring ,game, so they went back to Pilot. But Freebie was already playable and
  42. http://liftconference.com/look-2008- boring -year-ahead" A look at 2008,the, boring ,year ahead ". Lift08. Opening Keynote. 2008 *
  43. Plugged flush with an iron spike, disabling the cannon (at least until metal, boring ,tools could be used to remove the plug). This was called" spiking the cannon
  44. Edited by Gunther S. Stent: ISBN 0-393-01245-X. * James D. Watson;" Avoid, boring ,people and other lessons from a life in science" New York: Random House. ISBN
  45. Will help to raise awareness. In February 2007,the show was criticized for, boring ,storylines and acting. Fasteners was consequently snubbed from the Royal
  46. Of bivalves) and selenites. The Jurassic also had diverse encrusting and, boring ,(sclerobiont) communities, and it saw a significant rise in the bioerosion of
  47. Of Blog critics said the film is" far from perfect" and" can be downright, boring ,at times" but felt that" the destruction scenes make up for everything else "
  48. Had been missing for years. For that one season it transformed the SOX from a, boring , losing club into a pennant contender. The 1977 season was a memorable one for
  49. Halt the process ... ISO is an engineering old boys club and these things are, boring ,so you have to have a lot of passion … then suddenly you have an investment of
  50. S Boston Red Sox. Arsenal have often been stereotyped as a defensive and ", boring ," side, especially during the 1970s and 1980s; many comedians, such as Eric

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