Examples of the the word, ba , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ba ), is the 7432 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Common approach is to simply ignore the coda, so that" ba g" would be written, ba , This obviously would not work well for English, but was done in Mycenaean Greek
  2. Two elements a and b of a ring or an associative algebra is defined by: = ab +, ba , The anticommutator is used less often than the commutator, but can be used for
  3. Additive measures on S that are absolutely continuous with respect to μ. See, ba , space for more details. If we assume the axiom of choice, this space is much
  4. Over the islands took roughly one year to fulfil. Gallery File: CAY phone, ba , JPG|An ancient Heliotrope foertherianum on Partly Island File: Truing SA
  5. When the body died, parts of its soul known as key (body double) and the,BA, ( personality) would go to the Kingdom of the Dead. While the soul dwelt in
  6. In the United States of America. The CGS unit of pressure is the ba re (, ba , ),equal to 1 Dan·cm−2 or 0.1 Pa. Pressure is sometimes expressed in
  7. I used to carry ". *In the indicative, the imperfect employs its tense signs, ba , and BA before personal endings are added. As with the present tense, active
  8. But implausible; another example is found in Yoru ba , where the present tense of, ba ," hide" is MBA" is hiding ", while the present of sun" sleep" is sun" is
  9. An aka. Originally, however,the Egyptians believed that only the pharaoh had a, ba , and only he could become one with the gods; dead commoners passed into a dark
  10. As a permanent home. The ultimate goal of the deceased was to rejoin his key and, ba , and become one of the" blessed dead ", living on as an aka, or " effective one
  11. Using DE after reunification of Germany),you for SFR Yugoslavia (now:, ba , for Bosnia and Herzegovina, hr for Croatia, me for Montenegro, mk for Macedonia
  12. To the body after death. Egyptian funeral rituals were intended to release the,BA, from the body so that it could move freely, and to rejoin it with the key so
  13. Simultaneously 1 with 2,and 3 with 4. G forms a group, since AA BB e, ba , ab,and ba ba e. So (G, M ) forms a permutation group. The Rubik's Cube puzzle
  14. Its own additive inverse. *Two idempotent a and b are called orthogonal if ab, ba ,0. If an is idempotent in the ring R, then so is b = 1 − a; a and b are
  15. Feminine (also spelled" Banded" or" Banded" ) which literally means The,BA, of the lord of the DJed, which roughly means The soul of the lord of the pillar
  16. To mind first or whichever is easier to use.: Magshoshopping Kali SA mall. Sing, ba , ang Magyarize SA shopping center?:" We will go shopping at the mall. Who will
  17. Acronym, and its IATA Airline code the letters" BA" as their internet domain, ba , Com. The domain was previously owned by Bell Atlantic. British Airways is the
  18. Since it is not scalar. In the CGS system the unit of pressure was the ba re (, ba , ),equal to 1 Dan·cm−2. In the MTS system, the unit of pressure was the piece
  19. Butterfly) and Nahuatl parallel (butterfly) * Ga BA (come) and Hebrew, ba , ( בא) (come)and Tamil Va (Come) Note: In Hebrew the B sound is equivalent
  20. That the body of the deceased be preserved, as the Egyptians believed that the,BA, returned to its body each night to receive new life, before emerging in the
  21. Integer representations. A sequence such as" b, c,d, e,f, g,h, i,j, ba ," would be lexicographically sorted as" b, ba , c,d, e,f, g,h, i,j ". If
  22. Follows from the uniqueness of left division of ab or ac by a. Similarly, if,BA, ca,then b c. Multiplication operators The definition of a quasi group can be
  23. Elements a and b of a ring or an associative algebra is defined by: a, b = ab −, ba , It is zero if and only if a and b commute. In linear algebra, if two
  24. Depends only on the tuple (a, b,c). *If the operation is commutative, ab =, ba , then the value depends only on, where braces indicate multisets. *If the
  25. Parts or aspects. In addition to the body, each person had a SWT (shadow),a, ba , ( personality or soul),a key (life-force),and a name. The heart, rather
  26. Polities. Kongo Empire By the 15th century CE, the farming Baking people (, ba , being the plural prefix) were unified as the Kingdom of Kongo under a ruler
  27. Were dedicated to the worship of deceased pharaohs as gods. Unlike the key,the,BA, remained attached to the body after death. Egyptian funeral rituals were
  28. In the form: :\ = 2 go \, where the bracket expression \\, means \, ab +, ba , the anticommutator. These are the defining relations of a Clifford algebra
  29. Reputation, force of character, especially in the case of a god. Since the,BA, is associated with power, and also happened to be a word for ram in Egyptian
  30. In accordance with Ma'at. If the deceased was judged worthy, his or her key and, ba , were united into an aka. Several beliefs coexisted about the akh's destination
  31. Please throw away the trash. ") Used in the affirmative: *Ex:" Gut om kana, ba , "" OPO/Oho ". (" Are you hungry yet? "" Yes" ). Po/Ho may also be used in
  32. As" b, c,d, e,f, g,h, i,j, ba " would be lexicographically sorted as" b, ba , c, d,e, f,g, h,i, j ". If lexicographic ordering is used to sort
  33. Be written as alibi (BA)OK for integers i, j,k, as the relations show that, ba , commutes with both a and b. Relation to category theory Monoids can be viewed
  34. The phrase, which translates loosely into English as" rider (Jin) horse (, ba , ) as one body (Thai) ". ). The MX-5,with production code NA, was made
  35. Of a group G, and a and b are elements of H such that ab BA eh, then ab, ba , eG. *The intersection of subgroups A and B is again a subgroup. The union of
  36. 3e 02 18 03 a9 83 85 ... .... > ... ... 10:50:24.77 21/1/24 T RR 0000 02 01 01,BA, .... 10:50:25.02 21/1/24 R ALERTING Call Reference: 000062-local Progress
  37. User, In- ba nd information or an appropriate pattern is now available 0000 02 01,BA,a6 08 02 80 3e 01 1e 02 82 88 ... .... > ..... 10:50:25.02 21/1/24 T RR 0000 02
  38. The original Tibetan Ottawas (Sanskrit: Oshawa; Tibetan: lo ts'a, ba , ),who studied Sanskrit grammar thoroughly, used the Tibetan term been pa
  39. If H is a subgroup of a group G, and a and b are elements of H such that ab, ba , eH, then ab BA EG. *The intersection of subgroups A and B is again a subgroup.
  40. The end of the syllable. The vowel will say its long sound. In the word ba sin, ba , is an open syllable and therefore says. * Diphthongs are linguistic elements
  41. Sometimes rendered as" Candle mas" in English translation; e.g. air nimble, ba , garb a neat translated as" after Candle mas, rough was their herding ".
  42. Link) * French papillon (butterfly) and Nahuatl parallel (butterfly) * Ga, ba , ( come) and Hebrew BA (בא) (come)and Tamil Va (Come) Note: In Hebrew the
  43. Frac\sum_^\nifty \franc:: r = \franc:: Q = by+60ab^+134a^b^+60a^b+a\, :: v_ =, ba , ( 15b^+68ab^+90a^b^+68a^b+15a^)\, :: v_ =
  44. A ring as follows: if a and b are idempotent, we write a ≤ b if and only if ab, ba ,a. With respect to this order,0 is the smallest and 1 the largest idempotent.
  45. Baia is feminine; a correct Portuguese rendering of" good ba y" would be boa, ba , ( h)IA. Having said this, ba im is an archaic, masculine word for" little ba y "
  46. Chicken sashimi is sometimes slightly braised on the outside. Hisashi (馬刺し 馬, ba , horse + 刺し Sasha = pierced, stuck ), or names, is raw horse meat, a
  47. Move such as jumping. Axe kicks In Japanese, mae Keane germ; in Korean, doki, ba , chagi or nerve chai or" chukka chai ". An axe kick, also known as a hammer
  48. Digit has a weight 34 × 35 = 1190, and we have the following sequence: a (0),BA, ( 1),ca (2),.,9a (35),BB (36),CB (37),.,9b (70),BCA (71),
  49. And LE, the definite article is assimilated into the prefix, which then becomes, ba , or la. Thus, *be-ha-matos becomes Bar ba dos (" in the plane" ). Note that this
  50. Period, the Egyptians gradually came to believe that possession of a, ba , and the possibility of a paradisiacal afterlife extended to everyone. In the

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