Examples of the the word, vacant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vacant ), is the 8733 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 57,000. The area median price of homes was $75,000. Buffalo faces issues with, vacant ,and abandoned houses, as the city ranks second only to St. Louis on the list of
  2. The books arrived in January 1847 in twenty-one horse-drawn vans. The only, vacant ,space for this large library was a room originally intended for manuscripts
  3. 5,534.9 hectares) of forest. 11.5 % (1,692.3 hectares) are built up or, vacant , 6.4 % (932.8 hectares) is used by traffic infrastructure. Sporting and
  4. Under Don Duns tan shelved the plan, but allowed the purchased land to remain, vacant , should the future need for freeways arise. Some parts of this land have been
  5. Cleared sections of land while retaining a number of historically significant, vacant ,buildings in order to spur redevelopment; though the city has struggled with
  6. In Sudan and 2 Diocesan Bishops are in Australia, while 2 Dioceses still remain, vacant ,in Egypt * 2 Suffragan Dioceses, with 1 Suffragan Bishop in Europe and 1
  7. While it is alleged that the offices of President and Vice President were, vacant , Atchison in fact was not next in line. While the terms of President James K.
  8. Recover from the K-T event, despite the probable existence of an abundance of, vacant ,ecological niches. Despite the severity of this boundary event, there was
  9. A near fatal stroke. While walking home from the hospital, he cuts through a, vacant ,lot and discovers a severed ear. Jeffrey takes the ear to Police Detective John
  10. Have been cardinal deacons for ten years. They may on such elevation take a, vacant ,title (church allotted as the titular dignity of a cardinal priest) or their
  11. The most vacant properties per capita. Since 2000,the city has torn down 2,000, vacant , homes but as many as 10,000 still remain. Mayor Byron W. Brown recently
  12. Baden, they hold that, because of their action, the See of Rome is no longer, vacant , and that they are no longer sede vacant ists (conclaves). A significant
  13. Franco rum, did not appoint a new king and nobody acclaimed one. The throne lay, vacant ,until Martel's death. As the historian Charles Oman says (The Dark Ages, pg
  14. Of millions of dollars. As of February 2011,there are an unprecedented 6,117, vacant , properties in Columbus, according to city officials. Aviation In 1907,14-year
  15. Person in the Church, since,due to his abdication, the See of Peter was, vacant ,). Gregory XII's cardinals were accepted as true cardinals by the Council, but
  16. To room 2,the guest in room 2 to move to room 3,and so on, leaving room 1, vacant , We can explicitly write a segment of this mapping:: 1 ↔ 2: 2 ↔ 3: 3 ↔ 4: ...:
  17. Metropolitan Archbishops and 4 Metropolitan Bishops, while 2 Metropolis remain, vacant ,; out of the 8 Hierarchy,1 Metropolitan Archbishop is in the Near East,2 in
  18. Minorities. 24 seats are allocated to the Turkish community, but are currently, vacant , Political parties and elections Political pressure groups and leaders
  19. Ideals of the French Revolution. When a chair of mathematics became, vacant ,at the College de France in 1843,Cauchy applied for it, but got just three out
  20. At a regular atomic site in the crystal structure. This is neither a, vacant ,site nor is the atom on an interstitial site, and it is called a substitutional
  21. Between the two communities the Turkish Cypriot seats in the House remain, vacant ,since 1965. Turkish Cypriots refused to establish the state of affairs before
  22. Is electing the pope whenever, by death or resignation, the seat becomes, vacant , In 1059,the right of electing the pope was reserved to the principal clergy
  23. By 1978,ABBA was one of the biggest bands in the world. They converted a, vacant ,movie theater into the Polar Music Studio, a state-of-the-art studio in
  24. The chief of state and head of government; post of vice president is currently, vacant ,; under the 1960 constitution, the post is reserved for a Turkish Cypriot. The
  25. To his aid; after failing to recover Turnout for him, in 847 he awarded him the, vacant ,diocese of Bremen, where he took up residence in 848. However, since Hamburg
  26. Diffuse into the P-doped region where there is a large population of holes (, vacant ,places for electrons) with which the electrons" recombine ". When a mobile
  27. Territory, recognizing the right of kings to income from the territory of a, vacant ,diocese and a basis for justifiable taxation. These rights lay outside
  28. States foreclosure crisis has forced the city to purchase numerous foreclosed, vacant ,properties — either to renovate them or to demolish them — at a cost of tens of
  29. The kindness of some monks supplied him with his first workshop, which was the, vacant ,cell of a monastery. Here for nearly four years he labored with the greatest
  30. Sent by Octavian entered Rome and demanded that he receive the consulship left, vacant ,by Hiatus and Pans. Octavian also demanded that the decree declaring Antony a
  31. In a perfect crystal, but are vacant . If a neighboring atom moves to occupy the, vacant ,site, the vacancy moves in the opposite direction to the site which used to be
  32. Chairman: Richard Mon fort: President: Kali McGregor (deceased),office is now, vacant ,.: General Manager: Dan O'Down: Former Special Assistant to the GM: Vinny
  33. By Sixths IV (LOC. Cit. ) might be even married men. These offices becoming, vacant ,by death of the Abbreviated, no matter where the death take place, are reserved
  34. Almost continuously until Nicolas Deny's left in 1659. Mile Royale then remained, vacant ,for more than fifty years until the communities along with Louisbourg were
  35. Carried over from Tiger Stadium. In 2005,the team moved the bullpens to the, vacant ,area beyond the left-field fence and filled the previous location with seats.
  36. Space needed for the books. It also created the opportunity to redevelop the, vacant ,space in Robert Smirke's 19th-century central quadrangle into the Queen
  37. Blair. *1944 – King George II of Greece declares a regency, leaving the throne, vacant , *1947 – King Michael of Romania is forced to abdicate by the Soviet
  38. Alfie Basil in 2008,Diego Maradona immediately proposed his candidacy for the, vacant ,role. According to several press sources, his major challengers included Diego
  39. Defects are lattice sites which would be occupied in a perfect crystal, but are, vacant , If a neighboring atom moves to occupy the vacant site, the vacancy moves in
  40. To be completed. Much of the new development is springing up in formerly, vacant ,lots across the South Bronx. Geography Adjacent counties Location and physical
  41. In 1060,but other sources say that he merely administered the see while it was, vacant , or that he was bishop of Hereford from 1055 to 1060. Alfred became involved
  42. Between the two communities, the Turkish Cypriot seats in the House remained, vacant , while the Greek Cypriot Communal Chamber was abolished. The responsibilities
  43. When the Chief Justice is unable to discharge his functions, or that office is, vacant , his duties are carried out by the most senior Associate Justice until the
  44. Commonly follow mass extinctions: following an extinction, many niches are left, vacant , A classic example of this is the replacement of the non-avian dinosaurs with
  45. New neighborhood construction. Detroit has numerous neighborhoods consisting of, vacant ,properties resulting in low inhabited density, stretching city services and
  46. Ranks second only to St. Louis on the list of American cities with the most, vacant ,properties per capita. Since 2000,the city has torn down 2,000 vacant homes
  47. October 2009,Andrea Della Value stepped down as chairman. The position is now, vacant , In June 2010 the Viola bid farewell to long-time manager Pirandello (by then
  48. Remains a titular see of the Roman Catholic Church, Troadensis; the seat is, vacant ,following the resignation of the last bishop in 1971. Trots is also a titular
  49. Governor becomes acting governor, and if the office of governor becomes, vacant ,the lieutenant governor fully becomes governor. Earlier constitutions said the
  50. Were purchased at a record pace. And ten percent of the city's homes are now, vacant , due in part to the rise in foreclosure filings. With over 37,000 employees

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