Examples of the the word, augment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( augment ), is the 8342 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Establish a network of cooperating bodies and seek outside funds to, augment ,the initial $3 million endowment from the Authority. The International Seabed
  2. Developed in the 1960s,uses technical machinery from mathematical logic to, augment ,the real number system with infinitesimal and infinite numbers, as in the
  3. Ability, ( such as Parkinson's, etc.) However, Alexander Technique can, augment ,the ability to cope with these issues, which may be a significant help.
  4. In two flavors:" conflict-driven" and" look-ahead ". Conflict-driven solvers, augment ,the basic DPLL search algorithm with efficient conflict analysis, clause
  5. Propranolol in the US, and Metoprolol in the UK, are most frequently used to, augment ,treatment for hyperthyroid patients. Permanent treatments Surgery as an option
  6. To translate Menabrea's paper into English, subsequently requesting that she, augment ,the notes she had added to the translation. Lady Lovelace spent most of a year
  7. Subgroup of Indo-European which is defined by such shared innovations as the, augment , More recently, others have proposed a Balkan grouping including Greek
  8. Antipsychotics, whether typical or atypical, may also be prescribed to, augment ,an antidepressant, to increase the blood concentration of another drug, or to
  9. That of his simple clerking job in Dublin. In truth, though,Joyce hoped to, augment ,his family's meager income with his brother's earnings. Stanislaus and Joyce
  10. The rate of loss in the event of a breach, a reserve air supply system to, augment ,cabin air pressure, and a rapid descent procedure to bring the aircraft to a
  11. Triple public spending on research and development (R&D) to 0.6 % of GDP and, augment ,the share of gross domestic expenditure on R&D from foreign sources, including
  12. Disorder. Both lithium and Aborigine have also been studied and used to, augment ,antidepressants in treatment-resistant unipolar depression. Herbal St. John's
  13. And online to engage in dialog about how to pursue Doug Engelbart's vision to, augment ,collective intelligence. The most complete coverage of Engelbart's
  14. Your path" leads to bad luck, or that cats are witches' familiars used to, augment ,a witch's powers and skills. This led to the widespread extermination of cats
  15. Southern slave states and the threat of civil war among the states. Seeking to, augment ,the political power of the Union states, the Republican Party dominated
  16. The Vietnam War, and still continues to be widely used today to transport and, augment ,ground forces. Today, direct engagements between aircraft are rare - the most
  17. Who already has a nonspecific immune response against mycobacteria does not, augment ,the response already there. BCG will therefore appear not to be efficacious
  18. Wide variety of dietary supplements. Various products are used in an attempt to, augment ,muscle size, increase the rate of fat loss, improve joint health, increase
  19. Clinical trial into the potential therapeutic benefits of using the drug as an, augment ,to psychotherapy showed that most patients in the trial given psychotherapy
  20. Employed. During Desert Shield, the U. S. Navy sortied additional carriers to, augment ,the on station assets eventually maintaining six carriers for Desert Storm.
  21. Supposed weakness of ETA, which obliged them to resort to minors to maintain or, augment ,their impact on society after arrests of leading militants, including the "
  22. Of high-information-content biomedical imagery. Modern image analysis systems, augment ,an observer's ability to make measurements from a large or complex set of
  23. The linking process. The global vector also made it very simple to replace or, augment ,standard library routines. A program could save the pointer from the global
  24. Of the Negev, treatment with mineral-rich mud compresses can be used to, augment ,conventional medical therapy in these patients. Fauna and flora The sea is
  25. The Citizen Corps CERT program has an established curriculum. Jurisdictions may, augment ,the training, but are strongly encouraged to deliver the entire core content.
  26. Industry was dependent, however,on larvae imported from the United States to, augment ,its unstable natural supply. Technicians from Taiwan were contracted by large
  27. Bowler finishing the season at QB. In the 2005 off season the Ravens looked to, augment ,their receiving corps (which was second-worst in the NFL in 2004) by signing
  28. To be. " On 30 November 1950,the USAF Strategic Air Command was ordered to ", augment ,its capacities, and that this should include atomic capabilities. " The Indian
  29. Ruler who did not hesitate to use his power. Popular" consent" was a means to, augment ,rather than limit royal power. Reformation Henry never formally repudiated the
  30. This aircraft was a proposed U. S. military version of the 747-400 intended to, augment ,the C-17 fleet. The plan was canceled in favor of additional C-17 military
  31. In 1984 CP Rail commenced construction of the Mount Macdonald Tunnel to, augment ,the Conn aught Tunnel under the Selkirk Mountains. The first revenue train
  32. Day friends of the University would deposit their loose change in brown jugs to, augment ,the fund, which is used to purchase 'such books as Professor Barberry might or
  33. Temperatures can surpass, and the vegetation and cloud cover tend to retain and, augment ,the heat. Rain is constant during the winter months of December through May
  34. God in their meetings, and both allow the collective opinion of the church to, augment ,Biblical teaching. Fox, however,did not perceive this, brought up as he was in
  35. The postulate of a Graeco-Armenian protolanguage). Armenian shares the, augment , a ne gator derived from the set phrase *NE HOI quid (" not ever at all" )
  36. Business which was originally the Cyril Median from National Semiconductor to, augment ,its existing line of embedded x86 processor products. During the second quarter
  37. Each other and the stronger teams would play each other. Bell's goal was to, augment ,game attendances by keeping the disparity in team standings to a minimum for as
  38. Schools,e.g. in Fergus, Ontario,where these were added to a public school to, augment ,the kitchen classroom. Garden sharing, where urban landowners allow gardeners
  39. Mountains and deposit the sediment that created the lowlands and continues to, augment ,them, but the rivers flood when there is local rainfall. When the lands are
  40. Which contained a small actuator that made the mouse vibrate. Such a mouse can, augment ,user-interfaces with haptic feedback, such as giving feedback when crossing a
  41. Hall of Fame in 1971. In 1973,Lerner coaxed Fritz Loewe out of retirement to, augment ,the Gigi score for a musical stage adaptation. The following year they
  42. Was much slower and more difficult in the South, which was unable to, augment ,it's much smaller rail system, repair damage, or even perform routine
  43. Opposition. One recurring proposal had been to build a barrier to replace or, augment ,the low railing, a component of the bridge's original architectural design.
  44. To affected neighborhoods, or organized to support operations. CERT members may, augment ,support staff at an Incident Command Post or Emergency Operations Center.
  45. The C-X program in November 1979 to develop a larger AMST with longer range to, augment ,its strategic airlift. By 1980,the USAF found itself with a large fleet of
  46. Ordnance. Television- and IR-guided air-to-surface missiles were introduced to, augment ,traditional gravity bombs, and some were also equipped to deliver a nuclear
  47. Charles' incorporation, for the first time, of heavy cavalry with stirrups to, augment ,his phalanx. His ability to coordinate infantry and cavalry veterans was
  48. Weight, and therefore more money was poured into research programs that could, augment ,the muzzle energy of existing guns to match the 140 mm gun without the
  49. An able-bodied astronaut, Roger Tearaway, is surgically altered in order to, augment ,his fragile human body and allow him to function in the harsh climate of Mars.
  50. And because of his insistence on precise tuning and timing, he was able to, augment ,his studio productions with excerpts from live shows, and vice versa. Later, he

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