Examples of the the word, buying , in a Sentence Context

The word ( buying ), is the 6068 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fell farming. In 1930 the Helices became partners with the National Trust in, buying ,and managing the fell farms included in the large Monk Concision Estate. It was
  2. Held by the fund and shares in the fund itself, rather than allowing the, buying ,and selling of shares in the ETF directly with the fund sponsor. ETFs trade in
  3. Are almost always dropped:" egunkariak erosion dizkidazue ", the newspapers, buying ,be-them-for-me-you (plural). The pronouns are used only to show emphasis: "
  4. Services such as IT. The outsourcing company takes over the installations, buying ,out the bank's assets and charges a periodic service fee back to the bank.
  5. Tested. Consumer Reports program manager Pat Slave recommended against, buying ,the products because consumers can" go to the grocery store and get something
  6. Six tiles. Play of the game A turn consists of three steps: # placing a tile #, buying ,stock # drawing a replacement tile placement falls in one of four
  7. By 1903-4,it seemed politically impossible to expand the naval budget to keep, buying ,the new cruisers that were required to maintain a sufficient margin of
  8. Are traded on more than one exchange, arbitrage occurs by simultaneously, buying ,in one and selling on the other. See rational pricing, particularly arbitrage
  9. All her preferences, wearing clothes to match characters from her novels and, buying ,furniture like hers. Rand was unimpressed with many of the FBI students and
  10. Its new fee disclosure policy in 1999,and the company reorganized to focus on, buying ,personal line insurance firms and to integrate its acquisitions. That year it
  11. Began another period of magical work on an island in the Hudson River after, buying ,large amounts of red paint instead of food. Having painted" Do what thou wilt
  12. Gambling for the Atari 2600 video game console after on Meister's idea of, buying ,music on demand was rejected by Warner Brothers. Subscribers bought a modem
  13. Pressure was used in some white neighborhoods to discourage blacks from, buying ,homes there. However, such efforts proved futile as real estate agents began
  14. S hometown of Niagara, which Philip had razed, and to repopulate it by, buying ,and freeing the ex-citizens who were slaves, or pardoning those who were in
  15. Case). The verb is erosion digit, in which erosion is a kind of gerund (", buying ,") and the auxiliary digit means" he/she (does) them for me ". This digit
  16. Europe. The Eastern German government also claimed that West Berliners were, buying ,out state-subsidized goods in East Berlin. East Germans and others greeted such
  17. The Asian financial crisis, investors began selling non-U. S. treasury debt and, buying ,U. S. treasuries, which were considered a safe investment. As a result the
  18. GMO seeds legally bind farmers to change their seed saving practices to, buying ,new seed every year. Introducing GMOs and hybridized commercial seed to an area
  19. That ultimately failed to end the civil war. The protocol prohibited UNITS from, buying ,foreign arms, a provision the United Nations largely did not enforce, so both
  20. Market. Bulgaria has attracted considerable investment from foreigners, buying ,property either for their own use or for investment. In 2006,more than 29 % of
  21. And had to sell products to get bonus checks, and the company was committed to, buying ,back its distributors' excess inventory. The FTC did, however,find Amway "
  22. During this period, it was illegal to import microcomputers in Brazil, and, buying , those (illegal) clones was the only way to have a microcomputer. Unitron
  23. Declaring the game over, the player is allowed to complete his turn (including, buying ,stock). Ending the game is optional - if he believes it is to his advantage
  24. In 1997,American Airlines was able to make its logo internet-compatible by, buying ,the domain AA. com. AA also corresponds to the Airlines IATA number. The
  25. Websites such as BarterQuest. Com promote bartering as a green alternative to, buying ,and selling. Tax implications In the United States, the sales a barter exchange
  26. However, governors in Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania quietly began, buying ,weapons and training militia units. On March 4,1861,Abraham Lincoln was sworn
  27. Parent company, AMR Corporation announced that they were looking into, buying ,some financially struggling Japan Airlines. AMR is not the only company
  28. His former see. " On his arrival in Rome, however,charges of simony, or the, buying ,of ecclesiastical office, and lack of learning were brought against him, and
  29. In private companies which are in the process of becoming publicly traded, buying ,in the private market and later selling in the public market. Private to public
  30. Mr Frederick, one of the neighboring farmers, swindles Napoleon by, buying ,old wood with forged money, and then attacks the farm, using blasting powder to
  31. Investment; entrepreneurs invest funds in sectors inconsistent with consumers ', buying ,preferences, causing booms and leading to excess capacity. Busts occur when
  32. To move where his career took him, he settled in Scarborough, eventually, buying , Longwestgate House, the house formerly owned by Stephen Joseph. In 1957
  33. Difference was small, a large amount of money had to be borrowed to make the, buying ,and selling profitable. The downfall in this system began on August 17, 1998
  34. Prices of home computers like the Commodore 64 had caused many to believe that, buying ,a home computer was a better investment because it provided more detailed
  35. Holds for grain but not for securities). Arbitrage is not simply the act of, buying ,a product in one market and selling it in another for a higher price at some
  36. By the master or crew. Other Barbary, when used elsewhere, may refer to the, buying ,and selling of positions (which are expected to bring greater income in time)
  37. Even if it is redundant:" Zuck NIR egunkariak erosion dizkidazue ", you pl., buying ,the newspapers for me. However, the pronouns are almost always dropped: "
  38. Financier Farad Moshing. Red & White launched its bid in August 2007, buying , the stake held by former Arsenal vice-chairman David Dan, and as at February
  39. Had potential antitrust issues in that area. First Niagara took advantage by, buying ,57 of the 61 National City branches from PNC that had to be divested after PNC
  40. With the city's residents. The entire city becomes overcrowded with people, buying ,products from the free market, or visiting one of the many music concerts. The
  41. They possess. If you have acquired the information legitimately (say, by, buying , a book),then on what grounds can you be prevented from using it, reproducing
  42. Was on the investment they had made in this loosely controlled PC software, buying ,spree. Company executives were starting to ask questions that were hard for
  43. Authority. This venality is the secular counterpart of simony, which is the, buying ,and selling of positions (notably benefices) within the church. In his
  44. US$1.25 a day. This meant living on the equivalent of US$1.25 a day, in the US, buying ,US goods. In 2011,this means surviving on the equivalent to US$1.50,AUD$2 or
  45. Rebranded as BT Radiant),which expanded BT's coverage, provided BT with more, buying ,power in certain countries. 2006present: Recent developments In August 2006 BT
  46. Death before I consent ... to any concession or compromise which looks like, buying ,the privilege to take possession of this government to which we have a
  47. Mediates, Inc., based in Colorado, have announced a strong interest in, buying ,both the Contra Costa Times chain and the San Jose Mercury News, consolidating
  48. Plague and uses the economic deprivation that results from it to make a fortune, buying ,and selling on the black market. Other details in the novel can be read at the
  49. Astronomy lists. A great deal of the commerce of amateur astronomy,the, buying ,and selling of equipment, occurs online. Many amateurs use online tools to plan
  50. As the buyers are not prohibited from reselling and the transaction costs of, buying , holding and reselling are small relative to the difference in prices in the

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