Examples of the the word, salesperson , in a Sentence Context

The word ( salesperson ), is the 12868 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 1899. Early career Prior to working with Edison, Brown labored as a, salesperson ,for the Western Electric Company and the Brush Electric Company, selling
  2. Support. The top person at a company is usually the IEC, who is also the top, salesperson ,who is responsible for buying the company to potential investors and customers.
  3. Prototype seems like the perfect environment for an ambitious young IBM, salesperson , thus betraying the salesperson -centric culture prevalent within IBM. The
  4. Of an electronic cash register. A POS terminal manages the selling process by a, salesperson ,accessible interface. The same system allows the creation and printing of the
  5. Wants to sell an item for $100, but the public is only willing to pay $50,the, salesperson ,first offers the item at a higher price (e.g.,$200) and subsequently
  6. The charlatan and other kinds of confidence people. The charlatan is usually a, salesperson , He does not try to create a personal relationship with his marks, or set up an
  7. It is an act of completion of a commercial activity. The seller or, salesperson ,– the provider of the goods or services – completes a sale in response to an
  8. Share in developed countries in the 2000s. * Door-to-door sales, where the, salesperson ,sometimes travels with the goods for sale. * Self-service, where goods may be
  9. Made out of a sock) whom he is romantically involved with.; Jargon Scott: A, salesperson ,who often turns up on the" Calls From the Public" portion of the show to try
  10. Were able to impose arbitrary markups, often with prices adjusted to what the, salesperson ,thought the prospective purchaser would be willing to pay for a particular
  11. With Marian, Guangdong ancestry. Career Early years Lie initially worked as a, salesperson ,for a mobile phone company. In the same year he also obtained an artist
  12. Year, a district court judge, Jack Love, persuaded Michael Loss, a computer, salesperson , to develop a system to monitor five offenders in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  13. That had been bothering George Tate for some time, with the top performing, salesperson ,(Barbara Walgreen, now Guerra),and Tate and Cole promoted Turner to be
  14. Problems, the benefits of the solution, and the interest of the buyer. Once the, salesperson ,knows the needs, he or she is ready for the presentation. The point of this is
  15. Store. His mother, Judy,was a teacher and his father, Milton,an automobile, salesperson ,who had flown for Britain's Royal Air Force and for the U. S. Army Air Forces
  16. Goal planning for the presentation. Then comes the approach. This is when the, salesperson ,initially meets with the customer. It is helpful to schedule an appointment to
  17. Were in full swing, lime water was often used as a part of the act. The, salesperson ,would have an audience member blow through a straw into a glass of lime water.
  18. Is used to increase a person's latitude of acceptance. For example, if a, salesperson ,wants to sell an item for $100, but the public is only willing to pay $50,the
  19. Their credibility as an 'expert' in their field. For example, a successful, salesperson ,hoping to become a motivational speaker on selling may pay a ghostwriter to
  20. And library assistant. During their marriage, Maryann worked as a waitress, salesperson , administrative assistant, and high school English teacher. Writing career
  21. Or telesales in the UK and Ireland) is a method of direct marketing in which a, salesperson ,solicits prospective customers to buy products or services, either over the
  22. America, Joan And of And Music and Sound in Northfield, Illinois was the top, salesperson ,for Firelight. The And organization sold CMOS to Prince, James " J. Y." Young
  23. British comedienne and actress * July 20 – Billy Mays, American infomercial, salesperson ,(d. 2009) * July 22 – Tatsunori Hara, Japanese professional-baseball coach
  24. For the product, can afford the product, and are willing to be contacted by the, salesperson , Next, the approach is used for preparing for the presentation. This
  25. As the name" demo" implies, one usage of these pre-programmed songs is for a, salesperson ,to use to demonstrate the capabilities of the keyboard, in terms of its
  26. Available on a mobile phone. Consumers show the offer on a mobile phone to a, salesperson ,for redemption. * Online interactive promotion game: Consumers play an
  27. The customer and the sales facility or mechanism (example, web site) and/or, salesperson , Sales management would break down the selling process and then increase the
  28. The terms are often used interchangeably among laypeople,e.g. an aggressive, salesperson , Varieties There are two broad categories of aggression. These include hostile
  29. Of lovebirds for his sister's eleventh birthday, pretends to mistake her for a, salesperson , which infuriates her and leads her to inquire as to the reason for his
  30. Vehicle (including the VIN). If the loss-leader vehicle has been sold,the, salesperson ,tries to sell a more upscale trim of that vehicle at a slightly discounted
  31. Investors and retail clients of underwriters. A licensed securities, salesperson ,(Registered Representative in the USA and Canada) selling shares of a public
  32. Attention, ignite Interest, create Desire, and inspire Action, or AIDA. The, salesperson ,can do this through product demonstrations and presentations that show the
  33. A commission from their dealer rather than their client. In cases where the, salesperson ,is the client's advisor it is notable that the financial incentives of the
  34. Together they did quite well, she as the manager of the business, and he as the, salesperson , Stone ran $100 into millions with a strong desire to succeed and by putting
  35. A pyramid sales scheme, only to be surprised as Bill proved to be a much better, salesperson ,than she was. In turn, she fed off Bill's success to bolster her ego and took
  36. Date, customer name, product number, order ship-to and bill-to locations, and, salesperson , responsible for receiving the order. A key advantage of a dimensional approach
  37. In 1976 Pepsi, RKO Bottlers in Toledo, Ohio hired the first female Pepsi, salesperson , Denise Muck, to coincide with the United States bicentennial celebration. In
  38. County, Kentucky,purchased land in Oklahoma Territory from a Shawnee estate, salesperson ,to set up his farm home. The post office was established in 1901 when the
  39. Simply hangs around and annoys everyone under the guise of being the firm's, salesperson , The pragmatic designer Mary Jo Shivery (Annie Potts),a recent divorcee
  40. XICO) and (AVN) Halls of Fame. TV appearances She had a role as a, salesperson ,on Simon & Simon in 1984,in the episode" Manna from Heaven ". Gloria has also
  41. As ways to create a unique transaction. Two common terms used to describe a, salesperson ,are" Farmers" and" Hunters ". The reality is that most professional sales
  42. Fair deal, and is responsible to both. # Transaction broker: This is where the, salesperson ,represent neither party but handles the transaction only. The seller owes no
  43. And respectfully respond to them. Then, gaining commitment comes next. The, salesperson ,can use several sales closes to move the sale forward. They can use
  44. Offered to friends of the seller A discounted price offered to friends of the, salesperson , an attitude which is parodied in the stereotype of a salesman saying" It
  45. Separately to earn separate commissions, and Lane turned out to be the better, salesperson ,of the two. The marriage foundered, there were several periods of separation
  46. Becker: A coupon placed on the 'neck' of a bottle. ** YES unit:" your extra, salesperson ," is a pull-out fact sheet. ** Electroluminescence: Solar-powered, animated
  47. Stereotypes include: midwife, teacher,accountant, data entry clerk, cashier, salesperson , receptionist, housekeeper,cook, maid,social worker, and nurse. Occupational
  48. Employing separate specialist operatives known as salesperson s (singular:, salesperson ,). Selling is considered by many to be a sort of persuading" art ". Contrary
  49. Cuban moved to Dallas, Texas. Cuban first found work as a bartender, then as a, salesperson ,for Your Business Software, one of the first PC software retailers in Dallas.
  50. A buyer to achieve their goal at an economic cost comprise the functions of the, salesperson ,or of the sales engine (for example, the Internet, a vending machine, etc). A

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