Examples of the the word, emailed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( emailed ), is the 9216 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Parathion pesticide to Brazil farmers. In 2009,senior researcher Bette Jensen, emailed ,her colleagues at AU, asking whether they thought Cheminova should stop selling
  2. With another bidder, Dennis Crane, about a sale price for the team and, emailed ,the creditors on December 31, 2009 saying" Basically, the response from the
  3. Records (to whom Jones had moved, from EMI, for £1.5m in October 2009),had, emailed ,colleagues demanding that they" pull back this project immediately or get my
  4. Not been questioned and there were no plans to do so. ” However, the people who, emailed ,the conference in anger about her threats — they were the ones investigated: “
  5. Any future emails received, as confidential information was being erroneously, emailed , and the third revealed the confidential password for the restricted site:" 1
  6. Has been resurrected digitally as one of the vintage strips in King Features ', emailed ,Dairying subscription service. Awards Crane was awarded the National
  7. Eighteen-year old fatally crashed her father’s car into a highway pylon; trolls, emailed ,her grieving family the leaked pictures of her mutilated corpse. In February
  8. Was announced by Mike League on May 8,2000. On September 2,2000,Jeremy Irish, emailed ,the apostasy mailing list that he had registered the domain name geocaching.
  9. Lite application be removed from their database. During December 2003 Sherman, emailed ,the owners of all sites hosting a copy of Kazan Lite, threatening legal action
  10. Necessarily those of Starbucks. US military viral email A US Marines Sergeant, emailed ,ten of his friends in August 2004 having wrongly been told that Starbucks had
  11. Person to surf the Internet. She was feted with numerous birthday emails and an, emailed ,sonogram of her great-grandson, who was born in August 2003. She studied
  12. The full name of a user, and are known to publish complaints and comments, emailed ,by readers, usually to publicly ridicule and insult them. History Rusty Foster
  13. Play). * Cheats can also be made available on the internet or through, emailed ,newsletters for subscribers. These cheats give the player the impression of an
  14. To CodeWeavers," You will be able to unlock your serial number that was, emailed ,to you for an extended time, ( an additional 48 hours),due to this downtime.
  15. Transferring large amounts of data across the Internet. A computer file can be, emailed ,to customers, colleagues and friends as an attachment. It can be uploaded to a
  16. Described Ca pill as" a sexual predator ". Before sentencing, Capill, emailed ,supporters asking that they pray for a light sentence and claiming the sex with
  17. A series of bomb scares throughout Boston on January 31, 2007. A statement, emailed ,to The Boston Globe from Turner Broadcasting said:" The 'packages' in
  18. Use of color. Subscribers can read the complete contents online; a free monthly, emailed ,newsletter contains excerpts. Lines now is produced by Amos Advantage, the
  19. Photo-shoots, original signed documents) to mundane items that could easily be, emailed , albeit without the air of importance attached to an express courier delivery.
  20. Performance internationally from the Yahoo! headquarters in California, playing, emailed , requests. The United States tour went ahead as planned, with Cake playing
  21. To them by courier at the mail order company's expense, using a posted or, emailed ,label with a Waypoint bar code. The scheme is managed by
  22. Multitrack recording studio with Stomp box effects and guitar amps. Songs can be, emailed ,or sent to an iTunes Library. It is compatible with both versions of the iPad.
  23. And http://www.kendallvillemall.com. Escher Mayhem Publishing Media Group, emailed ,Indiana's first email newspaper in 2009,Villa knew, a weekly newspaper. The
  24. Announced her candidacy for the election on September 6,2011, in a video, emailed ,to supporters. Electoral history *1998 Race for U. S. House of Representatives
  25. 6 and subsequently made available via their blog. On April 22,the Beastie Boys, emailed ,out the cryptic message" This Sat,10:35 am EST – Just listen, listen,listen
  26. The target computer. During the outbreak, many personal or private files were, emailed ,to people who otherwise should not have gotten them. It also spreads via open
  27. Called a fan" dumb" and threatened to" hunt him down" in a profanity-laden, emailed ,response Newman chastised Brill's behavior saying: A rough cut of the full
  28. A webpage that allowed consumers to create an" Angry-gram" that could be, emailed ,to other individuals. The form letter format page would send an insulting email
  29. Agreed to all the items on the list and signed it in March. Ma did not and, emailed ,the group instead. The Taiwan Environmental Protection Union (EPU)
  30. Sends Signature Confirmation information back to the sender by postcard or, emailed ,PDF (as opposed to merely putting this information into the online tracking
  31. Posted as the clues to the box. Answers sometimes are unscrambled or simply, emailed ,to the creator the final answer is put in a blank in a web address, which takes
  32. Netscape 3.0 browser. This is the first time the E-card itself could be, emailed ,directly by the card sender to the recipient rather than having an announcement
  33. House of Commons, which was undertaking an inquiry into the dossier. Gilligan, emailed ,several members of the Committee to tell them that Susan Watts' unattributed
  34. In November 2009 Virgin Blue's Velocity Rewards Program incorrectly, emailed ,over 1 million members advising them they had been upgraded to Gold Status for
  35. On the infected computer were chosen at random, infected with the virus and, emailed ,out to email addresses in the host's address book. Opening the infected file
  36. In fact, those most affected by a particular crime of a government official are, emailed ,the full details. In place of the old system, Nick has designed the worm to
  37. Free-of-charge registration have limited access to new content, and can receive, emailed ,New Scientist newsletters. Subscribers to the print edition have full access to
  38. DNS Root Authority test, U. S. response On January 28, 1998,Posted, as a test, emailed ,eight of the twelve operators of Internet's regional root nameservers on his
  39. Briefed and prepared to participate. As a minimum, a letter should be, emailed ,to all interview participants to inform them about the process and the
  40. A policy that denies people freedom of expression. " On June 17, 2008,Modern, emailed ,its members stating that it had produced" the most effective TV ad we've ever
  41. Advocating against alleged racism inherent in Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, emailed ,their statement of responsibility regarding the posters to the GW Hatchet.
  42. A tax assessment which was issued in May 2008,but which relates to 2007. In an, emailed ,statement the British Council said,“ The British Council is registered with
  43. By home-working bookkeepers, in other remote locations, based on information, emailed ,to them from offices all over the world. Some of these things were possible
  44. Can be printed out and then signed and scanned back to computer before being, emailed , Also, the sender can attach a digital signature to the document file.: For the
  45. Me. And you'll be armed. " On September 16,US Chief of Police Lisa A. Walter, emailed ,Miller, notifying him that she had removed the poster and that" it is
  46. News made available to fans an online paid subscription. This online edition is, emailed ,to subscribers bi-weekly. The format of the online edition is classic Weekly
  47. Zimbabwe. Ganguly's dispute with him resulted in many headlines. Chappell had, emailed ,the Board of Control for Cricket in India, stating that Gangly was "
  48. In one,Woolas's agent and former Labor councillor, Joseph Fitzpatrick, emailed ,Wool as and Steven Green, the MP’s campaign adviser, to say:" Things are not
  49. http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/index.php? Term pto-4576. Html&fromMod, emailed ,Writers tend to agree that authenticity is something to be pursued as a goal
  50. Is uploaded to a website, database or an FTP server. * Data is periodically, emailed ,to a pre-defined email address. * Data is wirelessly transmitted by means of an

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