Examples of the the word, ammunition , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ammunition ), is the 6841 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. PAF) ordered 500 AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM missiles as part of a $650 million F-16, ammunition , deal to equip the PAF's F-16C/D Block 52+ and F-16A/B FLU fighters. The PAF
  2. These HQ's. This authority may also extend to deciding the type and quantity of, ammunition ,to be used. In other armies an 'authorized observer' ( for example, artillery
  3. The logistic service transfers artillery ammunition to artillery, the amount of, ammunition ,carried in units and extent to which stocks are held at unit or battery level.
  4. Was trivial compared to artillery. Different armies use different approaches to, ammunition ,supply, which can vary with the nature of operations. Differences include where
  5. Conditions, and low cost. The product line was broad and came to include, ammunition , grenades, mines,armored personnel vehicles, patrol boats, navy patrol planes
  6. Cheap and reliable, and became the standard fitted fuse in operational, ammunition ,stocks in some western armies. The early versions were often limited to
  7. Of producing armored vehicles, self-proppelled artillery, small arms and, ammunition , as well as aircraft engines and spare parts. Bulgaria provided weapons and
  8. As a warning order to the guns, followed by orders specifying the type of, ammunition ,and fuse setting, direction,and the elevation needed to reach the target, and
  9. Supply Point," ammo dump" storage facility for A&E Class V (W) items—see, ammunition ,dump. Computing * Active Server Pages, a web-scripting interface by Microsoft *
  10. With the American Old West, where revolvers holding only six rounds of, ammunition ,were the highest capacity handguns available and reloading was a slow process.
  11. Brass is a 30 % zinc brass with good cold working properties. Used for, ammunition ,cases. *Common brass, or rivet brass, is a 37 % zinc brass, cheap and standard
  12. The chest, sides and back of the armor. Each plate is rated to stop a range of, ammunition ,including 3 hits from a 7.62×51 NATO AP round at a range of, though accounts in
  13. Reaction when welding rail tracks together. It can also be used in green tracer, ammunition ,and as a bleaching agent. *Barium fluoride is used for optics in infrared
  14. Radar permanently fitted to every gun. Logistic services, supply of artillery, ammunition ,has always been a major component of military logistics. Up until World War I
  15. Cannons, as well as an improved fire control system and increased capacity for, ammunition , New AC-130J gunships based on MC-130J Combat Shadow II special operations
  16. Representatives would be attacked by the royal military, and seeking to gain, ammunition ,and gunpowder for the general populace, stormed the Bastille, a fortress-prison
  17. Responsible for all forward ammunition supply because the load of small arms, ammunition ,was trivial compared to artillery. Different armies use different approaches to
  18. An alloy of 95 % copper and 5 % zinc, gilding metal is typically used for, ammunition ," jackets ",e.g. full metal jacket bullets. *High brass contains 65 % copper
  19. Up until World War I some armies made artillery responsible for all forward, ammunition ,supply because the load of small arms ammunition was trivial compared to
  20. Firing data; *Logistic services – to provide combat supplies, particularly, ammunition , and equipment support. Organizationally and spatially these functions can be
  21. Where low friction is required such as locks, gears,bearings, doorknobs, ammunition , and valves; for plumbing and electrical applications; and extensively in
  22. Is also an issue because artillery is expensive due to the large quantities of, ammunition ,that it uses and its level of manpower. Communications underpin the artillery
  23. War, with French admiral Latouche Greville having provided supplies, ammunition ,and guns from France to the United States after Thomas Jefferson had encouraged
  24. Will assemble the charge, projectile,bomb or shell. A round of artillery, ammunition ,comprises four components: Fuses The normal artillery spelling is" fuse ".
  25. Fire training or for wartime use in a combat zone. Also known as" earshot ", ammunition , *Practice: Ammunition with a non- or minimally-explosive projectile that
  26. Agency of Missiles and Artillery, which contained over 7,000 train-car loads of, ammunition ,to the excess of one billion units. The first president of Azerbaijan, Ayaz
  27. Modern 155 mm guns have a primer magazine fitted to their breech. Artillery, ammunition ,has four classifications according to use: *Service: ammunition used in live
  28. Design. He developed a field howitzer whose gun barrel, carriage assembly and, ammunition ,specifications were made uniform for all French cannons. The standardized
  29. Armour and carry little or no ammunition . Armored SPS usually carry a useful, ammunition ,load. Early armored SPS were mostly a 'case mate' configuration, in essence an
  30. Is" fuse ". Fuses are the devices that trigger explosion of the artillery, ammunition ,charge. Broadly there are four main types: Most artillery fuses are nose fuses.
  31. Accuracy) of live rounds for use under training conditions. Practice artillery, ammunition ,often utilizes a colored-smoke-generating bursting charge for marking purposes
  32. Royal indictments that could not be appealed. Besides holding a large cache of, ammunition ,and gunpowder, the Bastille had been known for holding political prisoners
  33. Started to appear in the 1970s. Some SPS have no armor and carry little or no, ammunition , Armored SPS usually carry a useful ammunition load. Early armored SPS were
  34. Cracking after it was first discovered in brass cartridge cases used for rifle, ammunition ,during the 1920s in the Indian Army. The problem was caused by high residual
  35. Number of rocket launchers, over 1,050 cases of grenades, nearly 7,900 types of, ammunition , 120 grenade launchers, over 4,000 submachine guns, TNT fuses, mines of
  36. Vicinity of the Western Wall. Police used rubber-coated metal bullets and live, ammunition ,to disperse the demonstrators, killing 4 persons and injuring about 200. ”
  37. 4,1776. France, Spain and the Dutch Republic all secretly provided supplies, ammunition ,and weapons to the revolutionaries starting early in 1776. After early British
  38. Of a towing vehicle depends on the weight of the equipment and the amount of, ammunition ,it has to carry. A variation of towed is Porter where the vehicle carries the
  39. Features is generally considered to be the French 75 of 1897 with its cased, ammunition , effective breech-loading, modern sights, self-contained firing mechanism, and
  40. Supply is 'push' or 'pull '. In the former the 'pipeline' keeps pushing, ammunition ,into formations or units at a defined rate. In the latter units fire as
  41. Are permanently mounted on a carriage or vehicle with room for the crew and, ammunition ,and are thus capable of moving quickly from one firing position to another
  42. Artillery ammunition has four classifications according to use: *Service:, ammunition ,used in live fire training or for wartime use in a combat zone. Also known as "
  43. Chassis, and increased the vehicle's internal volume, allowing for increased, ammunition ,stowage and crew comfort. Eliminating the turret also allowed the vehicle to
  44. Has a prime mover, usually a jeep or truck, to move the piece, crew,and, ammunition ,around. Self-propelled howitzers are permanently mounted on a carriage or
  45. With a steep angle of descent. Because of their multi-charge capability, their, ammunition , is mostly separate loading (the projectile and propellant are loaded
  46. In MOA. This simply means that under ideal conditions, the gun with certain, ammunition ,is capable of producing a group of shots whose center points (center-to-center
  47. Operations. Differences include where the logistic service transfers artillery, ammunition ,to artillery, the amount of ammunition carried in units and extent to which
  48. Smooth bore (no rifling) and a single charge. The latter often led to fixed, ammunition ,where the projectile is locked to the cartridge case. There is no generally
  49. Calculation yields the following accuracy for exactly the same rifle and, ammunition ,combination (standard deviations of every shot from center is 1 MOA):
  50. As well as an arsenal from which all the SS personnel would draw weapons and, ammunition , although several of the SS were known to purchase their own handguns and

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