Examples of the the word, dependency , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dependency ), is the 6689 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 1959,upon the formation of the Federation of the West Indies the, dependency ,status in regard to Jamaica ceased officially although the Governor of
  2. Samoa takes place in a framework of a presidential representative democratic, dependency , whereby the Governor is the head of government, and of an is independent of the
  3. Spheres are no different in kind from the prime mover, they merely suffer a, dependency ,of relation to the prime mover. Correspondingly, the motions of the planets are
  4. Are prescribed to ease anxiety and promote sleep. Because of the high risk of, dependency , these medications are intended only for short-term or occasional use.
  5. Historic Museum ", Amsterdam Historical Museum),Hermitage Amsterdam (a, dependency ,of the Hermitage Museum of Saint Petersburg) and the Goods Historic Museum (
  6. Lead to a condition known as caffeinism. Caffeinism usually combines caffeine, dependency ,with a wide range of unpleasant physical and mental conditions including
  7. From 1750 to 1898 the Chief Magistrate was the administrating official for the, dependency , appointed by the Jamaican governor. In 1898 the Governor of Jamaica began
  8. Operates under a framework of a presidential representative democratic, dependency , whereby the Governor of American Samoa is the head of government. Legislative
  9. Of broadcasting. " Tom McPhail defined" Electronic colonialism as the, dependency ,relationship established by the importation of communication hardware
  10. And its motion just selects which one is destined to hit the observer. Indeed, dependency ,on the source is paradoxical: Consider a second source of light that on a given
  11. Terms such as" media imperialism "," structural imperialism "," cultural, dependency ,and domination "," cultural synchronization "," electronic colonialism ","
  12. Design does not. Background to normalization: definitions; Functional, dependency ,: In a given table, an attribute Y is said to have a functional dependency on a
  13. They are: (1) Back grounding—The master denies the essentials of and, dependency ,on the other. (2) Radical Exclusion/ Hyperseparation—All differences between
  14. Politics take place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic, dependency , whereby the Chief Minister is the head of government, and of a multi-party
  15. The administrative process has been characterized as a form of 'circular, dependency , ' For example, the finance ministry will issue a license only if an investor
  16. Economies, socio-psychological disorientation, massive poverty and colonial, dependency , ” Colonies are constructed into modes of production. The search for raw
  17. Of the residents as of late 2005. Notes '\'\'\ The Cayman Islands are a British, dependency ,and island country. It is a three-island archipelago in the Caribbean Sea
  18. Broke its administrative links with Jamaica and opted to become a direct, dependency ,of the British Crown, with the chief official of the islands being the
  19. Of cyclic oligosaccharides) * In psychiatry, physical dependence, or chemical, dependency ,* CD (command),a shell command to change directory In codes * Democratic
  20. Alcohol and the volume of alcohol consumed by problem drinkers. Benzodiazepine, dependency ,requires careful reduction in dosage to avoid benzodiazepine withdrawal
  21. Elements may change * Dynamical system, a concept describing a point's time, dependency ,** Symbolic dynamics, a method to model dynamical systems * Dynamic programming
  22. Infarction. Addiction Cocaine dependence (or addiction) is psychological, dependency ,on the regular use of cocaine. Cocaine dependency may result in physiological
  23. Addiction) is psychological dependency on the regular use of cocaine. Cocaine, dependency ,may result in physiological damage, lethargy,psychosis, depression,akathisia
  24. A thesis Acheson devotes much attention to debunking. In recent years, dependency ,theory has been used to examine the situation of the Maritime, and while it
  25. Dependency: In a given table, an attribute Y is said to have a functional, dependency ,on a set of attributes X (written X → Y) if and only if each X value is
  26. 1980s. The wealth of raw materials led to an economic upturn, but also led to, dependency , and even wars with neighboring states. The country was governed during most of
  27. To low-risk drinking. This group, however,showed fewer initial symptoms of, dependency , A follow-up study, using the same subjects that were judged to be in remission
  28. However, records from the colonial era indicate that Cayman Islands, then a, dependency ,of Jamaica, was not tax-exempt during the period that followed. In 1803,the
  29. Him, including the earlier Lattes, were kings of nearby Madonna, a Phrygia, dependency , What's more, epigraphic lists are often legendary rather than annalist
  30. The world's longest undefended border at; are with Alaska. The Danish island, dependency ,of Greenland lies to Canada's northeast, separated from the Canadian Arctic
  31. The unequal exchange theory of trade has been influential to the (new), dependency , theory. Neo-Ricardians After the rise of the 'neoclassical' school,Ricardo's
  32. In fatal accident claims, generally the younger deceased, the greater the, dependency ,claim by the partner and children. 2 The nature and extent of the injuries
  33. Quality skin color, flavor,and oil content, and reduce almond growers ’, dependency ,on insect pollination. The fruits from Prunes ducks var. Amara are always
  34. Full internal autonomy, and Anguilla was also incorporated into the new unified, dependency , named Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla, against the wishes of many Anguilla
  35. Is needed to complete the next operation; a condition often termed data, dependency ,conflict. To cope with this, additional care must be taken to check for these
  36. That followed (See also: Miracle on the Han River) greatly reduced its U. S., dependency , At the 2009 G-20 London summit, U. S. President Barack Obama called South
  37. And economic growth in many countries has often been characterized by a high, dependency ,on imports of natural resources. China, South Korea, India,Taiwan and
  38. With uneven development. It is an“ instrument of wholesale destruction, dependency ,and systematic exploitation producing distorted economies, socio-psychological
  39. And regressive wishes, hostile envy of women, oedipal anxiety, and power and, dependency ,conflicts related to masculine self-esteem. Mothers were more important than
  40. Remains a developing nation. However, Bangladesh gradually decreased its, dependency ,on foreign grant and loan from 85 % (In 1988) to 2 % (In 2010) for its
  41. To remedy the defects in the Civil War system and—by allowing exemptions for, dependency , essential occupations, and religious scruples—to place each man in his proper
  42. To comprehend spiritual research on their own and bypass the danger of, dependency ,on an authority. Anthroposophy speaks of the reincarnation of the human spirit:
  43. In stars the mass of the sun or less. This difference stems from temperature, dependency ,differences between the two reactions; pp-chain reactions start occurring at
  44. Independent of the executive and the legislature. Military As a, dependency ,of the UK, the UK is responsible for its military defense, although there are
  45. Register renaming, speculative execution, out-of-order execution, and data, dependency ,removal. However, it continued to use native x86 execution and ordinary
  46. Childhood trauma is also associated with a general increase in the risk of drug, dependency , Genetic variation Genetic differences exist between different racial groups
  47. The lack of high-quality fossil fuels in Andalusia has led to a strong, dependency ,on petroleum imports. Still, Andalusia has a strong potential for the
  48. Reflects its status as a British overseas territory, its history as a former, dependency ,of Jamaica, and its present financial partnerships with the United States and
  49. Of Jamaica The Cayman Islands were officially declared and administered as a, dependency ,of Jamaica from 1863,but were rather like a parish of Jamaica with the
  50. Which, for the first time, allowed women to vote. Cayman ceased to be a, dependency ,of Jamaica. During 1966,legislation was passed to enable and encourage the

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