Examples of the the word, affected , in a Sentence Context

The word ( affected ), is the 5403 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Namibia signed a mutual defense pact with its northern neighbor Angola. This, affected ,the Angolan Civil War that had been ongoing since Angola's independence in
  2. Disorder. Recent surveys have found that as many as 18 % of Americans may be, affected ,by one or more of them. Standardized screening tools such as Sung Self-Rating
  3. The Albanian population has faced new phenomena like migration, which greatly, affected ,the distribution by districts and prefectures. Districts in the North have seen
  4. See lunar magma ocean). Almost all the rocks show evidence for having been, affected ,by impact processes. For instance, many samples appear to be pitted with
  5. The material and the limit of our consideration. The argument that Buddhism, affected ,Schopenhauer’s philosophy more than any other Dharma faith loses more credence
  6. If the anchor can penetrate the foliage. Depth and tides If the anchorage is, affected ,by tide, tide ranges, as well as the times of high and low water, should be
  7. Later,900 Jews were burned alive in Strasbourg, where the plague had not yet, affected ,the city. Seventeenth century During the mid-to-late 17th century the
  8. Most vulnerable to violent tornadoes. The area of Alabama and Mississippi most, affected ,by tornadoes is sometimes referred to as Dixie Alley, as distinct from the
  9. Broke as Kerry Packer announced his intention to form World Series Cricket. WSC, affected ,all Test playing nations, but it weakened Australia especially as the bulk of
  10. Often surpass during the city's notorious heatwaves. The city of Athens is, affected ,by the urban heat island effect in some areas which is caused by human activity
  11. By the Civil War. Ovimbundu, the most populous ethnic group and the most, affected ,by the war, appeared in great numbers in urban areas outside their areas
  12. Highly moisture-sensitive chemical reagents. The acidity of alcohols is also, affected ,by the overall stability of the oxide ion. Electron-withdrawing groups
  13. In a row, the Audi's were sanctioned with several negative changes that deeply, affected ,the car's performance. Namely, added ballast weights, and Champion Audi
  14. English medical journal of the time being particularly harsh. The controversy, affected ,the public perception of Wallace’s work for the rest of his career. When, in
  15. If not appeased, also required land. There were as many as eighteen Roman towns, affected ,by the new settlements, with entire populations driven out or at least given
  16. Of parent organizations and the stigmatization of childhood ASD have deeply, affected ,how we view ASD, and many primary care physicians and medical specialists still
  17. Bayreuth to see Wagner's Her Ring DES Nibelungen and Parsifal, and was deeply, affected , In 1898, he went back to Paris to write a PhD dissertation on The Religious
  18. And crying. Patients with pseudobulbar palsy are particularly likely to be, affected , as are patients with PLS. Effects on cognition, mood,and senses Cognitive
  19. Native Americans Most Native Americans east of the Mississippi River were, affected ,by the war, and many communities were divided over the question of how to
  20. As those of Hijab, have central in all situations. ) The vowels and are often, affected ,somewhat in emphatic neighborhoods as well, with generally more back and/or
  21. Observed for any element is ten, for the element tin. Stability of isotopes is, affected ,by the ratio of protons to neutrons, and also by the presence of certain "
  22. Such as the National Garden station and This meteorological station are less, affected ,or do not experience the urban heat island Athens holds the World
  23. Worship among Anglicans. Both Anglo-Catholics and Evangelicals have been, affected ,by this movement such that it is not uncommon to find typically charismatic
  24. For high tide and not the current tide state. Swing range If the anchorage is, affected ,by tide, the swing range will be larger at low tide than at high tide. However
  25. Cosmonaut ". Okayama suffered severe space-sickness during his mission, which, affected , his productivity. Seven others have paid to fly into space: #Dennis Tito (
  26. Unpleasant effects of anxiety have been experienced in the past. It can also be, affected ,in ways which include changes in sleeping patterns,nail-biting and increased
  27. How changes of climate, particularly periods of increased glaciation, may have, affected ,the distribution of flora and fauna on some islands, and the first portion of
  28. During the summer and somewhat less during the winter. Inland temperatures are, affected ,more by differences in elevation than by latitude or any other factor. Low
  29. With it by giving some individual (in some cases chosen by lot from those, affected ,) the right to pursue the case and collect the resulting fine, thus fitting it
  30. Or much less recently (like Madagascar) and discussed how that difference, affected ,the flora and fauna. He talked about how isolation affected evolution and how
  31. Locally increased average incident angle. Albedo and climate in some areas are, affected ,by artificial clouds, such as those created by the contrails of heavy
  32. The areas in a person's spinal cord where portions of the nerve cells that are, affected ,are located. As this area degenerates it leads to scarring or hardening ("
  33. Reflexive, or conditioned, deductive reasoning. Van Vogt was also profoundly, affected ,by revelations of totalitarian police states that emerged after World War II.
  34. How that difference affected the flora and fauna. He talked about how isolation, affected ,evolution and how that could result in the preservation of classes of animals
  35. Of mountains, depths of oceans, and the character of regional vegetation, that, affected , the distribution of animals. He also summarized all the known families and
  36. Rights both within and beyond the colony, and these latter rights could not be, affected ,by the laws of that colony (Routledge v Low (1868) LR 3 HL 100; 37 LA Ch 454
  37. 1881 and the Happy Valley Reservoir opened in 1896. In the 1890s Australia was, affected ,by a severe economic depression, ending a hectic era of land booms and
  38. 2007 that abalone viral ganglioneuritis, or AVG, killed up to 90 % of stock in, affected ,regions. Abalone are also severe hemophiliacs as their fluids will not clot in
  39. English and American Flowers. Contains speculation on how glaciation may have, affected ,distribution of mountain flora in North America and Eurasia. A more
  40. A2 release provoked acutely, with the prostaglandin I2 synthesis being little, affected ,; however, higher doses of aspirin are required to attain further inhibition.
  41. Of children with ASD report greater admiration of and less conflict with the, affected ,sibling than siblings of un affected children or those with Down syndrome;
  42. Emissions are now the highest globally, nearly 50 % of China's cities are, affected ,by acid rain, and 20 of the world's 30 most polluted cities are located in the
  43. Greece, Switzerland,Germany and to North America. In 1999 the country was, affected ,by Kosovo War, when a great number of Albanians from Kosovo found refuge in
  44. Literary and debate group. Ginsberg's mother, Naomi Divergent Ginsberg, was, affected , by a rare psychological illness that was never properly diagnosed. She was also
  45. They were the dominant European styles for generations, and many artists were, affected ,to a greater or lesser degree by both. Artists might work in both styles at
  46. S Hipparcos satellite took asymmetry into orbit, where it could be less, affected ,by mechanical forces of the Earth and optical distortions from its atmosphere.
  47. With native Akkadian farmers. This climate-induced collapse seems to have, affected ,the whole of the Middle East, and to have coincided with the collapse of the
  48. Though this does not exclude the possibility that autism can be initiated or, affected ,later, it is strong evidence that autism arises very early in development.
  49. Require the Archbishop of Canterbury's refusal to be in communion with the, affected ,jurisdiction (s). In line with the suggestion of the Windsor Report, Williams
  50. Astrometry is expected to be more accurate in space missions that are not, affected ,by the distorting effects of the Earth's atmosphere. NASA's planned Space

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