Examples of the the word, adverse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( adverse ), is the 3634 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wasting in elderly patients without heart failure. Adverse effects Common, adverse ,drug reactions include: hypotension, cough,hyperkalemia, headache,dizziness
  2. Prescribed by psychiatrists and other physicians, and their effectiveness and, adverse ,effects are the subject of many studies and competing claims. Many drugs
  3. Bradykinin levels. There appears to be a genetic predisposition toward this, adverse ,effect in patients who degrade bradykinin more slowly than average. In pregnant
  4. 2.9 %),hematoma (2.2 %),and dizziness (1 %). Some reported, adverse ,effects include 50 cases of bacterial infections, and more than 80 cases of
  5. Especially on the World Wide Web. Adverse effects Antidepressants often cause, adverse ,effects, and difficulty tolerating This is the most common reason for
  6. Of these cases, patients may be seeking out alternative treatments to avoid the, adverse ,effects of conventional treatments. Name Beyer stein/> name
  7. However, as with other penicillin drugs, it is relatively non-toxic and, adverse ,effects of a serious nature are encountered only rarely. Mechanism of action
  8. Inflammation-related pain. A persistent dry cough is a relatively common, adverse ,effect believed to be associated with the increases in bradykinin levels
  9. Drawbacks, complicating navigation, air traffic control and had numerous other, adverse ,factors. A more recent configuration, originally developed by the Royal Navy
  10. Increases, as with re-use of any type of needle. Adverse events Estimates of, adverse ,effects due to acupuncture range from 671 to 1,137 per 10,000 treatments. The
  11. At least 1 year has passed since the date of the procedure with no permanent, adverse ,after effects. For those applicants under final consideration, an operative
  12. Person with ASD may respond atypically to medications, the medications can have, adverse ,effects, Experiments in mice have reversed or reduced some symptoms related to
  13. Large universe, some worlds might evolve conscious life regardless of, adverse ,conditions. Douglas Adams used the metaphor of a living puddle examining its
  14. In clinical practice, there is little evidence for the relative efficacy or, adverse ,effects of this strategy. Long-term use The therapeutic effects of
  15. For example the contemporary theory of D-modules. (It also provoked, adverse ,reactions, with many mathematicians seeking out more concrete areas and
  16. A response to a new drug, with between 5 % and 39 % ending treatment due to, adverse ,effects. The more antidepressants an individual had already tried, the less
  17. Preparation in food and human consumption may be a promising way to reduce the, adverse ,effects of amaranth's anti-nutritional and toxic factors. As a weed Not all
  18. Effects from taking antipsychotic medication, whereas others may have serious, adverse ,effects. Some side effects, such as subtle cognitive problems, may go unnoticed
  19. Of TCDD. Even" vanishing small" quantities of dioxin in the diet caused, adverse ,health effects when tested on animals. The National Toxicology Program has
  20. Against the slave trade. In the 19th century, the dominant issues concerned the, adverse ,effects of industrialization. The usual Anglican response was to focus on
  21. As solvents and are occasionally abused by alcoholics, leading to a range of, adverse ,health effects. Occurrence in nature Alcohol has been found outside the Solar
  22. TODD),and that the TCDD was causing many of the previously unexplained, adverse ,health effects which were correlated with Agent Orange exposure. TCDD has been
  23. Is unsuccessful, the defendant must file an answer to the complaint or risk an, adverse ,default judgment. The answer establishes which allegations (cause of action in
  24. Hepatitis B since 1970. A 2011 review stated that" ninety-five cases of severe, adverse ,effects including 5 fatalities" were evident in the literature reviewed. "
  25. Reviewed. " Pneumothorax and infections were the most frequently reported, adverse ,effects ... serious adverse effects continue to be reported. " Kidney damage
  26. An activation syndrome, and motor syndromes including duskiness. These, adverse ,effects are more likely during rapid changes between antipsychotic agents, so
  27. Is still used in scenography of the kidney. Renal impairment is a significant, adverse ,effect of all ACE inhibitors, but the reason is still unknown. Some suggest it
  28. Least 2 different versions: COX1 and COX2. Research suggested that most of the, adverse ,effects of NSAIDs were mediated by blocking the COX1 (constitutive) enzyme
  29. To acupuncture range from 671 to 1,137 per 10,000 treatments. The majority of, adverse ,effects reported are minor, mainly slight hemorrhage (2.9 %),hematoma (
  30. However, some antibacterials have been associated with a range of, adverse ,effects. Antibacterials can also affect the vaginal flora, and may lead to
  31. Among other things, limiting or classifying a job applicant or employee in an, adverse ,way, denying employment opportunities to people who truly qualify, or not
  32. That demonstrate that exposure to PAH pollution during pregnancy is related to, adverse ,birth outcomes including low birth weight, premature delivery, and heart
  33. In litigation against governmental bodies, which are generally protected from, adverse ,monetary judgments: a town, state or federal agency may be required to change
  34. Components. These combination analgesics can often result in significant, adverse ,events including accidental overdoses, most often due to confusion which arises
  35. Be associated with kidney stones. Calcium salts may cause constipation. Other, adverse ,effects from antacids include: *, which in turn may result in altered excretion
  36. Receptor antagonists, which are often used when patients are intolerant of the, adverse ,effects produced by ACE inhibitors. ACE inhibitors do not completely prevent
  37. This depletion of scarce water resources is merely one example of the many, adverse ,environmental impacts of rapid Asian growth. Water and air quality is also a
  38. Taking them (around two-thirds even in controlled drug trials) due in part to, adverse ,effects. Extrapyramidal reactions include acute dystonia, akathisia
  39. Withheld information from the FDA and the public to play down the risks and, adverse ,effects associated with SSRIs. This had led to litigation against many of the
  40. There is also the added problem of the accumulation of drug metabolites and, adverse ,effects. Benzodiazepines include: Benzodiazepines exert their anxiolytic
  41. Alkalosis, and hyperkalemia, mostly in men with peptic ulcer disease. These, adverse ,effects were reversed when the regimen stopped, but it was fatal in some
  42. These trials' acupuncture was associated with slightly better outcomes and fewer, adverse ,effects than prophylactic drug treatment. There is conflicting evidence that
  43. Circle, Seroplex, Lexamil) These antidepressants typically have fewer, adverse ,effects than the tricyclics or the Maoist, although such effects as drowsiness
  44. Encompass a wide range of receptor targets. A number of harmful and undesired (, adverse ,) effects have been observed, including lowered life expectancy, weight gain
  45. Stress to a minimum, as prolonged or repeated stress can cause a range of, adverse ,effects. Attempts to minimize stress can occur throughout the culture process.
  46. Or psychosis, but that this was combined with a significant increase in serious, adverse ,events. They concluded that this confirms that antipsychotics should not be
  47. Forms affecting only the MAO-A subtype were introduced, avoiding some, adverse ,effects. Most pharmacologists by the 1960s thought the main therapeutic action
  48. But they do highlight the need to closely monitor the benefits and, adverse ,effects of these medications in individual patients, to prescribe the minimal
  49. Of the region continued to be mobile, abandoning settlements and fields under, adverse ,conditions. Along with the change in precipitation patterns, there was a drop
  50. And infections were the most frequently reported adverse effects ... serious, adverse ,effects continue to be reported. " Kidney damage from deep needling in the low

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