Examples of the the word, fool , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fool ), is the 3635 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the way Temuco treats his slaves. Each time the priest is made to be a, fool , the physician steps in to provide a voice of reason and logic. A much more
  2. And pigments. The best known sulfide is iron pyrite (FeS2),also known as, fool ,'s gold owing to its golden luster. Prussian blue can be used in laundry bluing
  3. Is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning. An idiot differs from a, fool ,(who is unwise) and an ignoramus (who is uneducated/an ignorant),neither
  4. He is not remorseful, but calls Polonius" Thou wretched, rash,intruding, fool , " The Ghost appears, urging Hamlet to treat Gertrude gently, but reminding him
  5. Century BC) is also aware of a number of constellations, including " bier ",", fool ," and" heap" ( Job 9:9,38:31-32),rendered as" Arcturus, Orion and
  6. A still and easy target. The other, using also fakes and feints, is to mislead, fool , trick the opponent, leaving them open for an attack or a counter-attack. The
  7. Be associated with arsenopyrite (Fears),which is similar to iron pyrite (, fool ,'s gold),wherein half of the sulfur atoms are replaced by arsenic.
  8. Volvo has argued that Shostakovich adopted the role of the prodigy or holy, fool ,in his relations with the government. Shostakovich's widow Irina, who was
  9. Understand an opponent's aggressive intentions, and during a fight or a game, fool , trick and deceive him. Music is integral to Capoeira. It sets the tempo
  10. Zeus regards the donning of a hero's armor as an act of insolence by a, fool ,about to die, but makes him strong for now. The next day Achilles, renouncing
  11. As well as numerous recognizable comedy actors, so there was no real intent to, fool ,the audience. The success of the project did however lead to the fictional
  12. His unannounced arrival in his typical booming voice. Fredrik and Desiree, fool ,the gullible Count into believing that their disheveled appearance was entirely
  13. Merchants and consumers **modern copies of older coins minted as forgeries to, fool ,collectors **modern copies sold as replicas (often, but not always, marked as
  14. We of Thelma say that" Every man and every woman is a star. " We do not, fool ,and flatter women; we do not despise and abuse them. To us, a woman is herself
  15. Satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the, fool , or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own
  16. Dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a, fool ,satisfied. And if the fool , or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is
  17. Arts have a tradition, stretching back to antiquity, of artifacts meant to, fool ,the eye and be mistaken for reality. This questioning of reality occasionally
  18. Position; Captain Oliver Wendell Holmes shouted at him," Get down, you damn, fool , before you get shot! " After repeated calls on Grant to defend Washington
  19. To pass the test a computer must be able to imitate a human well enough to, fool ,interrogators. In his essay Turing discussed a variety of possible objections
  20. Duke A" Duke," short for" decoy," is a feint with the body and/or stick to, fool ,a defender or the goalie. Many new players, such as Patrick Kane, Mike Leg and
  21. His name and persona to Brutus (" dull, stupid "),playing the role of a, fool ,to avoid the fate of his father and brothers, and eventually slaying his family
  22. School variation The vowel in words like" pool "," school" and ", fool ," varies regionally. People who live in Victoria, New South Wales and to a
  23. Character The August character-type is often an anarchist, a joker, or a, fool , He is clever and has much lower status than the white face. Classically the
  24. Manon Descant, he announced that he would write his own libretto so that" no, fool ,of a librettist" could spoil it. Record persuaded him to accept Leoncavallo
  25. Loki borrowing Freyja's cloak of feathers and Thor dressing up as Freya to, fool ,the lusty Johann Pryor. In the poem, Thor wakes up to find that his powerful
  26. Is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Salas (“, fool ,”),and the third is Samuel. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in
  27. Jester or trickster god, he is never a cheat, and although fool ed, he is not a, fool , ENI uses his magic for the good of others when called upon to help either a
  28. And consumers **contemporaneous modern copies minted as counterfeits to, fool ,merchants and consumers **modern copies of older coins minted as forgeries to
  29. Of the fantasy conventions on their head such as the hero becoming a cowardly, fool , the princess being a klutz. Examples of these films include Being John
  30. That Candide is no rogue, Cunégonde becomes ugly and Pan gloss is a stubborn, fool , The characters of Candide are unrealistic, two-dimensional,mechanical, and
  31. Satan. Another alternative title for the Demiurge,“ Salas,” is Aramaic for “, fool ,” (Syriac sækla“ the fool ish one” ). Marion According to Marion, the title
  32. Or the wise person) is compared and contrasted with fool ishness (or the, fool ,). 'Fool' in Proverbs indicates one who is lacking in morality and
  33. Etymology," dodo" derives from Portuguese dodo (currently Dido) meaning ", fool ," or" crazy ". However, the present Portuguese name for the bird, dodô, is
  34. One could not view certain content. This turned out to be a hoax designed to, fool ,board members, especially newcomers. It was copied and became an Internet meme.
  35. The magazine also included the fingerprint on a film that readers could use to, fool ,fingerprint readers. This was done to protest the use of biometric data in
  36. The Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a, fool , you can spit at him and kill him as a demon, or you can fall at his feet and
  37. Syriac sæmʻa-ʼel); another alternative title is" Salas ", Aramaic for ", fool ," (Syriac sækla" the fool ish one" ). Gnostic myth recounts that Sophia (
  38. Ancient copies minted as counterfeits (often gold- or silver-plated) to, fool ,merchants and consumers **contemporaneous modern copies minted as counterfeits
  39. In the play, the paranoid, jealous Master Ford uses the alias" Brook" to, fool ,Falstaff, perhaps in reference to William Brooke. At any rate, The name is
  40. At the end of Curtain that he fakes his need for a wheelchair (he wants to, fool ,people into believing that he is suffering from arthritis to give the
  41. Acting the fool , and then Bill picked up his bass, and he started acting the, fool , too, and I started playing with them. Sam, I think, had the door to the
  42. Johnson's outhouse. Bart realizes the town has no people in it, so it won't, fool ,Lamarr's villains. Bart orders the townspeople to make" exact replicas of
  43. A documentary. Although the film looks realistic the intent was not to actually, fool ,the audience who would have been in on the joke. The 1984 mockumentary This is
  44. For so long we were ruled over by a madman and a murderer -- and now by a, fool ,and a pig. The madman had his occasional flights of fancy, he had an intuitive
  45. Suspension of disbelief for a work of art. The goal of a false document is to, fool ,an audience into thinking that what is being presented is actually a fact. In
  46. A sudden, Elvis just started singing this song, jumping around and acting the, fool , and then Bill picked up his bass, and he started acting the fool , too,and I
  47. Were faulty in structure, e. g., a statement such as," Elizabeth is a, fool ," (said of a person named" Elizabeth" who has done something that we regard
  48. Has not eaten or slept for eight days. In the end, the disguises successfully, fool ,the Jonas and, upon sight of it, Thor regains his hammer by force. In the poem
  49. Even in bigger productions the conventions of limited animation are used to, fool ,the eye into thinking there is more movement than there is. Camera angles
  50. Suetonius and Tacitus as sources. Thus, the conception of Claudius as the weak, fool , controlled by those he supposedly ruled, was preserved for the ages. As time

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