Examples of the the word, accountable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accountable ), is the 5331 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of that year. It severely limited the king's powers (making the government, accountable ,only to an elected parliament),and it protected civil liberties. The
  2. Board-only organization is one whose board is self-appointed, rather than being, accountable ,to a base of members through elections; or in which the powers of the
  3. Semi-presidential systems of government, department secretaries/ministers are, accountable ,to the president, who has patronage powers to appoint and dismiss ministers.
  4. Elements of the fleet was subordinated to officers commanding those elements, accountable ,to the Kaiser. The reorganizations suited the Kaiser who wanted to maintain
  5. Of religious celibacy, and belief that members of the Clergy should be held, accountable ,to civil laws. The Conclusions also rejected pilgrimages, ornamentation of
  6. Aims to encourage students to become responsible, respectful,and, accountable ,members of the campus, town,and global community. Endowment
  7. Rule, democracies don’t work well if voters do not hold political parties, accountable ,for failure. While John McCain is trying desperately to pretend that he never
  8. Preventing inadmissible aliens from entering the country (which they were held, accountable ,for) than in assisting them in trivial personal matters such as altering their
  9. As 42 administrative regions called comes each governed by a no march, who was, accountable ,to the vizier for his jurisdiction. The temples formed the backbone of the
  10. Musical instruments or books),it would become a social possession, accountable ,to all who work within it and the consuming public. In that regard
  11. It has fostered criminality by ensuring that the City ranks amongst the least, accountable ,of financial centers on the face of the Earth ”. The novel Golden Handcuffs by
  12. That provided for a relatively weak elected President and for a Prime Minister, accountable ,to the legislature, was adopted. The new system eventually failed to improve
  13. The president. It implements policies, regulations,and laws and is, in theory, accountable ,to the National Assembly. The Ministries are: Legislative branch The
  14. UN resolution give free services to the Israeli enemy who should have been made, accountable ,for his crimes and now finds that he is being rewarded for his crimes and
  15. To a psychiatric disorder, * the convict can not, or only partially, be held, accountable ,for the crime. To determine if these conditions are met, the suspect is
  16. Is limited in a democratic state; in almost all cases the central bank is, accountable ,at some level to government officials, either through a government minister or
  17. Lancaster's schools might become dishonest, provide poor education and were not, accountable ,to established authorities. Lancaster's supporters responded that any
  18. Periodic votes by the public legitimize governments and keep them, accountable , the policy program is very much seen as their own and not that of the people
  19. Companies, the managers (inside directors) who are purportedly, accountable ,to the board of directors has historically played a major role in selecting
  20. Risk of torture. And there is little chance that your torturer will be held, accountable ," said Holly Partner, Director Europe and Central Asia division of HRW. Human
  21. Ministers of HM Government. The Prime Minister and government are directly, accountable ,to Parliament, through its control of public finances, and to the public
  22. In his Epitome of Astronomy, discovered that the heavenly bodies" were, accountable ,to the laws of physics ". Alhazen's Milan Al-Hakam (Balance of Wisdom)
  23. Significant predator of birds. Current UK assessments indicate that they may be, accountable ,for an estimated 64.8 million bird deaths each year. In the recovery of ringed
  24. Section had an enrolled" senior leader" and" assistant leader" who were, accountable ,for the men at work and in the barracks. General classifications The CCC
  25. Party in the House of Commons, to form a government. So that they may be, accountable ,to the Lower House, the Prime Minister and most members of the Cabinet are, by
  26. Ranging from kidnapping to torture, while those responsible were never held, accountable , This led to the conclusion that Chechnya was being ruled without law, being
  27. Communication among citizens, experts,and politicians, with the latter being, accountable ,for the policies they adopt. Life and works Dewey was born in Burlington
  28. In the Agreement of the People,1649,they asked for: a more representative and, accountable ,parliament, to meet every two years; a reform of law so it would be available
  29. Who has patronage powers to appoint and dismiss ministers. The president is, accountable ,to the people in an election. In parliamentary systems, ministers are
  30. Of the evolving nature of the Parliament and its ability to make the Commission, accountable , rather than being a rubber stamp for candidates. Furthermore, in voting on the
  31. The model proposed that constitutional governments should be stable, adaptable, accountable , open and should represent the people (i.e. support democracy). The United
  32. The contrast, however,the ICJ took the view that the U. S. could only be held, accountable ,for them if it had been proven that the U. S. had effective control of
  33. Procedure. This also applies to the EU budget. Finally, the Commission is, accountable ,to Parliament, requiring its approval to take office, having to report back to
  34. They are not just charged with one count of vandalism; they can be held, accountable ,for all the other damage for which they are responsible. This has two main
  35. The ability of mathematicians to generate proofs, etc., which is already fully, accountable ,in terms of physical processes in their brains. Field developed his views into
  36. Of the House of Commons or, less often, the House of Lords, and are thereby, accountable ,to the respective branches of the legislature. The Parliament of Great Britain
  37. Intimidation. Scheduling The nature of democracy is that elected officials are, accountable ,to the people, and they must return to the voters at prescribed intervals to
  38. And facilitation of journalism. In this model, not just the government is, accountable , but the citizens, experts,and other actors as well. Dewey also said that
  39. Muslims believe that God will hold every human, Muslim and non-Muslim, accountable ,for his or her deeds at a preordained time unknown to man. The angel Israel
  40. To the people in an election. In parliamentary systems, ministers are, accountable ,to Parliament, but it is the prime minister who appoints and dismisses them. In
  41. By Government, it is not a sufficient mechanism to make firms morally, accountable , Implementation Corporate policies As part of more comprehensive compliance and
  42. Is causing forest landowners and forest industries to become increasingly, accountable ,for their forest management and timber harvesting practices. The Arbor Day
  43. National minister for agriculture. They represented their governments and were, accountable ,to their national political systems. Votes were taken either by majority (with
  44. Of Onesies and, as an act of both trust and reconciliation, holding Philemon, accountable ,in the higher court of God to accomplish this change himself. That Onesies was
  45. There also is a National Security Service, Intelligence,which is directly, accountable ,to the Prime Minister. Relations between the police and the army have been
  46. Of Jesus Christ. Paul argues that all persons are guilty of sin and therefore, accountable ,to God. It is only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that
  47. Used. In baseball, an earned run is any run for which the pitcher is held, accountable ,(i.e., the run scored as a result of normal pitching, and not due to a
  48. 1945) granted to the Soviet Union European" buffer zones"—satellite states, accountable ,to Moscow—as well as an expected Soviet pre-eminence in China and Manchuria, in
  49. Must be enforceable and upheld. Effective policies ensure that people are held, accountable ,for their actions. All failed and successful authentication attempts must be
  50. Himself said:" These events occurred on my watch as Secretary of Defense. I am, accountable ,for them. " He offered his resignation to President Bush in the wake of the

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