Examples of the the word, women , in a Sentence Context

The word ( women ), is the 2524 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of radical feminism and anarchism that views patriarchy (male domination over, women ,) as a fundamental manifestation of compulsory government. It was inspired by
  2. Very important kinds of Albanian folk song, and are generally performed by solo, women , Albanian language and literature Albanian was proven to be an Indo-European
  3. Controversial rulings, including seeking to place a limit on the rights of, women , According to Transparency International's corruption perceptions index 2010
  4. Of a fetus or embryo before fetal viability. Forty percent of the world's, women ,are able to access therapeutic and elective abortions within gestational limits
  5. Expenses, including fees for books and supplies. 82.9 % of males and 54.2 % of, women ,are literate as of 2001. Since independence from Portugal in 1975,a number of
  6. Their origin. Some are ethnic names. One in particular, aswiai, identifies ", women ,of Asia. " Perhaps they were captured in Asia, but some others, Milatiai
  7. Achieved by mating the most magnanimous men with the cleverest and most gifted, women , This proposal constitutes my Utopia and my Platonic Republic ". Analysts (e.
  8. Of male and female names formed by different methods. Some of these are of, women ,held in servitude (as study of the society implied by the content reveals).
  9. F. Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, commemorates the lives of the men and, women ,who have died during spaceflight and during training in the space programs of
  10. Expression of an individual's self-ownership. Free love particularly stressed, women ,'s rights since most sexual laws discriminated against women : for example
  11. Age of 15 able to read and write in Portuguese. 82.9 % of males and 54.2 % of, women ,are literate as of 2001. Since the adoption of a new constitution, early in
  12. S friend Malinda von Maseru," I have not yet spoken my last word about, women , I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather
  13. Bank, a community development bank that lends money to poor people, especially, women , in Bangladesh. Dr. Runs received his PhD in economics from Vanderbilt
  14. The army is by far the largest of the services with about 120,000 men and, women , The Navy numbers about 2,500 and operates seven small patrol craft and barges.
  15. The UK and Sweden. ) When used within 49 days gestation, approximately 92 % of, women ,undergoing medical abortion with a combined regimen completed it without
  16. Stressed women 's rights since most sexual laws discriminated against, women ,: for example, marriage laws and anti-birth control measures. But also there
  17. Case may be, Achilles nevertheless continued to have sexual relationships with, women , Worship of Achilles in antiquity There was an archaic heroic cult of Achilles
  18. To Greece and Egypt. Herodotus comments that he is puzzled as to why three, women ,'s names were" given to a tract which is in reality one" ( Europa, Asia,and
  19. Be happy unless women are happy too: In places like Sparta where the lot of, women ,is bad, there can only be half-happiness in society. Loss and preservation of
  20. Percent of its judges, and also dominate the field of medicine. Increasingly, women ,are contributing more to household income than men. Sixty percent of university
  21. Nearly starving. After the Russian Revolution, universities were opened to, women , including Jews, allowing Rand to be in the first group of women to enroll at
  22. Of suffrage to women , making Azerbaijan the first Muslim nation to grant, women ,equal political rights with men. By March 1920,it was obvious that Soviet
  23. Dignity of Women" ). The essay does give two compliments, however: that ", women ,are decidedly more sober in their judgment than men are" and are more
  24. Who exceeds in altitude. Deaths Eighteen astronauts (fourteen men and four, women ,) have lost their lives during four space flights. By nationality, they are 13
  25. Behind these reforms was Mahmud Tarsi, an ardent supporter of the education of, women , He fought for Article 68 of Afghanistan's first constitution (declared
  26. To have been a misogynist. On the other hand, Aristotle gave equal weight to, women ,'s happiness as he did to men's, and commented in his Rhetoric that a society
  27. Were actually put in place, such as the abolition of the traditional Burma for, women ,and the opening of a number of co-educational schools, quickly alienated many
  28. The remains of 600 people have been found, including about 50 children and 100, women , After the collapse of the Russian Empire during World War I, Azerbaijan
  29. Is effective through 49 days of gestational age. It has been used in, women ,up to 63 days of gestational age, albeit with an increased risk of failure (
  30. Fellow at the Cato Institute, considers Rand one of the three most important, women ,(along with Rose Wilder Lane and Isabel Paterson) of modern American
  31. Pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights, especially for the rights of, women ,and children. Bad is the first Iranian and the first Muslim woman to receive
  32. Their political and judicial interpretation of Islam issuing edicts forbidding, women ,to work outside the home, attend school, or to leave their homes unless
  33. Achilles' aid. Odysseus goes to Skirts in the guise of a peddler selling, women ,'s clothes and jewelry and places a shield and spear among his goods. When
  34. Important accomplishments of the Parliament was the extension of suffrage to, women , making Azerbaijan the first Muslim nation to grant women equal political
  35. Schopenhauer's 1851 essay" Of Women" (" Uber die Water ", poem in honor of, women ," " (" Dignity of Women" ). The essay does give two compliments, however:
  36. Arranges for a trumpet alarm to be sounded while he was with Lycopenes ', women ,; while the women flee in panic, Achilles prepares to defend the court, thus
  37. Fire on a marketplace in Oran killing numerous innocent civilians, mostly, women , It is estimated that somewhere between 50,000 and 150,000 Harris and their
  38. Chadwick suggests that the names record the locations where these foreign, women ,were purchased. The name is also in the singular, Aswia, which refers both to
  39. World. About 1 in 5 children dies before the age of five, and 1 out of every 8, women , dies from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. While these statistics
  40. Nothing but a mere war-cry in the struggle with other nations. Views on, women ,In Schopenhauer's 1851 essay" Of Women" (" Uber die Water ", poem in honor
  41. To men's, and commented in his Rhetoric that a society cannot be happy unless, women ,are happy too: In places like Sparta where the lot of women is bad, there can
  42. Frenzy),a Greek word connected with" mantis" ( μάντις: prophet). Frenzied, women ,like Sibyls from whose lips the god speaks are recorded in the Near-East as
  43. Around 400 words. She is tall and weighs, matching the average figure of Korean, women ,in their twenties. EveR-1's name derives from the Biblical Eve, plus the
  44. More to household income than men. Sixty percent of university students are, women , according to university researchers. It is estimated that 95,700 refugees and
  45. In the riddles of the Delphic Oracle and studied the fables of Aesop. Views on, women ,Aristotle's analysis of procreation describes an active, ensouling masculine
  46. Establishment, and the intelligentsia. And made a number of statements on, women ,'s rights, by declaring equality of the sexes The Central Intelligence Agency (
  47. 1872–1890,1892–1893). The publication staunchly advocated free love and, women ,'s rights, and critiqued" Comstock" -- censorship of sexual information.
  48. The democratic process and process in the field of human rights especially, women ,'s rights. Dr. Abdullah stated::" I should say that Taliban are not fighting
  49. A trumpet alarm to be sounded while he was with Lycopenes' women ; while the, women ,flee in panic, Achilles prepares to defend the court, thus giving his identity
  50. Were opened to women , including Jews, allowing Rand to be in the first group of, women ,to enroll at Petrograd State University, where she studied in the department of

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