Examples of the the word, cemetery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cemetery ), is the 6411 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. His last words being" May God never abandon me," and was buried in the, cemetery ,of Saint-Étienne-du-Mont. The headaches which afflicted Pascal are generally
  2. To the 6th and 7th centuries AD; in other words, the early Christian town. A, cemetery ,had been placed over the old church. In it was a single Roman grave covered
  3. Draft riots. The stage was set for his address at the Gettysburg battlefield, cemetery ,on November 19. Defying Lincoln's prediction that" the world will little note
  4. Place the Celtic homeland in southern Germany. The finding of the prehistoric, cemetery ,of Hallstatt in 1846 by Johan Reissued and almost ten years later the finding of
  5. Baker is grouped with the United States Minor Outlying Islands. Description A, cemetery ,and rubble from earlier settlements are located near the middle of the west
  6. Austrian Empire). His tomb is just inside the entrance of the Venetian island, cemetery ,of San Michele. Full name Some confusion exists about Doppler's full name.
  7. He was buried in the Cafetiere du Montparnasse in Paris. Also located in that, cemetery ,are statues carved by Branch for several fellow artists who died; the
  8. Driving distance. Other points of interest *Alexandria Memorial Gardens – large, cemetery ,on U. S. Highway 165 south. Other cemeteries are also available in Pineville.
  9. Concentration camp killed there. Also in Wasseralfingen, on the, cemetery ,a memorial with the Polish inscription“ To the victims of Hitlerism” reminds
  10. The food that is left out for them. In Brazil people attend a mass or visit the, cemetery ,taking flowers to decorate their relatives' grave, but no food is involved.
  11. Song, suffering heavy casualties. They are buried in the Landmark German war, cemetery , The official report of the army embellished the event as one of young German
  12. Open space of Mount Auburn Cemetery. At the western edge of Cambridge,the, cemetery ,is well known as the first garden cemetery , for its distinguished inhabitants
  13. Sight. A principal purpose of it was the adoration of the early pharaohs, whose, cemetery , for which it forms a great funerary chapel, lies behind it. The long list of
  14. Durham Country Day School * Pine Ridge Pet Cemetery-Famous pet, cemetery , burial place of Igloo, Admiral Richard Byrd's dog. Transportation Commuter
  15. Punjab region located in present-day India and Pakistan. It was named after a, cemetery ,found in" area H" at Harappa. The Cemetery H culture is part of the Punjab
  16. Art Deco style. In the Buenos Aires Province, architect Francisco Salmon left, cemetery ,portals, city halls and slaughterhouses commissioned by provincial government
  17. Same way the physic garden presents the names of the medicinal herbs, and the, cemetery ,(p) those of the trees, apple,pear, plum,quince, etc., planted there. Cells
  18. He hid in his father's tomb in what appears to be described as a Christian, cemetery , He knew Greek and he admits to not knowing Hebrew see, e. g., the 39th Festal
  19. A fine example is the statue of the Sacred gate Hours which was found at the, cemetery ,of Di pylon in Athens. (Di pylon Hours). His slender face and the deep eyes
  20. Was flown to London where he was buried at Putnam Vale's non-denominational, cemetery , One of Kerensky's sons was the engineer Oleg Kerensky. Footnotes Additional
  21. Pains, which she bore with patience as another penance. She was buried in the, cemetery ,of Santa Maria copra Minerva which lies near the Pantheon. After miracles were
  22. Hanover (now part of Lower Saxony, Germany ) in 1855 and is interred in the, cemetery ,Albanifriedhof there. Two individuals gave eulogies at his funeral,Gauss's
  23. In 1946,but it was damaged several times more. A plaque on the wall of the, cemetery ,commemorates these events. The Jewish Congregation built its synagogue at No 3
  24. Philistine by the Palestine Fund. Sicily, ever since P. OSI excavated the Since, cemetery ,near Lending in 1877,has proved a mine of early remains, among which appear in
  25. Punished by separation from the community, such as not being buried in a Jewish, cemetery ,(in practice, rabbis often rule suicides to be mentally incompetent and thus
  26. m). He also made a processional way leading past the side of the temple to the, cemetery ,beyond, featuring a great gateway of granite. Set I, in the nineteenth dynasty
  27. A plan for Chicago's park system in 1866,created Lincoln Park by closing a, cemetery ,filled with festering, shallow graves, and helped establish a new Chicago Board
  28. To be rebuilt at intervals down to the times of the thirtieth dynasty, and the, cemetery ,was used continuously. The pharaohs of the first dynasty were buried in Abyss
  29. Ezra synagogue (built 882) of Format, Egypt (now Old Cairo),the Ba satin, cemetery ,east of Old Cairo, and a number of old documents that were bought in Cairo in
  30. The only ones who were buried where they died instead of the main Athenian, cemetery ,at Ceramics. On the tomb of the Athenians this epigram composed by Simonizes
  31. In these structures allowed the attribution of the monuments to the Marxian, cemetery ,culture of the Early Bronze Age. This later culture is not to be confused with
  32. Graves, which included a woman and three children, were relocated in 2005 to a, cemetery ,at Shabby in Alexandria. The reburial was attended by sailors from the modern
  33. As a first-rate arboretum. Although known as a Cambridge landmark, much of the, cemetery ,lies within the bounds of Watertown. It is also a significant Important Bird
  34. Cancer on 5 December 1926 at the age of 86 and is buried in the Given church, cemetery , Monet had insisted that the occasion be simple; thus only about fifty people
  35. The western edge of Cambridge, the cemetery is well known as the first garden, cemetery , for its distinguished inhabitants, for its superb landscaping (the oldest
  36. Replacing one ruined by the hurricane of 1831. Tombstones in the neighboring, cemetery ,date from the 1630s. Now under the care of the Barbados National Trust the site
  37. Institution. The lesser known Vestry Kierkegaard is the largest (54 hectares), cemetery , in Denmark and offers a maze of dense groves, open lawns, winding paths, hedges
  38. Chaffee were buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Ed White was buried at the, cemetery ,of the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York. Their names are
  39. Sephardi and Latino is still spoken among the elderly. The Sephardi Jewish, cemetery ,in Sarajevo has tombstones of a unique shape, inscribed in ancient Latino.
  40. Of the US military government to the cemeteries of their previous homes. At the, cemetery ,in what is now the district of Pulley stood a memorial stone which was
  41. Parish of Allen. St. John’s Church is located inside of St. John’s, cemetery ,in the western center. The building presumably is from the 9th century and thus
  42. Varieties have been found, give an insight into the public arrangements. The, cemetery ,of private persons began during the first dynasty with some pit-tombs in the
  43. Modern city plan consisted of a triangle defined by the Acropolis, the ancient, cemetery ,of Karamazov and the new palace of the Bavarian king (now housing the Greek
  44. Is known except his name, that he was a martyr, and that he was buried in the, cemetery ,on the Via Pertussis that bears his name. The Catholic Encyclopedia remarked
  45. 100,000 people lined the route from his home on the Create Road to Rose lawn, cemetery , Since his death the City Airport was named after him and a trust has been set
  46. Royalty. Maduro founded the main shipping company, Maduro & Sons. The Jewish, cemetery , which began to be used for burials by the Jewish community beginning in 1837
  47. Rising cult of Osiris and Isis. A tradition developed that the Early Dynastic, cemetery ,was the burial place of Osiris and the tomb of Deer was reinterpreted as that
  48. That date apparently from the 4th and 5th centuries A. D. A broad cremation, cemetery ,has been found at Borgstedterfeld, between Rends burg and Eckernförde, and it
  49. Accommodated in the Rennaissance-Revival style former mortuary of St. John’s, cemetery , Memorial sites A memorial stone at the Schillerlinde tree above
  50. Abbey, but his wife followed his wishes and had him buried in the small, cemetery ,at Broadstone, Dorset. Prominent anatomists and geologists such as Georges

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