Examples of the the word, suburban , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suburban ), is the 6407 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An independent newspaper. Several years later, Purcell would give the Herald a, suburban ,presence it never had by purchasing the money-losing Community Newspaper
  2. His most important work. Biography He was born in New York City and grew up in, suburban ,White Plains, New York. He received his B.Sc. degree in Physics from MIT in
  3. MARTA rail line extensions, light rail lines, bus rapid transit, and more, suburban ,express buses. Intercity rail Atlanta began as a railroad town, and it still
  4. Is known for its scenic farmland, although today much of it is threatened with, suburban ,development from the Valley's towns. The valley also struggles with serious
  5. To view Cockburn as an important commentator on the lifestyles of the British, suburban ,middle class, and as a stylistic innovator who experiments with theatrical
  6. The larger cities in Morocco or Tunisia. Public transport * ET USA (urban and, suburban ,bus transportation for Algiers) operates bus service in Algiers and the
  7. Test footage, with no storyline in mind, in front of Tor Johnson's home,a, suburban ,graveyard and in front of Lugosi's apartment building on Carlton Way. This
  8. West campus was established in 1984 by the Arizona Legislature and sits on in a, suburban ,area of northwest Phoenix. The West campus lies about northwest of downtown
  9. College basketball team just a year after the Springfield YMCA game at the, suburban ,Pittsburgh Geneva College. Naismith himself later coached at the University of
  10. Although the companies merged under the banner of Herald Media, Inc.,the, suburban ,papers maintained their distinct editorial and marketing identity. After years
  11. Chose to stay out of MARTA. To provide a public transportation option for, suburban ,and exurban commuters, the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority operates
  12. Metro and other forms of public transportation. Ankara is currently served by, suburban ,rail and two subway lines with about 300,000 total daily commuters, and three
  13. 1950s and 1960s,the greater portion of the Jewish population has moved to the, suburban ,areas outside the city, or to the city's upper West Side. Metropolitan area
  14. At Community Newspaper and losses at the Herald, Purcell in 2006 sold the, suburban ,chain to newspaper conglomerate Liberty Group Publishing of Illinois, which
  15. Airport, Aéroport de Bordeaux Mérignac, located from the city center in the, suburban ,city of Mérignac. Trams, buses and boats Bordeaux has an important public
  16. Along main radial roads, resulting in poor connections between different, suburban ,areas. More distant suburbs are served by Ulster bus. Northern Ireland Railways
  17. Rail Link project is underway to separate Ballarat's trains from Melbourne's, suburban ,rail network for more regular services. Interurban services (
  18. Hospital (1994). Beyond the central area, urban Ballarat extends into several, suburban ,areas. Settlement patterns around Ballarat consist of small villages and
  19. Has two passenger railway stations, the hub of Ballarat railway station and, suburban ,Endured railway station out of which V/Line operates Velocity trains running
  20. Districts of Atlanta—Downtown, Midtown,and Bulkhead (there are also two major, suburban ,business districts, Perimeter Center to the north and Cumberland to the
  21. In Quebec. It was previously used in Metropolitan Toronto, Ontario,to denote, suburban ,municipalities including Scarborough, York,North York, Etobicoke prior to
  22. TVM in-cab signalling system on the TGV high speed rail system, and the metro, suburban ,trains in Paris, London,Hong Kong and New York City. Standardization The
  23. Bell Labs Building in New York City, but many of these were moved to New York, suburban ,areas of New Jersey. Among the later Bell Laboratories locations in New Jersey
  24. Film became a widely-known cult film, well known for its dark depiction of a, suburban ,America. Followed by a myriad of VHS, Laserdisc and DVD releases, the film
  25. District, is eight miles (13 km) north of Downtown. Beginning as a wealthy, suburban ,community with the construction of Leno Square mall in the 1950s,the area has
  26. Enclaves separate from their surrounding counties. Boroughs proliferated in the, suburban ,areas of the larger cities: By the 1980s there were 19 boroughs and three
  27. Division or seeds and have gradually naturalized from plantings in urban and, suburban ,areas throughout the lower elevations and coastal areas in much of the West
  28. To its south and east. Overall, the city is a blend of downtown liberalism and, suburban ,conservatism but leans to the political left as a whole. In 2003,the city
  29. The entire harbor but takes up the better part of the Gulf of Ajaccio and in, suburban ,form extends for some miles up the valley of the Ramona River. The flow from
  30. Tram lines operated by Gemeentelijk Vervoerbedrijf. Regional buses, and some, suburban ,buses, are operated by Connection and Arrival. Currently, there are 16 different
  31. Vote. Nowhere was this more noticeable than in their key support base of, suburban ,Adelaide in South Australia, where they received between 7 and 31 per cent of
  32. 1960s. The suburb of greater Endured and Endured West had evolved as the, suburban ,middle-class heart of the city. By the 1970s,Ballarat began to officially
  33. In Australian football state level competitions, although it is common among, suburban ,leagues (such as the Eastern Football League and Victorian Amateur Football
  34. Of the city also contains makeshift terminals for frequent minibuses to, suburban ,towns in all directions (from Skulk in the west to Tokamak in the east) and
  35. Proclaimed in Berlin. In 1920,the Greater Berlin Act incorporated dozens of, suburban ,cities, villages,and estates around Berlin into an expanded city. This new
  36. Encroaching the large town of Bunninyong. Endured is currently the only major, suburban ,activity center with a large indoor shopping mall – Stock land Shopping Center (
  37. Up with them from an early age. Despite their size they adapt very well to, suburban ,living, provided they have a spacious yard and regular opportunities for free
  38. A new strand of Liberalism for the post-war world. The new middle-class, suburban ,generation began to find the Liberals' policies attractive again. Under
  39. Decided in the Democratic primary and local elections in metropolitan and, suburban ,counties are generally decided in the Republican Primary, although there are
  40. Also saw Gatehouse acquiring The Patriot Ledger and The Enterprise in south, suburban ,Quincy and Brockton, netted $225 million for Purcell, who vowed to use the
  41. Towns ", and the satellite city of Elizabeth, have been enveloped by its, suburban ,sprawl. Expanding developments in the Adelaide Hills region led to the
  42. Six days a week, while the Sunday paper is the Sunday Mail. There are eleven, suburban ,community newspapers published weekly, known collectively as the Messenger
  43. Late 1980s is possibly an example of well-thought-out urban planning. The newer, suburban ,areas as a whole, however,are not as integrated into the urban layout as much
  44. Park is an expansive reserve with tree lined avenues and sporting fields in, suburban ,Newington. The suburbs feature some privately run wildlife parks including
  45. Of 2000,and services started in December 2003 connecting Bordeaux with its, suburban ,areas. The tram system uses ground-level power supply technology (APS),a new
  46. With the Yamaha and Kolyma household chain stores appearing throughout the, suburban ,outskirts of Tokyo, the sale of consumer durables at Akihabara was greatly
  47. Street including the large retail chain Harvey Norman. Elsewhere, are small, suburban ,hubs with supermarkets such as IGA (supermarkets) and small stretches of
  48. Outrage (accessible by car via the Athens – Corinth National Highway, or the, suburban ,rail service (Proastiakos) ). Parks and Zoos Parish National Park is
  49. Restaurants gained footholds around the water. Set well apart from the city are, suburban ,satellite cities, including Gama, Ceilândia, Taguatinga, Núcleo Reincarnate
  50. Film, Real Life, in 1979. The film, in which Brooks obnoxiously films a typical, suburban ,family in an effort to win both an Oscar and a Nobel Prize, was a send up of PBS

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