Examples of the the word, regain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( regain ), is the 6414 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. From a B-Tree. # Locate and delete the item, then restructure the tree to, regain ,its invariants, OR # Do a single pass down the tree, but before entering (
  2. Goal, which is guarded by the opposing goalkeeper. Opposing players may try to, regain ,control of the ball by intercepting a pass or through tackling the opponent who
  3. Australia winning the series 2–1. This made Woodhull the only captain to, regain ,the Ashes, and he retired upon his return to Australia. In 1936–37 Brahman
  4. Had not been mentally fit to make an informed decision. While Wilson failed to, regain ,his copyrights, he was awarded $25 million for unpaid royalties. The second
  5. In October 1921,ill-prepared attempts by Karol IV (Karl I in Austria) to, regain ,the throne in Budapest collapsed. The initially wavering Horthy, after
  6. That on the tour to Australia in 1882–83,which he was to captain, he would, regain ," the ashes ". He spoke of them several times over the course of the tour, and
  7. The socialist policies of the Left. This compromise was a pragmatic measure to, regain ,power, but also the result of the early successes of central planning and state
  8. In earlier times, he plotted a strategy to deal with the Armani and then to, regain ,his lost territories in Greece and his political independence. First, he would
  9. Occurred in 1432,when Carpaccio was killed in a conjured. Alfonso tried to, regain ,the favor of the queen, but failed, and had to wait for the death of both
  10. Ptolemy I. Demetrius Soter's son Demetrius II profited by the opportunity to, regain ,the throne. Ptolemy Kilometer, who was Alexander's father-in-law, went over
  11. And vulnerable. In more advanced training, uke will sometimes apply to, regain ,balance and pin or thrown age. Refers to the act of receiving a technique. Good
  12. 1934 – Bill Woodhull of Australia becomes the only cricket captain to twice, regain ,The Ashes. *1941 – World War II: German troops reach Leningrad, leading to the
  13. To convince Zeus to help the Trojans gain ground in the war, so that he may, regain ,his honor. As the battle turned against the Greeks, thanks to the influence of
  14. Had been occupied, troops had to be kept there, or the Revolutionaries would, regain ,control, and these troops were thus unavailable for further offensive
  15. When Pelham Warner took a team to Australia with the promise that he would, regain ," the ashes ". As had been the case on Bligh's tour 20 years before, the
  16. To suppress African-American leaders and voting in the 1870s and to, regain ,power. Significance Released in 1915,The Birth of a Nation has been credited
  17. J. Michael Kaczyński took over as writer. While his arrival saw the title, regain ,lost readers, Straczynski oversaw additional controversial storylines — most
  18. And now has its headquarters in midtown Manhattan. The company's effort to, regain ,its footing is the subject of Tom Barbash's 2003 book On Top of the World:
  19. Finally, England won the Fifth Test at The Oval by a margin of 197 runs to, regain ,the Ashes. Andrew Flint off retired from Test cricket soon afterwards. The
  20. When war threatened again in the late 1930s,battleship construction did not, regain ,the level of importance which it had held in the years before World War I. The
  21. Artillery bombardment against the Confederates on Culp's Hill in an effort to, regain ,a portion of their lost works. The Confederates attacked, and the second fight
  22. A two-year period lasting from 1994 to 1996,when Russian forces attempted to, regain ,control over Chechnya, which had already established independence since
  23. Today, as investors who left Chad between 1979-82 have only recently begun to, regain ,confidence in the country's future. By early 1983,the return of internal
  24. The family's home),and by marrying into the Lyndon's, Barry intends to, regain ,his family fortune (his ancestors were dispossessed by the Lyndon's). In the
  25. In game development and marketing. Nonetheless, the 7800 failed to help Atari, regain ,its dominance in the video game industry. Technical Specifications ** Speed:
  26. Appears to have snuffed out his hopes and dreams, which he feels he can never, regain , Albert Kropp was in Paul's class at school and is described as the
  27. The renewed assault, but now began seriously to contest ground, attempting to, regain ,Mohair and hold on to the ridgeline and the last few houses of Palette.
  28. A global power. England had no choice but to build a powerful navy if it was to, regain ,global power. As there were no public funds available, in 1694 a private
  29. Who was sliding in an attempt to break up the double play. Rivera appeared to, regain ,control when he fielded Jay Bell's bunt and threw out Gallucci at third base
  30. Of the broken promises of changing, in 1932 the oligarchy of São Paulo tried to, regain ,the power and in 1935 the Communists rebelled, having both been defeated.
  31. Who neutralizes this attack with an aikido technique. Use continuously seeks to, regain ,balance and cover vulnerabilities (e.g., an exposed side),while age uses
  32. It was this critical omission that helped the British royal family, regain ,the freehold under King George III. ) Arlington House The improvident Goring
  33. Artists such as Andrés Segovia and Agustín Barrios Manor the guitar began to, regain ,some of the popularity it had lost to the harpsichord and piano in the 18th
  34. Media dubbed the next English tour to Australia (1882–83) as the quest to, regain ,The Ashes. During that tour a small terracotta urn was presented to England
  35. Klan, gathered together at full strength and with Ben leading them, rides in to, regain ,control of the town. When news reaches Ben about Elsie, he and others go to her
  36. S father takes her on a year-long vacation to recover from the trauma and, regain ,her health. Sources As with Dracula, critics have looked for the sources used
  37. Shots, the opponents may not interfere with the shooter, nor may they try to, regain ,possession until the last or potentially last free throw is in the air. After a
  38. Assyria while its king Sin-shar-ishkun was marching on Babylon in an attempt to, regain ,control. Nabopolassar seized Nipper and thus Babylonia as a whole. Nabopolassar
  39. Still refused to swear an oath of allegiance. However, he desperately wanted to, regain ,a formal position in Parisian science. In August 1839 a vacancy appeared in the
  40. The KGB during her last arrest. She spent several years in litigation trying to, regain ,them. However, those were blocked by Pasternak's daughter-in-law, Natalya. The
  41. Discusses the hardships of many writers, professors,and artists as they try to, regain ,the sense of freedom and place they lost during Mao Zedong's regime. *Salesman
  42. Republic, and now constitutes West Belarus. The population of Belarus did not, regain ,its pre-war level until 1971. The borders of Belorussian SSR and Poland were
  43. Entered the service of Henry II of France and had undertaken a campaign to, regain ,his lands when he died at Pforzheim on 8 January 1557. He is defined by Thomas
  44. British turned their attention to the southern colonies, where they hoped to, regain ,control by recruiting Loyalists. This southern strategy also had the advantage
  45. Those who left Chad between 1979 and 1982 have only recently begun to, regain ,confidence in the country's future. In 2000 major direct foreign investment in
  46. Ball. The umpire ruled in the Australian captain's favor, and he appeared to, regain ,his fluency of yesteryear, scoring 187. Australia promptly seized the
  47. There is no emotional cost. 2) Seeking the mood swing, a person will drink to, regain ,that feeling of euphoria; the drinking will increase as intoxication will be
  48. To Paris and his position at the Academy of Sciences late in 1838. He could not, regain ,his teaching positions, because he still refused to swear an oath of allegiance
  49. Life worsen, and his right hand begins failing; he jabs a nail through it to, regain ,control. Roy forces Declared to the roof where, as Declared attempts to escape
  50. Games in 1924,and then demonstrated in 1928,1936,and 1948,but did not, regain ,Olympic recognition then, as the small number of competing countries disagreed

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