Examples of the the word, divert , in a Sentence Context

The word ( divert ), is the 6415 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An innocent logical irrelevance. A red herring is a deliberate attempt to, divert ,a process of inquiry by changing the subject. For example: Topic A is the
  2. YHC-1A ". The order was later decreased to three, so the Army could, divert ,funds to the V-114,also a turbine powered tandem, but larger than the V-107.
  3. Readily evident, such as a director looking to feather his or her own nest or, divert ,an investment opportunity to a relative, such breaches usually involve a breach
  4. Exchange rate system allows for the government and state-owned enterprises to, divert ,funds and revenues, but also gives the government more control over the local
  5. The growing possibility of an Allied invasion in the Balkans, the Axis began to, divert ,more resources to the destruction of the Partisans main force and it's high
  6. S machinery in place. In the meantime, Adolf Hitler was reluctantly forced to, divert ,German troops to rescue Mussolini from defeat, and attacked Greece through
  7. Current site of Pudding Mill Lane station. As a consequence, work has begun to, divert ,the DLR between City Mill River and the River Lea onto a new viaduct to be
  8. 1814. The British admiral in Rio de Janeiro had requested their masters to, divert ,to the area to look for him. In 1829,Barnard published an account of his
  9. Being constructed for America in Amsterdam. Britain, however,was able to, divert ,L'Indian away from American hands by exerting pressure to ensure its sale to
  10. One-way doors. The doors can lead to the correct path or create traps that, divert ,you from the correct path and lead you to the starting point. You may not
  11. And intensify Braque’s exploration of Cézanne’s ideas, rather than to, divert ,his thinking in any essential way. ” The invention of Cubism was a joint effort
  12. Problems with its tail-mounted horizontal stabilizer. Before the plane could, divert ,to Los Angeles, it suddenly plummeted into the Pacific Ocean approximately
  13. In the Calumet area. From 1995 to 2008,the city had a blue bag program to, divert ,certain refuse from landfills. In the fall of 2007 the city began a pilot
  14. In the Afghan court, and political and civil unrest in India, he sought to, divert ,attention from the internal divisions of Afghanistan and unite all faction
  15. History Prehistoric times and Early Middle Ages As the Amber River would, divert ,into backwaters in several places, there were many fords making it possible to
  16. As well, since battles in other parts of the world were causing trade routes to, divert ,from the dangerous sea routes to the more secure overland routes. The Byzantine
  17. The original purpose of the barrage, which was completed in 1975,was to, divert ,up to of water from the Ganges to the Bhagirathi-Hooghly distributary in order
  18. To keep away the evil, therefore he was called" apotropaic" ( αποτρέπω: to, divert ,) and" Alexios" ( αλέξω-κακό: defend, throw away the evil) In later
  19. Century The Corps now actively creates and maintains spillways and flood ways to, divert ,periodic water surges into backwater channels and lakes, as well as route part
  20. Topic B is introduced. A" red herring" is a debating tactic that seeks to, divert ,an opponent. A digression can, similarly,be a verbal tactic of diversion, but
  21. From wearing clothing with distracting images and symbols so as not to, divert ,the attention of those standing behind them during prayer. In many mosques
  22. Western world ... Within this contextual framework, the United States sought to, divert ,the Arab world from Soviet influence. Throughout the 20th and into the 21st
  23. Was at length compelled to introduce the chorus" DAL to stellar solid" to, divert ,attention from the dividing waves. In 1822,four years after the production of
  24. The total cost of the project is estimated at $79.4 million, and will, divert ,220 trips from automobiles to transit. There has also been some discussion of
  25. Overcoming resistance to sharing sensitive information between departments can, divert ,management attention. * Integration of truly independent businesses can create
  26. Determine airspeed. The presence of the measuring instrument inevitably acts to, divert ,flow and create turbulence, so its shape is critical to accuracy and the
  27. And Bahá'í texts were censored. During the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, to, divert , attention from economic difficulties in Iran and from a growing nationalist
  28. Argentines' long-standing patriotic feelings towards the islands and thus, divert ,public attention from the country's chronic economic problems and the regime
  29. Euphrates continues to the Hindi ya Barrage, which was constructed in 1914 to, divert ,the river into the India Channel; the present day Shaft all Hill ah had been
  30. Amount of actual damage done was relatively minor, it forced the Japanese to, divert ,troops for the home defense for the remainder of the war. The raiders took off
  31. The proper Murray River channel again. This complex series of events however, divert ,attention from the primary result of the Ca dell Fault. The primary result of
  32. It was successful in causing huge material loss and forcing the Allies to, divert ,vast resources into anti-submarine warfare. This success, though not ultimately
  33. A design, but was overruled by his superiors at Springfield, who refused to, divert ,resources from the T44. In the end,ArmaLite's AR-15 had no competition. The
  34. Name for the insect Other * Cricket (roofing),a ridge structure designed to, divert ,water on a roof * Cricket Communications, wireless service subsidiary of Leap
  35. Business processes to fit the ERP system may damage competitiveness and/or, divert ,focus from other critical activities * ERP can cost more than less integrated
  36. A statement widely condemned as either hypocritical, or a cynical ploy to, divert ,attention from his actions with Frontmen. Two laps from the finish of the 1998
  37. Of the Absurd, notably in Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot, in which two men, divert ,themselves while they wait expectantly for someone (or something) named Godot
  38. With the French. In January 1712 Eugene arrived in England hoping to, divert ,the government away from its peace policy, but despite the social success the
  39. To rescue usable items (for example, computers ) from destruction and, divert ,them to the less fortunate. Some see it as their only way of making any money
  40. The supply flowing to Pakistan, as well as the possibility that India could, divert ,rivers in the time of war, caused political consternation in Pakistan. Holding
  41. Has been ascribed by some to the same guidance. Accents endeavored also to, divert ,the less masculine genius of Properties from harping continually on his love to
  42. The advertising hoardings at the far corner, that he realized he'd managed to, divert ,the ball over the bar – he'd known he got a touch but still assumed the ball
  43. Of mass Jewish settlement of the Negev desert. The Arabs responded by trying to, divert ,the headwaters of the Jordan and this led to growing conflict between Israel
  44. Submarine operations, Admiral Donate, immediately ordered two other U-boats to, divert ,to the scene. Soon U-156 was crammed above and below decks with nearly 200
  45. Military government. Therefore, Khan and his military government wanted to, divert ,the nationalistic threats and violence against non-East Pakistanis. The Eastern
  46. Metaphor. This crisis was addressed in 1992-93 by construction of a tunnel to, divert ,water into the lake from the ARPA River. Engineers estimated that once the
  47. That irradiation, as a non-preventive measure, might disguise or otherwise, divert ,attention away from poor working conditions, sanitation,and poor food-handling
  48. Between four tones, based on urgency. Ground receivers then signal operators to, divert ,DSN resources. This prevents skilled operators and expensive hardware from
  49. Subject of contention with the Western world due to suspicions that Iran could, divert ,the civilian nuclear technology to a weapons program. This has led the UN
  50. Were defensive against enemy attacks. Rather, they may have been built to, divert ,floodwaters. In Ancient Greece, the Acropolis (literally:" peak of the city

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