Examples of the the word, duck , in a Sentence Context

The word ( duck ), is the 6410 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chance event caused another failure, another disappointment for the frustrated, duck , Barks also reported that this was another thing he was familiar with. Scrooge
  2. Primary election, carpetbagger (after the Civil War),repeater, lame, duck , and pork barrel. Some of these are internationally used (for example, caucus
  3. Belong in Protacanthopterygii) **** Order Aulopiformes, including the Bombay, duck ,and lancet fishes ******* Order Lampriformes, including the oafish, opah and
  4. Variation called 鴛鴦 (Simplified - 鸳鸯) (yuan yang, named after the" mandarin, duck ,") originated in Hong Kong and consisting of half black tea and half coffee.
  5. Consume up to meat in a year. Among poultry, chicken is most common, although, duck , goose, and turkey are also enjoyed. Game meats, especially boar, rabbit,and
  6. Colorful characters, such as the aforementioned Scrooge Chuck, the wealthiest, duck ,in the world; Gladstone Gander,Donald's obscenely lucky cousin; inventor Gyro
  7. In the local community and hold annual events such as a fireworks display, duck ,races in the Gorge, a dragon boat race on the reservoir and concerts on the
  8. On meat dishes. Pork is quite common; beef and chicken are also popular. Goose, duck , rabbit and wild game are served. Fish is rare, with the occasional exception
  9. Early 1950s Barks undertook the quarterly adventures of Uncle Scrooge and the, duck ,clan in Scrooge's own title. He surrounded Donald Duck and nephews Huey, Dewey
  10. Charles W. Morgan which is docked in Mystic Seaport, and a decoy of a broad bill, duck , Famous residents * George Walker Bush, the forty-third President of the United
  11. A fairly common practice, but once-common preparations such as turkey or, duck ,comfit (preserved in poultry fat, with spices) are now seen even by Acadians
  12. Of bird fossils show divergence of species prior to the K–T boundary, and that, duck , chicken and rat ite bird relatives coexisted with non-avian dinosaurs. Large
  13. Disney's Donald Duck by Carl Barks ", a comprehensive collection of the Disney, duck ,paintings of this artist and storyteller. Not long after, the company began
  14. Hair curlers, and the" Muriel" in her living room with three" flying ", duck ,ornaments. Hilda Ogden's final episode on Christmas Day 1987,remains the
  15. The body – turning in a tackle to draw a free kick for a push in the back. *, duck ,the head – to either attempt to escape the tackle or to draw high contact and a
  16. C. Fletcher, on January 11, 1865. Winning re-election, Lincoln pressed the lame, duck ,38th Congress to pass the proposed amendment immediately rather than wait for
  17. self-control than Donald. Appearance In the early Donald Duck shorts, she was a, duck ,with a red dress, and she had a bow in her hair. The next appearance change was
  18. And laborers' quarters (k). At the south-east corner we find the hen and, duck ,house, and poultry-yard (m),and the dwelling of the keeper (n). Hard by is
  19. Fact that Barks had done little traveling his adventure stories often had the, duck ,clan globe-trotting to the most remote or spectacular of places. This allowed
  20. The girlfriend of Donald Duck. Like Donald, Daisy is an anthropomorphic white, duck , but has large eyelashes and ruffled tail feathers to suggest a skirt. She is
  21. Voice, in her debut in Mr. Duck Steps Out. As such Daisy's first voice was a ", duck ,voice" similar to Donald's yet pitched higher. For Daisy's second appearance
  22. Coherent universe and chronology, considers (with few exceptions) all Barks ', duck ,stories as canon, and all others as apocryphal. Rosa has said that a number of
  23. In the direction of the route. The expression" two rocks do not make a, duck ," reminds hikers that just one rock resting upon another could be the result of
  24. Act forcibly off the stage. After the skit, five animated cartoon animals (a, duck , a sheep, a pig, a chicken and a goat) would appear onscreen booing, as well.
  25. Include poet (chicken),pigeon (squab),diode (turkey),canard (, duck ,), oie (goose, the source of phone gas),BUF (beef),Beau (veal),port (
  26. Or baking it in an oven. * Not Mi App - Duck stuffed with rice (糯米鴨) - a whole, duck ,is deboned while maintaining the shape of the bird, the cavities being filled
  27. Proper permit may hunt for game such as red deer, roe deer, wild boar, rabbit, duck , and mouflon (mountain sheep). Pheasant, capercaillie are all protected game
  28. Of the convention was the auctioning of what was to that time the largest, duck ,oil painting Barks had done," July Fourth in Duck burg ", which included
  29. Japanese-issued bills. In the early times,75 Mickey Mouse pesos could buy one, duck ,egg. In 1944,a box of matches cost more than 100 Mickey Mouse pesos. In 1942
  30. Seafood. Five spice is used in recipes for Cantonese roasted, duck , as well as beef stew. It is used as a marinade for Vietnamese broiled chicken.
  31. Flickers, and Black-and-white Warblers. Game birds include Bobwhite Quail, duck , Wild Turkey, and goose. Freshwater fish such as bream, shad,bass, and sucker
  32. Bullshit, tourettes, matchboxes,never have I ever,Roman numerals, fuzzy, duck , penning, wine games, and zoom Schwartz profiling. Trivia games, such as
  33. JavaScript supports various ways to test the type of object, including, duck , typing.; object based: JavaScript is almost entirely object-based. JavaScript
  34. Small card) and South takes the A, gaining the lead. (South may also elect to, duck , but for the purpose of this example, let us assume South wins the A at trick 1
  35. S mystery-writer nephew Raymond West, a canonical Christie character) and her, duck ,Oliver as new characters. The Plague (Fr. La Pete) is a novel by Albert
  36. Plug in a standard NEW controller in the other controller port and control the, duck ,that appears. This option is only possible in the one duck mode. Development
  37. Busked, creating the acronym ATA. However, in some Basque dialects, ata means, duck , so the name was changed). Their split from the PNV was apparently because
  38. A career batting average of exactly 100. However, Bradman made a second ball, duck , bowled by an Eric Hollies googly that sent him into retirement with a career
  39. Large bird species are abundant in parks and include the Canada goose, Mallard, duck , as well as shorebirds, including the Great Egret and Great Blue Heron. Turkeys
  40. Solely to this series. Though he originally just contributed gag ideas to some, duck ,cartoons by 1937 Barks was (principally with partner Jack Hannah) originating
  41. Port and control the duck that appears. This option is only possible in the one, duck ,mode. Development Nintendo Research & Development 1 created the game. They also
  42. Wheat gluten, is the basis for imitation meats resembling chicken, duck (mock, duck ,), fish,pork and beef. When cooked in broth, gluten absorbs some of the
  43. Where the Pointers are its rope. In Tonga, it is known as Too— duck ; it is a, duck ,flying over, heading south, and one of his wings (δ) is wounded because Onto
  44. Blondel, marking the first time Daisy had a" normal" voice as opposed to a, duck ,voice like Donald's. The film also marked the first time Daisy appeared in an
  45. And duck . It is used in stir-fried vegetables and as a spice rub for chicken, duck , pork and seafood. Five spice is used in recipes for
  46. Especially wheat gluten, is the basis for imitation meats resembling chicken, duck ,(mock duck ),fish, pork and beef. When cooked in broth, gluten absorbs some
  47. Incorporates almost all edible meats, including organ meats, chicken feet, duck ,tongue, snakes,and snails. However, lamb and goat is rarely eaten, unlike in
  48. And ground cloves. Usage Five spice may be used with greasy meat like pork and, duck , It is used in stir-fried vegetables and as a spice rub for chicken, duck ,pork
  49. Duck – In each round, there are 10 duck s for the player to shoot down. Only one, duck ,appears on-screen at a time, and the player has three shots to hit it. *Two
  50. Shown with a love interest. In the story, Donald travels to Mexico to court a, duck ,who is largely a female version of himself. She is portrayed with the same

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