Examples of the the word, scar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scar ), is the 6413 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At anything. " Name "/NP"> Oct adv"/> He was even known to proudly display a, scar ,he received after being gored at the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain.
  2. Opening up normal access to the vagina. This may be accompanied by removal of, scar ,tissue and labial repair. Procedures have been developed to repair clitoral
  3. S grave; and that the exhumed remains would therefore not exhibit a surgical, scar ,Oswald was known to carry. However, dental records positively identified the
  4. And he received great glory and treasure for his bravery. Having seen this, scar , Eurycleia tries to tell Penelope about Odysseus' true identity, but Athena
  5. And may have a second microprocessor dedicated to this. * Users may experience, scar ,tissue buildup around the inserted cannula, resulting in a hard bump under the
  6. Its own in a matter of weeks. BCG immunization leaves a characteristic raised, scar ,that is often used as proof of prior immunization. The scar of BCG immunization
  7. He was pulling on a restroom chain. This left him with a prominent forehead, scar , subject of numerous legends, which he carried for the rest of his life. When
  8. But has higher rates of capsular contracture (tightening or hardening of the, scar ,tissue around the implant) and revision surgeries. Outcomes based research
  9. He could not pronounce some consonants such as the letter 'r' ). A sword, scar ,wound on the left side of his face is present in his self-portrait and
  10. On the skin and allowed to burn the skin producing a blister and eventually a, scar ,), or indirect (either a cone of mugwort was placed on a slice of garlic
  11. To inject glamour. His post-service physical makes no mention of the lip, scar ,even though it mentions many smaller scar s, so the actual cause may have come
  12. Accident, after which he started to grow his signature mustache to disguise his, scar , Frustrated by the difficulties of working with musicians from different
  13. His convalescence. The trademark mustache he wore afterward was used to hide a, scar ,on his upper lip resulting from the accident. Near-fatal crash of the Sikorsky
  14. By the housekeeper, Eurycleia,as she is washing his feet and discovers an old, scar ,Odysseus received during a boar hunt. Odysseus swears her to secrecy
  15. An open-air museum with old houses typical of Funen. The City Hall has a small, scar ,from a battle between Germans and members of the Danish Resistance on 5 May
  16. Nerve fibers, but in the spinal cord, tissue destruction usually produces, scar ,tissue that cannot be penetrated by the regrowing nerves. A nutcracker is a
  17. Resulting in a hard bump under the skin after the cannula is removed. The, scar ,tissue does not heal particularly fast, so years of wearing the pump and
  18. Side was still on his wrist. By the time Bogart was treated by a doctor,the, scar ,had already formed. " Goddamn doctor," Bogart later told David Given,"
  19. And opted for a more free and unorthodox approach. After the so-called, scar ,literature in fiction had paved the way for frank discussion, Zhang Junzhao's
  20. Raised scar that is often used as proof of prior immunization. The, scar ,of BCG immunization must be distinguished from that of small pox vaccination
  21. Caused by a childhood accident; Given claims the stories that Bogart got the, scar ,during wartime were made up by the studios to inject glamour. His post-service
  22. An old scar Odysseus had received during a boar hunt. He had received the, scar ,when he was hunting with the sons of Autofocus. They had been told to go boar
  23. Hotly debated. Other causes of epilepsy are brain lesions, where there is, scar ,tissue or another abnormal mass of tissue in an area of the brain. The
  24. Over production. " The end of the Cultural Revolution brought the release of ", scar ,dramas ", which depicted the emotional traumas left by this period. Evening
  25. To the papal states incurred the pope's displeasure, and left a historical, scar ,in that place's memory. He was soon replaced by another legate in 1740,and he
  26. Circulation, increase the breakdown of fibrin, a compound involved in clot and, scar ,formation, and,in addition, may reduce blood pressure. Evidently,n−3 fatty
  27. It up, he screwed it up. " Given says that when he asked Bogart about his, scar ,he said it was caused by a childhood accident; Given claims the stories that
  28. Been for Apollinaire in uniform," wrote Cocteau," with his skull shaved,the, scar ,on his temple and the bandage around his head, women would have gouged our eyes
  29. Can ultimately cause fibrosis pleuritic, or a hardening of the organs, due to, scar ,tissue forming around the organs to protect them from the Chile fluid.
  30. Is combined with a head injury. The brain signals the bone to grow instead of, scar ,tissue to form, and nodules and other growth can interfere with prosthetics and
  31. Flexion),or twisting a finger about (torsion). The snapping of tendons or, scar ,tissue over a prominence (as in snapping hip syndrome) can also generate a
  32. Risk of damage to nerves and blood vessels by contusion or have a high risk of, scar ,development. Using crops, whips,or floggers, the top's fine motor skills and
  33. Which he carried for the rest of his life. When Hemingway was asked about the, scar ,he was reluctant to answer. After his departure from Paris, Hemingway " never
  34. Dental records positively identified the exhumed corpse as Oswald's, and the, scar ,was present. Fictional trials Several films have fictionalized a trial of
  35. And a collection of Han's thugs. During the incident, O'Hara received a facial, scar ,when Lee's father slashed him with a knife. Lee arrives at Han's island and
  36. Booth was a tattoo on his left hand with his initials J. W. B., and a distinct, scar ,on the back of his neck. The Lincoln Conspiracy, a book published in 1977
  37. To kill him when he was a child. He never told me why, but he had a long knife, scar ,on his forearm ", and claimed that his older brother was a police chief in
  38. Recreational boats have. They are now even identified by humans based on their, scar ,patterns. Many manatees have been cut in half by large vessels like ships and
  39. Can spread to in the peritoneum causing inflammation and the formation of, scar ,tissue on the external surface of the liver (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome).
  40. Specifically the origin of his fear of snakes, his use of a bullwhip,the, scar ,on his chin, and his hat; the film's epilogue also reveals that" Indiana" is
  41. By the housekeeper, Eurycleia,as she is washing his feet and discovers an old, scar ,Odysseus had received during a boar hunt. He had received the scar when he was
  42. Term, another inmate stabbed him in the neck (leaving him with a fearsome, scar ,that he subsequently covered with a bandana),and he took the knife away and
  43. Or worthy of a much-reduced bride price. The practice can result in thick, scar ,tissue, which makes urination difficult, and this has also generated
  44. Eliminate it through respiration. *Coagulation disorders and dense adhesions (, scar ,tissue) from previous abdominal surgery may pose added risk for laparoscopic
  45. Later joked that he was" the first casualty of the war" when he gained a, scar ,on his cheek from freeing a trapped telegraph wire. Defeat of the Confederacy
  46. Inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries as it progresses to, scar ,formation with adhesions to nearby tissues and organs. This may lead to
  47. Clark Author/Ultraman. He implies that" gold K" is responsible for a notable, scar ,on his wrist. Gold Kryptonite finally appears in the episode 20," Prophecy "
  48. That time, said " we four marched from Brooklyn to the sea, leaving a wide, scar ,of burned out clubs behind us. We changed clubs the way Detroit changes
  49. Europe. It was during his naval stint that Bogart may have gotten his trademark, scar ,and developed his characteristic lisp, though the actual circumstances are
  50. Running out of viable" spots" to wear the pump. In addition, the areas with, scar ,tissue buildup generally have lower insulin sensitivity and may affect basal

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