Examples of the the word, amber , in a Sentence Context

The word ( amber ), is the 8914 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And leaving a black residue which is known as" amber colophon ", or ", amber ,pitch "; when dissolved in oil of turpentine or in linseed oil this forms "
  2. The Greek word for amber and come from William Gilbert's research showing that, amber ,could attract other substances. The word" electron" was coined in 1891 by the
  3. Which Eastern nations attribute miraculous properties. In Europe, honey-colored, amber , sometimes far from its natural source, was already a grave gift in Neolithic
  4. Gradually heated in an oil-bath, amber becomes soft and flexible. Two pieces of, amber ,may be united by smearing the surfaces with linseed oil, heating them, and then
  5. Linseed oil, heating them, and then pressing them together while hot. Cloudy, amber ,may be clarified in an oil-bath, as the oil fills the numerous pores to which
  6. Modern terms" electricity" and" electron" derive from the Greek word for, amber ,and come from William Gilbert's research showing that amber could attract
  7. It and eventually it will burn, which is why in Germanic languages the word for, amber ,is a literal translation of burn-Stone (NL. barns teen, de. Bernstein, the
  8. This crust from sea-worn amber . Dominican amber , especially Dominican blue, amber , is mined through bell pitting, which is dangerous due to the risk of tunnel
  9. Sand and water. Erosion removes this crust from sea-worn amber . Dominican, amber , especially Dominican blue amber , is mined through bell pitting, which is
  10. Lustre is given by friction with flannel. When gradually heated in an oil-bath, amber ,becomes soft and flexible. Two pieces of amber may be united by smearing the
  11. Equipping the organic skeleton with three alkene groups for polymerization. As, amber ,matures over the years, more polymerization takes place as well as
  12. Minute bubbles in the interior of the resin. In darkly clouded and even opaque, amber , inclusions can be imaged using high-energy, high-contrast,high-resolution
  13. Are now used on a large scale in the formation of" asteroid" or" pressed, amber ,". The pieces are carefully heated with exclusion of air and then compressed
  14. A bluish color to amber . The so-called black amber is only a kind of jet. Bony, amber ,owes its cloudy opacity to minute bubbles in the interior of the resin. In
  15. Of which would indicate breeding to an outcross. ) Eyes may be blue, green,or, amber , or even one blue and one amber or green. The W gene which is responsible for
  16. His Naturalist Historian, and led him to theorize correctly that, at some point, amber ,had to be in a liquid state to cover the bodies of insects. Hence, he gave it
  17. Historical mention of the material, in the 4th century BC. The Greek name for, amber ,was ηλεκτρον (electron) and was connected to the Sun God, one of whose titles
  18. Reactions, crosslinking and cyclization. The average composition of, amber ,leads to the general formula C10H16O. Formation Molecular polymerization
  19. To an outcross. ) Eyes may be blue, green,or amber , or even one blue and one, amber ,or green. The W gene which is responsible for the white coat and blue eye is
  20. Natural beauty since Neolithic times. History and etymology The English word, amber ,derives from the Arabic Akbar, via Medieval Latin Amber and Old French Amber.
  21. Cast up by the waves, and collected by hand, dredging,or diving. Elsewhere, amber ,is mined, both in open works and underground galleries. Then nodules of blue
  22. In oil of turpentine or in linseed oil this forms" amber varnish" or ", amber ,lac ". Amber from the Baltic Sea has been extensively traded since antiquity
  23. Druidic Frisians, though St. Religious warned" No woman should presume to hang, amber ,from her neck. " Other examples in mythology *In one version of the story of
  24. That the material may be useless except for varnish-making, whence the impure, amber ,is called finish. Enclosures of pyrites may give a bluish color to amber . The
  25. From). Heated above 200 °C, amber suffers decomposition, yielding an" oil of, amber ,", and leaving a black residue which is known as" amber colophon ", or "
  26. Analyzing elementary charges for the first time. The presence of insects in, amber ,was noticed by Pliny the Elder in his Naturalist Historian, and led him to
  27. The coast around Königsberg in Prussia was the world's leading source of, amber , About 90 % of the world's extractable amber is still located in the
  28. Which is dangerous due to the risk of tunnel collapse. Treatment The Vienna, amber ,factories, which use pale amber to manufacture pipes and other smoking tools
  29. Which was previously Königsberg in Prussia, before World War II). Pieces of, amber ,torn from the seafloor are cast up by the waves, and collected by hand
  30. Amber is called finish. Enclosures of pyrites may give a bluish color to, amber , The so-called black amber is only a kind of jet. Bony amber owes its cloudy
  31. In the United States. Lyrics: O beautiful for spacious skies, : For, amber ,waves of grain, : For purple mountain majesties: Above the fruited plain!:
  32. Enclosures of pyrites may give a bluish color to amber . The so-called black, amber ,is only a kind of jet. Bony amber owes its cloudy opacity to minute bubbles in
  33. Ambre June ": Amber Gris (gray amber ) was amber gris; Amber June (yellow, amber ,) was the fossil resin we now call amber . Amber is discussed by Theophrastus
  34. Risk of tunnel collapse. Treatment The Vienna amber factories, which use pale, amber ,to manufacture pipes and other smoking tools, turn it on a lathe and polish it
  35. Into letting her go by offering her a necklace, nine yards (8 m) long, of, amber , Lithographers agree that Artemis was born first and then assisted with the
  36. Was amber gris; Amber June (yellow amber ) was the fossil resin we now call, amber , Amber is discussed by Theophrastus, possibly the first historical mention of
  37. Succinic acid as well as succinate, a term given to a particular type of, amber ,by James Dwight Dana (see below under Baltic Amber). Heating amber will
  38. Yielding an" oil of amber ", and leaving a black residue which is known as ", amber ,colophon ", or " amber pitch "; when dissolved in oil of turpentine or in
  39. The world's leading source of amber . About 90 % of the world's extractable, amber ,is still located in the Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia on the Baltic Sea (which
  40. Type of amber by James Dwight Dana (see below under Baltic Amber). Heating, amber ,will soften it, and eventually it will burn, which is why in Germanic languages
  41. Latter of which the Polish word burst derives from). Heated above 200 °C, amber , suffers decomposition, yielding an" oil of amber ", and leaving a black
  42. To its see-through similarity to glass). The Baltic Lithuanian term for, amber ,is Guitars and Latvian Dinars. They and the Slavic January are thought to
  43. Sustained heat and pressure drives off terpenes and results in the formation of, amber , Botanical origin Fossil resins from Europe fall into two categories, the
  44. Pitch "; when dissolved in oil of turpentine or in linseed oil this forms ", amber ,varnish" or" amber lac ". Amber from the Baltic Sea has been extensively
  45. Always suitable. If so, the word may be derived from the Semitic MBR, giving ", amber ,", which when burned is resinous fragrant (compare" amber gris" ) to which
  46. Barrels containing sand and water. Erosion removes this crust from sea-worn, amber , Dominican amber , especially Dominican blue amber , is mined through bell
  47. Admiral, adobe,alchemy, alcohol,algebra, algorithm,alkaline, almanac, amber , arsenal, assassin,banana, candy,carat, cipher,coffee, cotton,hazard, jar
  48. Washed up on beaches. Ambergris is less dense than water and floats; whereas, amber ,is less dense than stone, but too dense to float. The word" Amber" was
  49. Has been extensively traded since antiquity and in the main land, from where, amber ,was traded 2000 years ago, the natives called it glass (referring to its
  50. Ambre Gris" was then distinguished from" Amber June ": Amber Gris (gray, amber ,) was amber gris; Amber June (yellow amber ) was the fossil resin we now call

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