Examples of the the word, pe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pe ), is the 8916 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Notably expressed by Korea in a series of Bucharest Radio broadcasts, Sfaturi, pe , întuneric (" Advice at Dark ", soon after published in brochure format). He
  2. Letters were read as follows: be, ke, de, fe, gue, he,JE, ke, le, me,né, pe , KE, re,see,te’ve,we, kse, ze. Though more phonetically based than the
  3. Is found will quickly produce one. If the modulus n is a prime power n =, pe , a solution may be found modulo p and" lifted" to a solution modulo n using
  4. Indonesian: Kartu-kartu di Mesa (Cards on the Table) *Romanian: Cu Castile, pe , masă (With Cards on the Table) The Grammy Award for Best New Artist has been
  5. Technical terminology. Chemistry * Chemical nomenclature includes the infixes ‹, pe , ›,signifying complete hydrogenation (from pi pe ridine),and ‹ ET › (from
  6. The pairsand,written res pe ctively by the letters bet (ב),key (כ) and, pe , ( פ) have historically been allophonic. In Modern Hebrew, however,all six
  7. Te u in e o pe n, pe a kana mo e AFI: Key mate AI he KO hokum lot.: KO Tonga, pe , mate I he motor: KO Tong a pe mate I he motor.: KO Tonga English Translation by
  8. A, be,CE, çe, de, e,Fe, ge, yumuşak GE, he,ı, i,JE, ke, le, me,né, o,ö, pe , re, se, şe, te, u,ü, ve,ye, ze Sounds Turkish orthography is highly phonemic
  9. n. In \math, the primary ideals are precisely the ideals of the form (, pe , ) where p is prime and e is a positive integer. Thus, a primary decomposition
  10. Performance measure, often expressed as a pe rcentage. The bit error probability, pe , is the ex pe ctation value of the BER. The BER can be considered as an
  11. Mere meh boob (most pe ople think it is Jheenjhoti) Gary: # more pan ghat, pe ,- late - Mughal e Adam # jab rat ho ANSI catwalk - late - Mughal e Adam (
  12. The preterit indicates an action completed recently: *Tommie IL audio, pe , George la radio. I have just heard George on the radio. The second pe rson is
  13. Of the coconut (i.e. the dried meat of the coconut seed),the additional ", pe ," was added in 1902,inspired by the mineral taste of nearby sulfur spring
  14. NG (gang),Ñ (eye),NG or NGC or GN (NGA or NGA or RNA),P (, pe , ),Q (KU),R (ere),RR (er-re),S (ESE),T (the),V (ve),W (Wei)
  15. In Mandarin. It is pronounced with the emphasis on the pe nultimate syllable (", pe , LEN nor" ). After Mines ITIL had fallen and been renamed Mines Mogul, the
  16. 1971) In Romanian * Paul Clan SI" meridian" SAU. Repair ve chi SI NOI, pe , un atlas central-Euro pe an, Andrei Cornea House Bilingual * Paul Clan.
  17. The incident is popularly described in a one liner saying" Jab butte, pe , sassa Maya, tab Bad shah NE Shaker banana" ( translation: Seeing the hare
  18. May be neglected when compared with the quantities 2ay and PE. Hence :2ay,PE, that is, e: a 2y: p. Therefore: TM: y e: a 2y: p. Hence: TM 2y2/p 2x. This is
  19. Uverture) and two older songs, Mamă, Mamă (Mother, Mother ) and Te inter, pe , tine,soar ... (I'm asking you, sun ...). On Monday,19 November 1973
  20. As 0,which is es pe cially the case when the amount of 'k's are limited using, pe , #k=1 as in: k1; #k 1 k1 j0; #k 1; #j n-1 (" axial"-neighbor of k0) (#j=n-1
  21. To stop),snag (swim),roc (sun),for (pain),scag (to burn) P/p (, pe , ) Pad (foot),SAP (night),salad (bare-footed),gap (talk),ahead (70
  22. Neighbouring Denmark's severe financial problems caused most of the country to, pe , pawned to German princes, primarily Gerhard III and John III. Since Denmark's
  23. Chico pe e" is a Mimic name, probably from cheese (" violent" ) and, pe , ( " waters" ) in most Algonquian dialects, with reference to rapids. The
  24. Dates Historically, the consonants bet, beis, gimel, dalet, kaf, kof, pe , pa, and tax each had two sounds: one hard (plosive),and one soft (
  25. Begum Akhtar was also a native of Uttar Pradesh;" AE Shabbat Tier Annam, pe , rona Maya" is said to be one of her best musical pe rformances of all time.
  26. Schach ". Although the Bible does include a single occurrence of a final, pe , with a dates (Book of Proverbs 30,6:" "),in modern Hebrew is always
  27. And therefore may be neglected when compared with the quantities 2ay and, pe , Hence :2ay PE, that is, e: a 2y: p. Therefore: TM: y e: a 2y: p. Hence: TM
  28. Book of Proverbs 30,6:" "),in modern Hebrew is always represented by, pe , in its regular, not final, form " פ ", even when in final word position, which
  29. Socialist (" Democracy and Socialist Unity Front ", FDUS) Anthem (" E saris, pe , tricolor Unite" ) *20:20 S pe cial programs dedicated to Ceausescu (documentary
  30. De Roger Across (The Murder of Roger Across) *Romanian: Cine l-a Uris, pe , Roger Across? (Who killed Roger Abroad? ) *Russian: Убийство Роджера Экройда
  31. And for the point Q:: (y − a)2 = p (x − e). Subtracting we get :2ay − a2 =, pe , But, if a BS an infinitesimal quantity,a2 must be infinitely smaller and
  32. Originally for the song" Pedal nostrum steam e saris Unite" ( or" E saris, pe , tricolor unite" ). Lyrics and translation There are two versions of the anthem
  33. Range. System Arcturus is a ty pe K1.5 Pi pe orange giant star—the letters ", pe ," stand for" pe culiar emission," which indicates that the s pe ctrum of light
  34. Pa: indicates emphatically that a process has all finished. Amboparapa, pe , ogyke," I painted the wall completely" This suffix can be joined with ma
  35. System, but also their repressive politics. He summarized this in Stature, pe , întuneric:" Beware my pe ople for great dangers are stalking you ... Borders
  36. Think that the" Pay Lay Ale" sentence is derived from the Hebrew phrase ", pe , le-El ", פה לאל 'mouth to God '. And Ahmad (" God" ). In the Pearl of Great
  37. Shoes are Japanese): Ye patroon Ingestant (These trousers are English): SAR, pe , lal topi Roost (The red cap on my head is Russian): Pair BHI DIL HAI
  38. Result one can apply a manipulation to improve quality. Thus, one can s pe cify, pe , the J. R. Hendricks / M. Regular doubling. These things go beyond the sco pe of
  39. Ha),I (i),J (jot),K (key),L (El),M (em),N (en),O (o),P (, pe , ),Q (EU),R (er),S (BS),T (the),U (u),V (ve),W (public ve)
  40. Hebrew, however,the dates only changes the pronunciation of bet, kaf, and,PE, The differences are as follows: In other dialects (mainly liturgical) there
  41. Code of Romania. Other works * Căzănişteanu, Constantin,Era color CNSC, pe , lume ... (I know only three colors in the world) in" Magazine historic ", no.
  42. For an asset: i_n = i_r + p_e + RP + LP\, \! Assuming pe rfect information, pe , is the same for all participants in the market, and this is identical to:: i_n
  43. English, only makes an effect on the verb bod- 'to be' and it is used after, pe ,'if' and it must be accompanied by the conditional subjunctive e.g. PE ban
  44. Mush, for a long time considered the poor man's meal (N-are nice o Amalia, pe , masă -" He hasn't even a Amalia on the table" ), but it has become very
  45. Back to the Began era in the 9th and 10th century. Scripts written in praise of, pe , ngan bar yay (, literally " bean fish sauce" ) were found. Production
  46. L, l (LE / El); M, m (me / em); N, n (NE / en); O, o (o); P, p (, pe , ); Q (chip); R, r,(re / er); S’s (see / BS);, ș (SE); T, t (the); Ț
  47. In the first example, the PE-, which was primarily used as its value, pe , of grid class CV, is being used for su pe r-, not in that class. This was not an
  48. Has eight different circumflexes, namely Persian, pe r-i,Berman, ke-an, pe , ( N)-an, pe r-an,Kenya and Keri. For example, the circumflex can be added to
  49. Euro pe - EU (Euro pe an Union),EC (Euro pe an Community) *Exercise -, pe , ( physical education),pt (physical training) *Extra - w (from the extra
  50. Gaye - late - Baidu Basra Cedar: # ethane JA nuke sitar - late - and # beaks, pe , karam - late - Mughal e Adam # KAL rat lineage see - raft - park Shaman/Mira

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