Examples of the the word, pre , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pre ), is the 8917 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At the time for the city to host the most Super Bowls. Pregame ceremonies The, pre ,show featured The Rockets dance company in a tribute to Hollywood, music,and
  2. Angeles. In Ireland, where passengers also use Shannon’s US Customs & Border, pre ,clearance facilities allowing passengers to arrive at JFK as a domestic
  3. Night. Bob Costs anchored NBC's pre - and post-game for NFL broadcasts and the, pre ,and post-game shows for numerous World Series and Major League Baseball
  4. Natural and human-made background radiation varies by location.: figures are, pre ," 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Plant Accident ": Human-made values at UNCLEAR are from
  5. Red, but there are also some found with green and pink tones as well. Since, pre ,Hispanic times, native peoples have believed amber to have healing and
  6. To revert to his natural Right Guard position. The Ravens finished their, pre ,season 3-1. Logo controversy The team's first helmet logo, used from 1996
  7. Of wood placed across the canal to form a dam. They are generally placed in, pre ,existing grooves in the canal bank. On more modern canals," guard locks" or
  8. Reduce load. Call waiting and caller ID are often affected by high MEN. Older (, pre ,2000) equipment contributes larger MEN than new equipment. International usage
  9. The overall impact of hyperinflation: 1 Nova dinar 1 × 1027~1.3 × 1027, pre ,1990 dinars. Yugoslavia's rate of inflation hit 5 × 1015 percent cumulative
  10. Bound fretboard and sound hole. Also has with triangle inlays. Earlier models (, pre ,'65) have a 330 body shape, with top and bottom binding and no sound hole
  11. X' of G, and the exponent 'n' written in the above form, along with the, pre ,computed values xb0 .... xbl-1 the element in is calculated using the algorithm
  12. camp and PKA. Dopamine is connected to mood and behavior, and modulates both, pre ,and post synaptic neurotransmission. Loss of dopamine neurons in the substantial
  13. In early April. The 2009 program got off to an unfortunate start at the, pre ,season Paul Richard test on March 8 when Tomas Edge destroyed the 007 car in an
  14. North of Uppsala city lies Gamma Uppsala (Old Uppsala),the location of the, pre ,Christian town Uppsala. There are few remains,except several
  15. School (Ages 5–6) At the age of five, children normally attend the, pre ,primary class, which pre pares them to join Primary school * Primary school (
  16. To Early Modern **Amaravati, Hariphunchai, Sukhothai, Ayutthaya Kingdom, pre ,Modern Thailand **Cola, Pallava, Sri Vijaya, Sailendra, Mataram and Majapahit
  17. Seminár http://www.sezam.sk * Mathematical Olympiad a Pytagoriáda v magazine, pre ,ZS s VJM http://matek.ide.sk South Africa * South African Mathematics Olympiad
  18. Northern Oval (currently known as Eureka Stadium) for hosting regular AFL, pre ,season matches, with an aim to accommodate seating for 20,000 people. The
  19. Layer networks designed for peer-to-peer file sharing are Nutella (, pre ,v0.4) and Freenet. There also exist hybrid P2P systems, which distribute their
  20. Without special residential status (people whose residential root go back to, pre ,WWII) are required by law to register with the government and carry alien
  21. Of their economies) were almost completely destroyed and were left at the, pre ,1979 border, while Iran managed to make some small gains on its borders in the
  22. Medal as best afield. They became the first non-Melbourne based club to win the, pre ,season pre miership and the first club to win both Showdowns in the same year
  23. By the Hittite, Greek and Martian civilizations of Asia Minor, Elam in, pre ,Iranian Persia, as well as the civilisations of the Levant (such as Ella
  24. And results are provided immediately within minutes. The difference between the, pre ,and post urea measurements is used to determine infection. This value is
  25. Was also used by Germans referring to Greater Germany, a state consisting of, pre ,World War I Germany, actual Austria and the Sudetenland. Constitutional
  26. 300-900 CE). Development of this culture was agricultural villages during the, pre ,Classic period with city building during the Classic as social stratification
  27. The park ecosystem, but it will take some time for the region to return to its, pre ,2003 condition. Gallery File: SnowyMountainsRoad. JPG | A road in the Snowy
  28. The descendants of Okay are the Mixtec-Zoque. Mayan's civilization began in the, pre ,Classic period as well but did not come into prominence until the Classic
  29. Tools and weapons made of stone and bone. It also includes burials. In the, pre ,Classic period from 1800 BCE to 300 CE, agricultural villages appeared all over
  30. His application to that body for a commission was flatly rejected due to his, pre ,war criminal record. After the Civil War, many veterans constructed homesteads
  31. Being played all across the country. Average major league attendances reached a, pre ,World War I peak of 5,836 in 1909,before falling back during the war. Where
  32. Where he resumed work on the ALCS the next night. Bob Costs anchored NBC's, pre ,and post-game for NFL broadcasts and the pre - and post-game shows for numerous
  33. Century. Origins Archery does not appear to have been especially significant in, pre ,Norman Conquest Anglo-Saxon warfare and the first great English archery victory
  34. Tectonic and sediment evidence show that it could have been open as early as, pre ,34 Ma, estimates of the opening of the Drake passage are between 20 and 40 Ma.
  35. Europe for hundreds of years. Persian influence in Islam can be viewed from a, pre ,and post-Islamic perspective. In the era prior to the invasion of Persia by the
  36. Leach, wide receiver Lee Evans, and running back Ricky Williams. During the, pre ,season, the Baltimore Ravens signed Left tackle Bryant McKinnie from the
  37. School (Ages 5-6) At the age of five, children normally attend the, pre ,primary class, which pre pares them to join Primary school * Primary school (
  38. In practice, there are more efficient methods of calculating CD using the, pre ,computed values below. ) Using the Chinese remainder algorithm For efficiency
  39. Alsace-Lorraine, the authors attributed these civilian deaths over the, pre ,war level primarily to food and fuel shortages in 1917-1918. The study also
  40. Other than the fact that the Semitic, Aramaic speaking Christians of Iraq are, pre ,Arab people of Mesopotamian stock, there has been no serious historical
  41. X 1939,Geometric abstraction Image: master-bill. JPG|Archive Gorky 1929-1936, pre , abstract ex pre ssionism Image: Frida Kahlo (self-portrait). JPG|Frida Kahlo
  42. And exotic and wild animals) for their anxiolytic and sedative effects, as, pre , medication before surgery, for induction of anesthesia and as adjuncts to
  43. Nouveaux Aires. The overall impact of hyperinflation: 1 franc = 3 × 1011, pre ,1989 Aires. Zimbabwe Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe was one of the few instances
  44. Or yield twice the points, if purchased below 10). In earlier editions (, pre ,4th Edition) all attributes followed the same cost-progression, where higher
  45. 2,124 students enrolled in independent schools. There are over 35 primary and, pre ,– schools, and 12 secondary schools including both government and
  46. Collegiate competitions and cultural shows. Bhangra Music (1986-1994) The, pre ,history of Bhangra music dates back to the late 2000s and early 2010s,several
  47. In their honor. Los Huancavelica The Huancavelica constitute the most important, pre ,Colombian culture of Guavas. These warriors were noted for their appearance.
  48. Of Pre-Raphaelites. Sunday House contains another major collection of, pre ,20th century art, and the number of galleries continues to expand: CERN Hand
  49. Tested (part-time bowler Ramparts Saran) reportedly did not transgress the, pre ,2000 rules. The ICC Executive was asked to ratify the panel's recommendations
  50. The element x in G and the exponent 'n' written as in Yao's method with the, pre ,computed values xb0 .... xbl-1 the element in is calculated using the algorithm

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