Examples of the the word, borders , in a Sentence Context

The word ( borders ), is the 9222 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. After the bishop Saint Tycoon of Amateur. The site of the ruins is within the, borders ,of this village, though the expansion of the Limassol tourist area has
  2. grandson's life, and the growing power of Castile within Portugal's, borders , Alfonso ordered the murder of Ines de Castro in 1355. He expected his son to
  3. Empire regained its lost territories and even expanded beyond its traditional, borders , into Armenia and Syria. Following the Battle of Manifest in 1071,the Seljuk
  4. Area of the 22 smallest U. S. states. Regions There are no officially defined, borders ,demarcating the various regions of Alaska, but there are six generally accepted
  5. To self-determination, and Algeria's hosting of Sarah refugees within its, borders ,in the city of Window. Within Algeria, dissent was rarely tolerated, and the
  6. That have resulted from the original design. The inner ring route (A21), borders , the parkland, and the outer route (A3/A13/A16/A17) completely bypasses the
  7. In the east in exchange for lands further west,outside existing U. S. state, borders , While frequently frowned upon in the North, and opposed by Jeremiah Events and
  8. Of the Alemannic were probably at the time in fact resident in or close to the, borders ,of Germania Superior. Although Did is the earliest writer to mention them
  9. In 1994. ) Located in the region of the southern Caucasus Mountains, Azerbaijan, borders , the Caspian Sea to the east, Georgia and Russia to the north, Iran to the south
  10. Council whose headquarters are based outwith its area's border. Aberdeen shire, borders ,Angus and Perth and Across to the south, and Highland and Moray to the west.
  11. Crusade In the meantime, Andrew began to deal with the problems of the southern, borders ,of his kingdom. In 1214,the Hungarian troops annexed Belgrade and Bracero
  12. With Georgia and Azerbaijan, while Russian troops continue to monitor its, borders ,with Iran and, which acts as another deterrent to Azeris military intervention
  13. Huge dilemma-tens of thousands of displaced Goths had suddenly arrived at his, borders ,requesting asylum. In Roman service During the fourth century, the Roman
  14. Turned their attentions back to Europe. In 440, they reappeared in force on the, borders ,of the Roman Empire, attacking the merchants at the market on the north bank of
  15. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) along the lower Congo river. Cabinet, borders ,the Congo Republic to the north and north-northeast and the DRC to the east and
  16. Pharaohs established a period of unprecedented prosperity by securing their, borders ,and strengthening diplomatic ties with their neighbors. Military campaigns
  17. 700 km, Russia 284 km, Turkey 9 km; Coastline:: 0 km (landlocked). Azerbaijan, borders ,the Caspian Sea. (800 km, est. ); Maritime claims:: None (landlocked);
  18. Had worked toward a lunar landing. " All colors are natural, with blue and gold, borders ,around the patch. The LM was named Eagle to match the insignia. When the
  19. After Quebec, Ontario,and British Columbia. To the south, the province, borders ,on the 49th parallel north, separating it from the U. S. state of Montana
  20. And the South Atlantic Ocean to the west. The exclave of Cabinet also, borders ,the Republic of the Congo to the north. Angola's capital, Luanda,lies on the
  21. Specifically to strengthen Azerbaijan's ability to control its land and sea, borders ,:" This training is being implemented within the frame of International
  22. Counties of Scotland formerly used for local government purposes. Within these, borders , the County of Aberdeen remains in existence as a registration county.
  23. Area),Harikalar Diary (claimed to be The Biggest Park of Europe inside city, borders ,) and Goes Park. Menelik Park was depicted on the reverse of the Turkish 100
  24. Of Amsterdam's canals in the 17th century, the city did not grow beyond its, borders ,for two centuries. During the 19th century, Samuel Parfait devised a plan
  25. And after Burma). It is about the size of Texas in the United States. It, borders ,Pakistan in the east and south, Iran in the west, Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan and
  26. Their goods, even sometimes their clothes," Meade said. Namibia, borders ,Angola to the south. In 1999 Namibia signed a mutual defense pact with its
  27. The Moors, Afonso III had to deal with a political situation arising from the, borders , with Castile. The neighboring kingdom considered that the newly acquired lands
  28. Who spread their languages into the Middle East, South Asia, and the, borders ,of China, where the Sectarians resided. The northernmost part of Asia
  29. South, and Armenia to the southwest and west. A small part of Nakhchivan also, borders ,Turkey to the northwest. The capital of Azerbaijan is the ancient city of Baku
  30. Been resolved. The consequent blockade along both the Azerbaijani and Turkish, borders ,has devastated the economy, because of Armenia's dependence on outside
  31. On January 28, 1992. Border guards subject to the Ministry patrol Armenia's, borders ,with Georgia and Azerbaijan, while Russian troops continue to monitor its
  32. Probably on a much older map. These maps indicated directions, roads,towns, borders , and geological features. Anaximander's innovation was to represent the entire
  33. Beyond Japan. Prior to the 1990s,anime had limited exposure beyond Japan's, borders , Coincidentally, as the popularity of the Internet grew, so did interest in
  34. In Bieszczady Mountains, located at the edge of the Polish, Slovak and Ukraine, borders , His parents were working-class Rusynemigrants from Mike (now called Mikoyan)
  35. To secure for himself a regular and recognized position within the empire's, borders , His demands were certainly grand — the concession of a block of territory 200
  36. The responsibility of the Japanese nation to the indigenous people within its, borders , The decision included broad fact-finding that underscored the long history of
  37. In the seven-continent system. It does not exactly correspond to the cultural, borders ,of its various types of constituents. In addition to its general inherited
  38. Afghan Border Police are responsible for protecting the nation's airports and, borders , especially the Durand Line, which is a disputed border often used by criminal
  39. Speculators expected no rise in values when the government could not defend its, borders ,nor protect its frontier population. The idea of a convention to revise the
  40. To the Teutonic Knights in order to ensure the security of the southeastern, borders ,of his kingdom against the Humans. However, the Teutonic Knights began to
  41. 24,Hamilton's American usage denotes the lands beyond the U. S. is political, borders ,: United States President George Washington's farewell in 1796 says:" The name
  42. Because it would violate the right of a free state to outlaw slavery within its, borders , Republicans committed to ending the expansion of slavery were among those
  43. Geographically, Aachen is the westernmost town of Germany, located along its, borders ,with Belgium and the Netherlands, west of Cologne. RWTH Aachen University, one
  44. These include four national forests and one national preserve within state, borders ,that provide over 25 % of the state's public recreation land. The Governor of
  45. His brothers and sisters. The king managed to keep security within Portuguese, borders ,only by outlawing and exiling his kin. Since military issues were not a
  46. Between the different accents (glosses) coincide strongly with the, borders ,of the states and also with the border with Bavaria, with Bavarians having a
  47. Been isolated from Anatolia. Marmara Region The western coast of Anatolia that, borders ,the Sea of Marmara consists mainly of rolling plateau country well suited to
  48. Greece and succeeded in trapping the Goths in the mountains of Photo, on the, borders ,of Eli's and Arcadia in the peninsula. From there Alaric escaped with difficulty
  49. And 42° N, and longitudes 44° and 51° E. The total length of Azerbaijan's land, borders ,is, of which 1007 kilometers are with Armenia,756 kilometers with Iran,480
  50. Of the hinterland began after the Berlin Conference in 1885 fixed the colony's, borders , and British and Portuguese investment fostered mining, railways,and

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