Examples of the the word, subtract , in a Sentence Context

The word ( subtract ), is the 9221 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Acids (protons) contribute nothing. * Add one for each negative charge, and, subtract , one for each positive charge. Ionic counting * Calculate the number of
  2. Change:: \CD (1989,867) \CD (1989 - 867,867) \CD (1122,867). \, So, subtract , again:: \CD (1122,867) \CD (1122 - 867,867) \CD (255,867). \, Now 867
  3. For income distribution, add for the value of household and volunteer work, and, subtract , for crime and pollution. * Gross national happiness (GNH) – GNH measures
  4. Calculators from the 1930s that could add, subtract , multiply and divide. During the Manhattan Project, future Nobel laureate
  5. In hardware to be adverse to simplicity. In addition to the standard add and, subtract ,instructions, there are scaled versions. These versions shift the second
  6. Synalepha (Spanish:). There are many types of licenses, used either to add or, subtract ,syllables, that may be applied when needed after taking in consideration the
  7. With the ability to be programmed for many complex problems. It could add or, subtract ,5000 times a second, a thousand times faster than any other machine. (Colossus
  8. Members of other RTS such as DATA, MVRTA, LRTA, WRTA, GATRA, and BAT may also, subtract ,their RTA assessment from their MTA assessment. The amount of funding the MTA
  9. And as n is the first iteration number such that | Zn | > N, the number we, subtract ,from n is in the interval 0,1). For the coloring we must have a cyclic scale
  10. With ideal height/weight charts and add roughly 10 % for a large frame or, subtract ,roughly 10 % for a smaller frame. For example, a chart may say the ideal weight
  11. Moving with velocities v1 and v2,and then use the velocity addition theorem to, subtract ,the unknown velocity w of the star in order to express v1 and v2 relative to an
  12. A positive contribution to the net magnetization. If some magnetic ions, subtract ,from the net magnetization (if they are partially anti-aligned),then the
  13. A field by explicitly assuming that are four binary operations (add, subtract , multiply, divide ) with axioms relating these, or in terms of two binary
  14. Zero quotient and divisor if quotient was 2 <<< ↔ >→> Zero divisor and, subtract ,13 from copy if quotient was 1 <<< <+> >- Zero divisor and add 13 to copy if
  15. Forty percent of the books offered to the Earl were literary, and even if we, subtract ,all seven dedications by the prolific Sunday, this category would still account
  16. Sink the shooter). In such a case, the player may subtract . *That a player may, subtract ,after a predetermined score has been reached by the player, or any other player
  17. Mass-produced mechanical calculator, the Thomas Arithmometer, that could add, subtract , multiply, and divide. It was mainly based on Leibniz' work. Mechanical
  18. Entry in row i by Ai, j Now Ai, j will have the value 1. For u: = i+1 to m do, subtract ,Au, j * row i from row u Now Au, j will be 0,since Au, j - Ai, j * Au, j Au, j
  19. Wayland, Marlborough,Ashland, Sherborn, Hopkinton, Holliston, and South borough, subtract ,their MARTA assessment from their MTA assessment. Communities that are also
  20. Rep = record real_part: real, imag_part: real add = pro ... end add;, subtract ,= pro ... end subtract ; multiply = pro ... end multiply; ... end
  21. Implements complex numbers: complex_number = cluster is add, subtract , multiply, ... rep = record real_part: real, imag_part: real add = pro ... end
  22. The (generally) uppercase letter it is pressed in combination with (i.e., subtract ,64 from ASCII code value in decimal of the (generally) uppercase letter).
  23. Wolfram summation of series Get average of the difference of the series then, subtract ,0.5 % or 0.75 % to get the Wolfram Summation When the set G is a semigroup, the
  24. Because CCD imagers are linear, image processing may be used to, subtract ,away the effects of light pollution, which has increased the popularity of
  25. S muscle man and trainer Don Looms, who was noted for his ability to add or, subtract ,pounds in his studio gymnasium. Stewart subsequently attempted to enlist in the
  26. To convert a stellar or galactic absolute magnitude into a planetary one, subtract ,31.57. Apparent magnitude The absolute magnitude can be used to help calculate
  27. Multiplied without losing any precision. The instructions available were: add, subtract , multiply, collate,shift left, shift right, load multiplier register, store (
  28. Calculator was developed by Texas Instruments in 1967. It could add, multiply, subtract , and divide, and its output device was a paper tape. 1970s to mid-1980s The
  29. Adds five:: (g \CIRC f) (x) = 3x + 5 To reverse this process, we must first, subtract ,five, and then divide by three:: (g \CIRC f)^ (y) = \tfrac13 (y - 5) This
  30. They are fundamentally different physical quantities. To compare, add,or, subtract ,quantities with the same dimensions but expressed in different units, the
  31. Real, imag_part: real add = pro ... end add; subtract = pro ... end, subtract ,; multiply = pro ... end multiply; ... end complex_number; Cluster
  32. Clear accumulator and add number from memory location X * Clear accumulator and, subtract ,number from memory location X * Add number copied from memory location X to the
  33. Occurs in taxation: * Tax deduction, variable tax dollars that you can, subtract , or deduct, from your gross income. ** Itemized deduction, eligible expense
  34. An event that has occurred most often as being most likely, but that we also, subtract ,the weighting of the less common event from that of the more common event. In
  35. Instructions,except MUCH and scaled versions of add and, subtract , do not trap on overflow. When such functionality is required, versions of these
  36. 63,adding on a moon would sink the shooter). In such a case, the player may, subtract , *That a player may subtract after a predetermined score has been reached by
  37. It is written to the destination register. By default, the add, multiply,and, subtract ,instructions,except MUCH and scaled versions of add and
  38. Three live albums are from the same three 1971-3 performances, but add and, subtract ,a few different songs. The last two, combined,contain all the songs) Johann
  39. An exponent. For example:: 2x + 4 = 12. \, The central technique is added, subtract , multiply, or divide both sides of the equation by the same number in order to
  40. Many other RPG systems. Instead, the GM will apply various modifiers to add or, subtract ,to the skill level. In this way, positive modifiers increase the chance for
  41. The addition of 1d20 and 1d10 + 1d8. Step 2 is rolled as step 3,but you, subtract ,1 from the result. This is notated as" 1d4 - 1 ". Step 1 is 1d4 - 2. The 3rd
  42. In an interview in 2001,he stated" There's nothing you could add to it or, subtract ,from it that would improve it. " In the same 2001 interview, he also listed "
  43. Neuron to fire, thus contracting the quadriceps. On the other hand, IPSPs could, subtract ,from this sum of ENSPS, preventing the motor neuron from firing. Apart from
  44. Had to be at least 30 years old. However, men of patrician rank could, subtract ,two years from this and other minimum age requirements. Such exemptions
  45. Robust two-pass algorithm for computing the variance, first compute and, subtract ,an estimate of the mean, and then use this algorithm on the residuals. The
  46. Of op amps in a representative setup are summing amplifiers, which add and, subtract ,analog voltages, providing the result at their output jacks. As well, op amps
  47. Years the Muslim month number increases by seven. When it goes above twelve, subtract ,twelve and add one to the year AH. From AD412 to AD632 inclusive the month
  48. To give twice the amplitude of each signal, but if they are out of phase, they, subtract , and give a signal that is the difference of the amplitudes. Digitally, this
  49. The remaining length r in R is less than the shorter length s in S, repeatedly, subtract , the measuring number s in S from the remaining length r in R.: 7 IF S > R THEN
  50. Income tax returns ** Standard deduction, dollar amount that non-itemizers may, subtract ,from their income Other uses: * Deduction (food stamps),used to calculate a

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