Examples of the the word, cp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cp ), is the 9220 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Name" Hope" /> The word litmus originally meant a curved inaugural staff (, cp , " Crozier" ) or a curved war-trumpet in the ancient Latin language. In
  2. Ivid (GP),plectrum noble (EP),silver penny (SP),and copper common (, cp , ). Bright Lands the Bright Lands, properly known as the Empire of the Bright
  3. Ap, &pacqr RPC, &ra=AR, &\\ pub BP,&p^2adq^2r rp^2daq^2,orb=BR, &\\ PC, cp , &p^3bcq^3r rp^3cbq^3,arc=CR, &\\ PhD DP,&p^4bdq^4r rp^4dbq^4,3rd=Dr, &\\
  4. Symbol file) for symbol files while Gardens Point Component Pascal uses., cp , for source and. Cps for symbol files. Blacktop Component Pascal has its own
  5. Another. Xcopy directory destination-directory: Equivalent to the Unix command, cp , when used with -r parameter. Cherokee (, Tsalagi Gawonihisdi) is an Iroquoian
  6. Specific Helmholtz free energy (a),and specific heat capacities (CV and, cp , sometimes simply called specific heats). These intensive thermodynamic
  7. Time of index. HTML to January 31, 2007 at 8:46:26am. Although commands like, cp , grep, chmod etc. have a recursive switch (-r or -R or both) to apply the
  8. To cite the specific heat of a substance are as follows: *Water (liquid):, cp , = 4.1855 J/ (g·K) (15 °C,101.325 PA) For liquids and gases, it is
  9. That is, a point in the plane such that p1 p2,and let c be a scalar in R. Then, cp , ( cp 1, cp 2); since p1 p2,then cp 1 = cp 2,so CP is an element of W. In general
  10. Find. -max depth 1 -type f -name" *. Ogg" -print0 | xargs -0 -r, cp ,-v -p --target-directory=/home/media The command above does the same as:
  11. JPG|Limestone pavement at the top of the cove Image: over edge, Malham Cove, cp , JPG|View over cliff edge to Mülheim Beck below Image:
  12. Then upright roman typeface while the quantity is also in italic. For example, cp , or isobaric is heat capacity at constant pressure.: Note the difference in the
  13. Equation is unavailable, then the following equation may be used.: X = 100 ·, cp , ( Tu – TD) ÷ He: (Note: The words" upstream" and" downstream" refer to
  14. Marshes are known to the Babylonians as the NDR Marathi," the salt river" (, cp , Jeremiah 1:21),a name originally applied to the Persian Gulf. The alluvial
  15. The wise” and their“ hollow and deceptive philosophy” ( 1 Co 1:19; 2:5—NIV;, cp , Col 2:1-10; 2:8). The book of Jude also contains scripture exhorting
  16. Centipedes is properly abbreviated CP, but the alternative abbreviations' cp s, cp , and cp s are also commonly seen. Water has a viscosity of 0.00899 poise at 25
  17. And will not halt with an error if the number of files is too large for the,CP, command to handle. Another way to do it (choosing where to put your arguments
  18. Let c be a scalar in R. Then CP ( cp 1, cp 2); since p1 p2,then cp 1 = cp 2,so, cp , is an element of W. In general, any subset of a Euclidean space Rn that is
  19. Recent Cassini observations have provided a much closer look at the ct2 and, cp , cratered units. These high-resolution observations, like Figure 6,reveal that
  20. This allowed users to send data from one device to another, with utilities like, cp , and dd, without being aware of the underlying implementation details. However
  21. Connecticut (later renamed the Republic of Vermont). Notable people CP, CP,CP, or CP may refer to: CP * Cariyapitaka, a canonical Buddhist story collection *
  22. Basque Country. History Biarritz is a Basque name with vocative suffix -it (, cp , Maturity) attested Beatriz in 1170,Areas in 1186,Biarritz in 1249.
  23. Mac OS X v10.4,the standard UNIX command line utilities in Mac OS X (such as, cp , and MV) did not respect resource forks. To copy files with resource forks, one
  24. English nor) is epenthetic, and is now found as well in Modern Dutch Wonder (, cp , Middle Dutch done, and Old Norse Orr, Old Frisian under, Old High German sonar
  25. Remote FTP sites within a directory. Then, standard tools such as ls, cp , and rm can be used to manipulate files on the remote system. Even more
  26. Containing full source for SH and for a basic set of Unix-like utilities (cat, cp , grep, etc.) were available for $25 and $30,respectively, from the publisher.
  27. To delete everything in the root directory. Similar problems can transform, cp , and MV into dangerous weapons, and misuse of the > redirect can delete the
  28. And is used to make clothing is http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?, cp ,UG&topic mp backcloth, an innovation of the agenda people of Uganda. It came
  29. And struggles to bring it back to Asgard. He alone can do it. Odin (Fjolsviðr, cp , Grímnismál 47) meets him at the gate. As Skinner, he goes back to Rotunda
  30. Is a precursor * Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (CP or, cp , ) CP Biology and Medicine *Cerebellum + pons, referred to in combination in the
  31. If the original component signals were available, as they would be in a, cp , If they had already been converted to composite video, re-converting them to
  32. The energy required to heat the same quantity of water from 0 °C to 100 °C (, cp , = 75.3 J K−1 mol−1). Care must be taken, however,when using enthalpies of
  33. Christ, short Passions Congregation, an Order of the Roman Catholic Church, cp , cP Ludo is an incorporated village within the town of Ludo, Windsor County
  34. Decade and with which Dostoevsky would be in debate for the rest of his life (, cp , Chernyshevsky's What Is to Be Done?,Dobrolyubov's abrasive journalism
  35. As an alias for the target. Any file system management commands (e.g., cp , rm) may be used on the symbolic link. Commands which read or write file
  36. To the change in temperature, Δu. That is, : \Delta Q = c_p\rho\Delta u \, where,CP, is the specific heat capacity and ρ is the mass density of the material. (In
  37. The Henry's law constant km, pc is simply the inverse of the constant km, cp , Since all km may be referred to as Henry's law constants, readers of the
  38. The command above does the same as:, CP,-v -p *. Ogg /home/media however, the former command which uses find/xargs/CP
  39. Theme of understanding Christianity through pre-Christian Germanic tradition. (, cp , Alfred the Great’s translation of Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy and the
  40. Capacity for people, and so on (see, e. g., http://urss.ru/cgi-bin/db.pl?, cp ,&page Booked 37484⟨ enabling enlist 14 Introduction to Social
  41. JPG|View S over Airedale Image: face of Mülheim Cove, climbers,CP, JPG|Full cliff face, with climbers for scale Image: beautiful island fallen
  42. GNU Make by default executes commands with /bin/sh, where Unix commands like, cp , are normally used. In contrast to that Microsoft's make executes commands
  43. By the fact that many UNIX commands differ in name by only one letter:, cp , CD, dd,DF, etc. Another significant disadvantage is the slow execution speed
  44. Purport ", where " Post" is a derivate of" Putt" ( pitmen's term for mine;, cp , The English" pit" ), or " Review ". Migration During the 19th century the
  45. Are chess, and checkers. The chess figures are noon (noble) king, bers (, cp , Bars" tiger" ) queen, temee (camel) bishop, mori (horse) knight, tereg (
  46. try),Service (ts),Enterprise Modeler (TG),Constraint Planning (, cp , ),Tools (TT),Utilities (TU),Ban DEM (TG) ERP Ln 6.1 modules:
  47. Tc),People (BP),Financials (TF),Project (TP),Enterprise Planning (, cp , ),Order Management (TD),Electronic Commerce (EC),Central Invoicing (CI
  48. Gold lion (GP),plectrum eagle (EP),silver stag (SP),and copper roc (, cp , ). Blackamoor The original Blackamoor began life in the early 1970s as the
  49. Both are preyed upon by sperm whales. Gallery Extinct Image: Giant scorpion, cp ,185155. JPG | Jaekelopterus was a Devonian sea scorpion and likely an ambush
  50. Power Plant: 2 GE Marine LM 2500 gas turbines; 64,000 hp (7.7 MW); 2 shafts, cp , props Tankers Offshore Petroleum Distribution System Activated Ready Reserve

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