Examples of the the word, wilderness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wilderness ), is the 5194 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To build an ambitious garden, transforming what he initially described as a ", wilderness ," into what the American commander at Spandau described as" Speer's Garden of
  2. For an attack. The second expedition, led by Colonel Arnold, went through the, wilderness ,of what is now northern Maine. Logistics were difficult, with 300 men turning
  3. Twin sister of Apollo. She was the Hellenic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness , childbirth, virginity and young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women
  4. This leaves the vast majority of Canada's territory as sparsely populated, wilderness ,; Canada's population density is 3.5 people/km2 (9.1/mi2),among the lowest
  5. Snakes (Exodus 7:9) proving his rod was victorious. During the journey in the, wilderness , Aaron is not always prominent or active; and he sometimes appears guilty of
  6. These visits were either killed, sent back to their fathers or exposed in the, wilderness ,to fend for themselves; the females were kept and brought up by their mothers
  7. Of game management and introduced an ecological ethic that replaced an earlier, wilderness ,ethic where human dominance is stressed. In addition, he included the farm as a
  8. Israelites will be punished for their loss of faith by having to wander in the, wilderness ,for 40 years. Moses is ordered to make plates to cover the altar with the two
  9. Land between Egypt and Canaan of the first Exodus was a" great and terrible, wilderness , an arid wasteland" ( Debut 8:15),but in this new Exodus, the land between
  10. Was begun by Murcia, Mullite Company of America, which turned off scrub oak, wilderness ,into a massive mining and refining operation. The company now ships more than
  11. Phases in the development of al-Qaeda: the beginning in the late 1980s,the ", wilderness ," period in 1990–96,its" heyday" in 1996–2001,the network period of 2001–05
  12. For 3½ days; 11:9 the" woman clothed with the sun" is protected in the, wilderness ,for 1,260 days, or 3½ years; 12:6 Gentiles tread the holy city underfoot for 42
  13. Scenic trail,11 national forests, two national grasslands,41 national, wilderness ,areas, two national conservation areas, eight national wildlife refuges,44
  14. Hunters, and is today slowly being reclaimed by the surrounding Arkansas, wilderness , In 1971,syndicated columnists Jack Anderson and Brit Hume published an
  15. Of trails crisscross the city and neighboring areas, providing exercise and, wilderness ,access on foot and bike. Beyond Athens and across the county a great variety of
  16. Which is forbidden (Leviticus 19:23). However, the Israelites born in the, wilderness ,after the Exodus from Egypt were not circumcised. Joshua 5:2-9,explains," all
  17. When born, it is caught up to God's throne while the woman flees into the, wilderness ,for one thousand two hundred and sixty days. (12:5-6) ###War breaks out in
  18. Refuse to take possession of Canaan and God condemns them to death in the, wilderness ,until a new generation can grow up and carry out the task. The book ends with
  19. War. *1847 – The last survivors of the Donner Party are out of the, wilderness , *1849 – The Governor General of Canada, Lord Elgin, signs the Rebellion Losses
  20. Last Native American to make contact with European Americans, emerges from the, wilderness ,of northeastern California. *1915 – US Navy salvage divers raise F-4,the first
  21. Economic development, and the location of this country far from the coast. The, wilderness ,regions of this country have potential as ecotourist destinations. The country
  22. Whose large isolated monasteries spearheaded the settlement of former, wilderness ,areas. In this period church building and ecclesiastical architecture reached
  23. For both the ecology and the safety of the travelers in its great and remote, wilderness , was noted at a conference in New Zealand by experts from signatories to the
  24. Single figure of Aaron in his priestly garments celebrating Yom Kippur in the, wilderness ,Tabernacle. The Mold“ Aaron” is considered, quite surprisingly, the unique
  25. S. Began to expand westward into previously unexplored territory that was often, wilderness , The" dangers, toils,and snares" of Newton's lyrics had both literal and
  26. Water was provided by God, but scarcely. In the new Exodus, God will" make the, wilderness ,a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water" ( ISA 41:18).
  27. Him as rightful king. Saul plots David's death, but David flees into the, wilderness , where he becomes a champion of the Hebrews. David joins the Philistines, but
  28. Numbers to the Pentateuch as a whole, Summary God orders Moses, in the, wilderness ,of Sinai, to number those able to bear arms—of all the men" from twenty years
  29. To scout out the land near Jericho (2:1),just as Moses sent spies from the, wilderness ,to scout out the Promised Land (Sum. 13; Debut. 1:19–25). *Joshua led the
  30. Before him. Anthony was, however,the first known ascetic going into the, wilderness , a geographical shift that seems to have contributed to his renown. Anthony is
  31. The Alaska Interior covers most of the U. S. state's territory. It is largely, wilderness , Mountains include Mount McKinley (Denali) in the Alaska Range, the Wrangell
  32. Is in the territory of some municipality. Thus, even in the country's remotest, wilderness ,areas, one is still technically under the jurisdiction of a" city," or at
  33. The people that came out" of Egypt were circumcised, but those" born in the, wilderness ," were not. Therefore, Joshua, before the celebration of the Passover, had them
  34. Whose stern impassion'd stress: A thoroughfare for freedom beat: Across the, wilderness ,.: America! America!: God mend thine eV'Ry flaw, : Confirm thy soul in
  35. Word for glory. ) Many items in the Mishkan, the portable sanctuary in the, wilderness , such as the menorah, many of the vessels, and the Ark of the Covenant, were
  36. Together. He gave her bread and water and sent them away. The two wandered the, wilderness ,of Beersheba until her bottle of water was completely consumed. In a moment of
  37. The American psyche. In Irving's words, the fur traders were" Sinbad of the, wilderness ,", and their venture was a staging point for the spread of American economic
  38. Soil to keep the pH stable, but this tactic is largely unusable in the case of, wilderness ,lands. When calcium is leached from the needles of red spruce, these trees
  39. United States. Interior The largest region of Alaska, much of it uninhabited, wilderness , Fairbanks is the only community of any significant size. Small towns and
  40. Within their central space). Sometimes, on the other hand, they were sited in, wilderness ,areas (e.g. Kennewick and Cheswick in Shetland, Castle Cole in Sutherland).
  41. Farms) in Russia. Glad Sharon was brought into the campaign to make the, wilderness ,bloom in Russia by Getex, a large Russian-based exporter of seeds (peas
  42. S hearts (Her 31:33). " God's place" came to be the Tabernacle in the, wilderness , later the Temple in Jerusalem, and finally the promise of the indwelling
  43. Home impressive trophies and tall tales from their experiences in Alberta's, wilderness , Taxation The province's revenue comes mainly from royalties on non-renewable
  44. In an attempt to imitate his sanctity. The deeper he withdrew into the, wilderness , the more numerous his disciples became. They refused to be separated from him
  45. Promised Land (Sum. 13; Debut. 1:19–25). *Joshua led the Israelites out of the, wilderness ,into the Promised Land, crossing the Jordan River as if on dry ground (3:16)
  46. It saved their lives. As the boy grew, he became a skilled archer living in the, wilderness ,of Pagan. Eventually his mother found a wife for Ishmael from her native
  47. Individual and described nature as a spiritual force. At a time when pristine, wilderness ,was becoming scarce in many parts of Europe, what constitutes“ nature” was
  48. Robert Seaman's; while acknowledging that he spoke" somewhat as a voice in the, wilderness ," Double pleaded that FOR should not be discounted in studies of the question
  49. Enter it and Yahweh condemns the whole generation who left Egypt to die in the, wilderness , The message is clear: failure was not due to any fault in the preparation
  50. Tourism also offers good game viewing and some of the most remote and unspoiled, wilderness ,in Southern Africa. Tourism plays a large role in the Botswana economy. A

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