Examples of the the word, challenging , in a Sentence Context

The word ( challenging ), is the 5206 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Diseases caused by these parasites. Biomedical research on these parasites is, challenging ,because it is often difficult, if not impossible, to maintain live parasite
  2. When the rankings were first published in American Libraries magazine, often, challenging , up-state neighbor Cuyahoga County Public Library for the top spot. CML was
  3. Providing the treatment. " Blinding of the practitioner in acupuncture remains, challenging , One proposed solution to blinding patients has been the development of" sham
  4. The physical basis of qualities, such as redness or pain, has been particularly, challenging , David Chalmers has called this the hard problem of consciousness. Most
  5. Combat illiteracy. He published a column (" Wrong Turn Onto Sesame Street" ), challenging ,federally funded Public Television endowments in favor of educational
  6. Also been made to replicate the Amiga chipset in FPGA chips. One of the most, challenging ,aspects of emulation is the design of the Amiga chipset, which relies on
  7. An appellate court may review a lower court decision de Nova (or completely), challenging , even the lower court's findings of fact. This might be the proper standard of
  8. For the FIPS 140-2 module validation described below. FIPS 140-2 validation is, challenging ,to achieve both technically and fiscally. There is a standardized battery of
  9. Get the best performance out of the Sega Saturn, a console that was notoriously, challenging ,to develop and program games for. The popular arcade game NBA Jam (1993) is
  10. And adolescents reported a similar mixture of findings and concerns. Aggressive, challenging ,behavior in adults with intellectual disability is often treated with
  11. In increasing his comprehension skills and thus decreasing the occurrence of, challenging ,behaviors. Consistent daily use of an individualized visual schedule will
  12. Varies depending upon the theory. The nature of dark energy is one of the most, challenging ,problems in cosmology. A better understanding of dark energy is likely to solve
  13. Are eating lunch, Jade Fox fires a dart with a written message attached to it, challenging ,them to a showdown that night. Following a protracted battle, the group is on
  14. And the creative process" and is" focused primarily on supporting work of a, challenging ,and often experimental nature. " The Artists Rights Society is the U. S.
  15. To most villages and towns within the state that are commercially viable are, challenging ,to provide, so they are heavily subsidized by the federal government through
  16. In an impossible situation. By this time, the German-Austrian state council was, challenging ,his authority in the German-speaking areas of his realm. On 11 November, he
  17. Priors for" regular" one-parameter problems, and each prior can handle some, challenging ,statistical models (with" irregularity" or several parameters). Each of
  18. Contra dancing to techno, hip-hop,and other modern forms of music. While, challenging ,for DJs and callers, the fusion of contra patterns with moves from hip-hop
  19. Lasted just one season. Most of their seasons between 1999 and 2006 were spent, challenging ,for promotion in the upper half of the Football League Second Division. The
  20. Of a young junior high student by her classmates. His next film was the, challenging , controversial dark comedy of sex and perversion in American suburbia—titled
  21. That" Garner's fiction is something special" in that it was" smart and, challenging , based in the here and the now, in which real English places emerged from the
  22. Game or a slam bonus, a change that resulted in bidding becoming much more, challenging ,and interesting. Also, new was the concept of vulnerability, making sacrifices
  23. Written in 2001,John Lewis declared that" Rand wrote the most intellectually, challenging ,fiction of her generation ". In a 1999 interview in the Chronicle of Higher
  24. The battlefield to aid his brothers, and is overheard by Saul, leading to David, challenging ,Goliath and defeating the Philistines. David's warrior credentials lead to
  25. The ACLU filed a lawsuit, ACLU v. NSA, in a federal district court in Michigan, challenging ,government spying in the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy. On August 17
  26. The scene with a raped and battered Dorothy proved to be particularly, challenging , Several townspeople arrived to watch the filming with picnic baskets and rugs
  27. On the agreement. In June 1991 Keating responded by resigning from Cabinet and, challenging ,for the Labor Party leadership. Hawks defeated Keating's leadership challenge
  28. Millet and soybean are also having their genomes sequenced. Some of these are, challenging ,to sequence because they have more than two haploid (n) sets of chromosomes
  29. Daryl Hannah and Sean Young. Casting their roles of Rachael and Paris was also, challenging , and a lengthy series of screen tests, with Morgan Paul playing the role of
  30. On February 7,1837,he fought in a duel with Texas Brig. Gen. Felix Huston, challenging ,each other for the command of the Texas Army; Johnston refused to fire on
  31. Playing to the pitcher's desire to return to his Midwestern roots and, challenging ,Spalding's integrity, Hulbert convinced Spalding to sign a contract to play
  32. In mechanistic terms, but that understanding P-consciousness is much more, challenging ,: he calls this the hard problem of consciousness. Some philosophers believe
  33. That he would be known to posterity as a leader able to implement the most, challenging ,reforms undertaken in Russia since the reign of Peter the Great. The kings that
  34. The question of why the innocent suffer. These texts also share an interest in, challenging ,traditional views of the nature of divine justice. J. B. Curtis in his 1979
  35. Definition of algorithms, corresponding to the intuitive notion, remains a, challenging ,problem. Why algorithms are necessary: an informal definition: For a detailed
  36. Brian and Parks began an intense collaboration that resulted in a suite of, challenging ,new songs for the Beach Boys' next album, which was eventually named Smile.
  37. A lawsuit against the U. S. government with the American Civil Liberties Union, challenging ,its order to kill al-Awlaki. In October 2010,U. S. and U. K. officials linked
  38. Is closed, making access to seaports difficult and transportation logistics, challenging ,to a country largely dependent upon imports. In 2003,Armenia became a member
  39. Case against the Ministry of Education, backed by the Russian Orthodox Church, challenging ,the teaching of just one" theory" of biology in school textbooks as a breach
  40. More than a decade, Yale University neuropsychologist Laura Annelids has been, challenging ,this explanation for the disease. In January 2007,she and her colleagues
  41. Plants are illegal since DMT is a Schedule I drug. That said, some people are, challenging ,this, using arguments similar to those used by Baptist religious sects, such
  42. Displaying considerable sexual dimorphism. The aurochs was regarded as a, challenging ,hunting quarry animal, contributing to its extinction. The last recorded
  43. Privacy unless it has evidence of wrongdoing. " *Immigrants' rights by ", challenging ,unconstitutional laws and practices, countering the myths upon which many of
  44. Design and review process seeks to achieve higher levels. This is especially, challenging ,for lab and research buildings with their intensive energy use; however, the
  45. Society through research integrated with education. We investigate the most, challenging , fundamental problems in science and technology in a singularly collegial
  46. Such as Torah, Dathan and Abram, who meet terrible fates in Numbers 16-17 for, challenging ,Aaron, but also the lines of David's priests Abraham and Radon, as well as
  47. whether this time limit applies when the person moving to vacate is, challenging , not the award itself, but the very contractual obligation to arbitrate in the
  48. Development, without irreversible damage to the environment, proved to be more, challenging ,than establishing international agreements about them. Climate Although 90 % of
  49. His" all-American" image in the late 1950s in favor of more complex and, challenging ,roles, and came to be regarded as one of the best actors of his generation as a
  50. didn't get to show my voice off. The songs were great, but they weren't very, challenging ,". Oops! ... I Did It Again and subsequent albums saw Spears working with

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