Examples of the the word, competence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( competence ), is the 5204 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stimulation, being productive, seeking success, they will develop a sense of, competence , If they are not successful or cannot discover pleasure in the process, they
  2. Can be identified by three elements: good thinkers (concepts),good makers (, competence ,) or good traders (connections). The interplay of these three elements
  3. Revolt," accusing him of" abysmal" military planning and lack of strategic, competence , Scott Ritter, a former intelligence advisor to General Schwarzkopf and UNESCO
  4. Management and Economics In addition to these, Chalmers is home to six national, competence ,centers in key fields like Mathematical Modelling, Environmental Science and
  5. Explicitly handed to the European Union. In some areas the EU enjoys exclusive, competence , These are areas in which member states have renounced any capacity to enact
  6. Of education and cognitive ability are distinguished: a cognitive effect (, competence ,to make rational choices, better information processing) and an ethical effect
  7. Individual ministers issue ministerial orders (arrested) in their fields of, competence , subordinate to statutes and decrees. Contrary to a sometimes used polemical
  8. 7,all invited except Zhydelev and Vasilyevsky gathered in Sony to discuss the, competence ,and structure of the commission to combat counterrevolution and sabotage. The
  9. Reversing its action, it would not take effect in Australia or Canada as the, competence ,of the Imperial Parliament is no longer recognized there in law. One
  10. Primarily in traditional skills. They may function as forums for developing, competence ,and are often the local units of a national employer's organization. In the
  11. Away with both of these issues, but there was some concern about the level of, competence ,of the proposed European Patent Court. A business would be reluctant to obtain
  12. Require a low level of responsibility, and as the new engineers prove their, competence , they are trusted with tasks that have larger consequences and require a higher
  13. National laws. That a particular policy area falls into a certain category of, competence ,is not necessarily indicative of what legislative procedure is used for
  14. Fastidious involvement he exhibited in other branches of the government. His, competence ,as a military strategist was criticized by his contemporaries, however. Although
  15. Only once. Part of the ethos of democracy, however,was the building of general, competence ,by ongoing involvement. In the 5th century version of the democracy, the ten
  16. Quality of instruction can be attributed to a large extent to the above-average, competence ,of the teachers but also to the fact that nearly 7 % of the GDP is spent on
  17. Area. Different legislative procedures are used within the same category of, competence , and even with the same policy area. The distribution of competence s in various
  18. Factors include the learner's developmental status, the perceived prestige and, competence ,of the model, the consequences received by the model, the relevance of the
  19. Ireland or to leave the EU. However, Parliament also revoked its legislative, competence ,over Australia and Canada with the Australia and Canada Acts: although the
  20. 13 of Germany's 99 seats in these elections, mainly due to the perceived, competence ,of Green ministers in the federal government and the unpopularity of the Social
  21. S body by Maynard appeared compelling, but Knight conducted his defense with, competence , Despite being very sick and dying, he questioned the reliability of Spots wood
  22. First, the psychology of cognitive development defines human cognitive, competence ,at successive phases of development. Education aims to help students acquire
  23. To enact legislation. In other areas the EU and its member states share the, competence ,to legislate. While both can legislate, member states can only legislate to the
  24. His death. But he was difficult to diagnose; it was a judgment call. " The, competence ,and ethics of two of the centrally involved medical professionals were
  25. Feelings of well-being and euphoria, energy and motor activity, feelings of, competence ,and sexuality. Athletic performance may be enhanced in sports where sustained
  26. Refers to the evaluation and recognition of the skills, knowledge,and/or, competence ,of a practitioner in the field. Project management certifications come in a
  27. Of the matter came in for heavy criticism. The administrative credibility and, competence ,were called into question by journals from all sides of the political spectrum
  28. Crass commercialism, while for others it stimulated creativity and technical, competence , In fact, most flamenco forms now considered" traditional" were created or
  29. Participate in the Council of the European Union, when matters within their, competence ,are discussed. It also wants to protect the linguistic and cultural diversity
  30. Forces to Pharaohs in 48 BC, though he was quickly losing faith in the, competence ,and righteousness of the Pompeian lot. Eventually, he provoked the hostility of
  31. United States. As a French overseas collectivity, the local government has no, competence ,in justice, education,security and defense, directly provided and administered
  32. Liberal, disagrees with a conservative, they can still respect that person's, competence ,and the integrity of their point of view. This administration can be rightly
  33. Consulting Ericsson covers strategy-, technology-, network-, operations- and, competence ,consulting. Ericsson identifies and addresses opportunities and challenges
  34. Began in 1986. It was the most ambitious round to date, hoping to expand the, competence ,of the GATT to important new areas such as services, capital,intellectual
  35. Took his" unrealistic" heroes from life, citing as an example the extreme, competence ,of the hero of Space hounds of IPC. He reported that E. E. Smith was a large
  36. Takes place and recognizing the factors and processes which enable cognitive, competence ,to develop. Education also capitalizes on cognitive change, because the
  37. This contract early. The trade union Unison has questioned the council's, competence ,in managing major private sector contracts. Press reports indicate that BT are
  38. Itself could not accede to the Convention as it is neither a state nor had the, competence ,to accede. The Lisbon Treaty and Protocol 14 to the ECHR have changed this: the
  39. Union in the Lisbon Treaty, powers which are not either exclusively of European, competence ,or shared between EU and state are retained by the constituent states. Where
  40. Reduction),one researcher found that 1 out of 3 patients" achieved oral, competence ," with 2 out of 3 showing speech improvement. Len Le shin, physician and author
  41. Files into plain text (one example antiword). However, depending on the, competence ,of the translating routines, some information may be lost. Disassembles also
  42. As well as providing strategy-, technology-, network-, operations- and, competence ,consultancy services. The Company offers managed services capabilities within
  43. Research. With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU acquired, competence ,in space matters, and space policy has been attributed to the Competitiveness
  44. Are sometimes considered too abstract to accurately reflect the communicative, competence ,of native speakers. Followers of these arguments believe the less abstract
  45. Critical social theory as a theory of communication,i.e. communicative, competence ,and communicative rationality on the one hand, distorted communication on the
  46. BDSM experience during a session is very strongly dependent upon the top's, competence ,and experience and the bottom's physical and mental state at the time of the
  47. Committee of Ministers can promulgate decisions in the fields for which it has, competence ,- those fields are explicitly set down in the Union Treaty or the additional
  48. Francisco Franco era, so older people speak the language but have no written, competence , The legislative branch consisting of the Galician Parliament; and the judicial
  49. Made against the states who have ratified the protocol. It also extended the, competence ,of three-judge chambers to declare applications made against those states
  50. Have consulted with the United Kingdom whether this falls within their, competence ,or is a security issue, for which the Bermuda Government do not have delegated

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